D&D (2024) Mix multispecies traits

It depends on whether or not you are using that cosmology in 5e. ;) And with a name such as the Elemental Chaos, wouldn't it be True Chaos? 😋
Yeah. What was "Limbo" in the sense of roiling elements, is now the Elemental Chaos, which is True Neutral, namely Elementals, in 5e.

Maybe to disambiguate, it helps to rename the Elemental Chaos, the "Elemental Flux". It still has the sense of Primordial soup of roiling elements. All of the Elemental "energies" are there: Fire (= Radiant, Fire), Water (= Cold), and Air (= Thunder and Lightning). I visualize the Primordial Earth as the Acid of briefly forming and corroding never achieving stable solidity. Meanwhile the fifth element is Ether (= Force).

Calling these roiling Primordial elements the "Flux" seems clear enough.

Meanwhile, Limbo emphasizes its ethics of Chaotic Neutral, namely the inviolability of personal choice. It is a realm of extreme of selfishness, Not Good, not Evil, actually kinda normal, but absolutely selfish.

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"Acheron" has the same problem as "Hades". All of it is now in the Shadowfell, the underworld of the dead.

Acheron is a reallife river in Greece. But Greek traditions strongly identified it with the dead. Mythologically, the River Acheron flows underground into the underworld, where its waters are waters of pain, sorrow, and lost souls.

In other words, Shadowfell.

It is easy to rename the LLE plane "Avalas", which is its first layer, and the other layers are moreorless like it.

I am unsure where the name Avalas derives, but it seems to lack a reallife mythological reference. In Spanish, the verb "avalar" means to "guarantee". This meaning seems fine for a very Lawful plane.

The ethics of Acheron Avalas are perfectly described: harmful conformity. This conformity especially expresses itself as military duty, where armies fight against each other in horrific wars for reasons that both sides have forgotten.

All of the Elemental "energies" are there: Fire (= Radiant, Fire), Water (= Cold), and Air (= Thunder and Lightning). I visualize the Primordial Earth as the Acid of briefly forming and corroding never achieving stable solidity. Meanwhile the fifth element is Ether (= Force).
tangentially, does anyone think it's odd that for a system that references the four elements structure so often that there is no proper 'earth' energy type, (lightning being associated with air happens enough that i can buy that being the 'air element'), similarly i feel like we're really missing a 'nature' energy type for plant based magics and such.

tangentially, does anyone think it's odd that for a system that references the four elements structure so often that there is no proper 'earth' energy type, (lightning being associated with air happens enough that i can buy that being the 'air element'), similarly i feel like we're really missing a 'nature' energy type for plant based magics and such.
I look at the Weapon damage types, namely Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing as the "Earth" damage types. A weapon like a Sword is made out of metal and is clearly the "Earth" element. But Acid is the Earth "energy", the kind of Earth that is found within the Flux of the Primordial, Elemental Chaos.

Air with Thunder and Lightning works well enough.

Water with ice, whence Cold, works well enough. Where Fire and Water are "opposites", so are Fire and Cold damage types.

Fire as a state of matter is plasma, relating to the sun and stars, whence the Radiant damage type. Meanwhile Fire is more strictly "heat" damage.

Plant as the element, "Tree" or "Wood", I think of as a special mix of the other four elements, Fire (sunlight for photosynthesis, and burning wood), Air (oxygen, and growing up high into the air expanding and encompassing like a gas), Water (for nourishment and moisture and sap), and Earth (for soil, and solidity and toughness).

Relatedly, for the schools of magic, I like to see the following applied strictly.

Evocation means exactly the elemental "energies": Air (Thunder, Lightning), Fire (Fire, Radiant), Water (Cold), and "Elemental Chaos" Earth (in the form of Acid).

I look at Illusion as the fifth element Ether, where it is force constructs that make illusions "quasi real" and objective. (Think Star Trek holodeck.) The kind of distortion that is subjective and relates manipulation of a creatures sensory experiences, is a Phantasm, and really belongs to the Enchantment school as mental effects with the Psychic damage type. Meanwhile force constructs like Arcane Armor, "spectral" Mage Hand, Mordenkainens Magnificent Mansion, but also Magic Missile, Shield, Reverse Gravity, Fly, and Telekinesis, can all belong to the Illusion school in the sense of the manipulation of Ethereal Force.

Transmutation is Earth magic. Spells that relate strictly to the Earth element include Mold Earth, Stone Shape, and similar. However, Transmutation extends to the creature types where its state of solidity imbues these life forms with matter. Thus, the Transmutation includes Earth, Plant, and Beast, plus Ooze as an early lifeform that both Plant and Beast evolve from. The Astral dominions of Arborea and Beastlands refer to the "life" of these lifeforms, Plant and Beast, respectively. But it is the element of Earth that refers to the "materiality" of these lifeforms. Earth (clay, stone, gems, metal), Plant (wood, cotton, linen, resin, foods), and sometimes Beast (leather, horn, ivory), together accomplish the fabrication of objects, equipment and structures. Likewise, they accomplish shapeshifting. While healing is part of the protective magic of Abjuration school, the activity of healing would be the Transmutation of the body of a Beast, knitting together in a Plant-like way.

5e continues earlier editions of D&D. At the same time, earlier editions can be conflictive, forcing choices, and todays mechanics and lore sensibilities evolve.

With both the Tiefling and the Ardling Aasimar in mind, I am look at something like the following.

I am using the earlier terminology where "Angel" means any kind of Angel across the alignment dominions. So the 5e kind of Angel that is typically Lawful Good, is specifically the Aasimons (including Solar and Planetar). So here, the Guardinal is the kind of Angel that is native to Beastlands, and typically GCG. Guardinals also inhabit neighboring dominions but originate in Beastlands. Note, the kind of "Angel" that is typically Lawful Evil is the Devils, and so on. Each dominion can have its own kind of Angel be native to it.

In earlier editions, a "Planetouched" tended to assume a Human with actual sexually reproductive ancestry. But there were many exceptions. 5e mentions multiple ways for a character to be planetouched, including Celestials immigrating to the Material Plane, as well Humanoids in the Material Plane being magically transformed by Celestials. As far as I know, 5e hasnt officially used the term "planetouched". It refers to planar "Ancestry" while using the term broadly.

In 5e, the Arboreal Ancestry would be "Elf", while "Eladrin" is the title for the Archfey Celestial "Angel". But because the Elf is now "Any" alignment, it makes less sense for the species to personify a specific alignment, including Chaotic Good.

Items in brackets [ ] mean either: a traditional alternate name is preferable (such as Gray Waste), a mysterious planar origin usefully clarifies here (such as Zenythri and Mercane), or a relocation helps fill in narrative blanks (such as Aberration helping populate the Evil plane).

The term "Aasimar" is used both specifically, from LG Aasimon, as well as vaguely from any Celestial. Similarly, "Tiefling" from LE Devil, as well as vaguely from any Fiend.

I like how 4e handles Elemental "Archons", but the name clashes with meanings in other editions. I want to include the 4e concept here, by a different name. Tentatively, the Rilmani in the outer Elemental Chaos are the Elemental Primorideal types, whence Genasi, while the Rilmani in the inner Spire are cautious True Neutral types.

So far, 5e is remarkably silent about the Upper dominons. I was impressed with how the Thera setting handled these kinds of things. The Planescape setting is coming out soon. I find myself looking forward to it.

CGArboreaArboreal[? Eladrin][? Elf]Celestial
LGMt CelestiaMontanAasimon"Aasimar"Celestial
LLGArcada [!]Arcadan[Mercane]Celestial
LENine HellsInfernalDevil"Tiefling"Fiend
TE[Gray Waste]Yugoloth[Aberration][Kaorti]Fiend
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As far as I know, 5e hasnt officially used the term "planetouched"
In Level Up, Planetouched is a heritage much like how humans and elves in that RPG are heritages. Planetouched | Level Up The Planetouched heritage in Level Up's Adventurer's Guide officially covers the Aasimar and Tiefling. They're referred to as the Immortal Planetouched because of their Immortal Blessing heritage trait. Purple Martin Games' Manual of Adventurous Resources (MoAR): Elementals covers the Genasi or Elemental Planetouched.

In Level Up, Planetouched is a heritage much like how humans and elves in that RPG are heritages. Planetouched | Level Up The Planetouched heritage in Level Up's Adventurer's Guide officially covers the Aasimar and Tiefling. They're referred to as the Immortal Planetouched because of their Immortal Blessing heritage trait. Purple Martin Games' Manual of Adventurous Resources (MoAR): Elementals covers the Genasi or Elemental Planetouched.
I think of Elf and Fey as "immortal" (and Undead are, well, "undead", and I dont think Elementals die from aging).

I tend to use the term "Astral" where Level Up (and 4e) use the term "Immortal".

Among the fiendish Angels, split ELE Devil from LE "Baatezu", and split CCE Demon from CE "Tanarri". Blood Wars are mainly between Baatezu and Tanarri, but all Fiends get caught up in it.

So only LLE Avalas is missing a type of Angel. The Avalan Angel would personify dysfunctional conformity.

LENine HellsInfernalBaatezu
TEGray WasteYugoloth[Aberration]

In 5e, the Eladrin are Fey Elves, and are any Alignment. The 5e version now serves less well for a cosmic manifestation of the Chaotic Good alignment.

What to replace them?

I want to emphasize the "arboreal" aspect of Arborea, namely "trees".

Note, the 5e Treant actually is the Chaotic Good alignment − while also being the Plant creature type. Perhaps the Treant of the Material Plane immigrated from the CG plane of Arborea in the Astral Plane.

Another candidate for Arborea is the 4e Wilden, a player species that is an anthropomorphic Plant. The body is made of entwining rootlike cords, and is agile, while the surface is leafy in places. In 4e the Wilden is Fey, but seems easy to waive as actually from Arborea in Astral Sea, and those immigrating into the Feywild have the largest populations near the portals beween Feywild and Arborea. Unlike the 4e Elf and Eladrin that are "Any" alignment, the 4e Wilden is "Unaligned". This suggests they are actual plants, rather than humanlike personalities. If Wilden are native to Arborea, it means they are manifestations of the cosmic principle of Chaotic Good. Individuals would "typically" be this specific alignment and prioritize Chaotic Good goals over other goals.

The Dryad of Greek traditions is worth mentioning but feels too much like a nature being, connected to a specific tree, or specific forest. Also, they feel neither "Chaotic", nor especially "Good". Individuals might be, but not as a group.

Where GCG Beastland personifies the cosmic principle of animal life, CG Arborea would personify the cosmic principle of plant life. I like how the imagery of Beastland is fluid, anywhere from fully human to fully animal. I want the imagery of Arborea to likewise be fluid, anywhere from fully human to fully tree. The Astral Plane is the "ideas" that designed the multiverse, and especially the Material Plane. Because "humanity is the measure of all things", it is important to me that human imagery is part of the alignment planes, especially Good ideal ones. So whatever the native species of Arborea is, players that choose it for their character concept can choose whether appearing fully human, fully a tree, or some intermediary form in between. Like the Beast Lord is often a human that can shapeshift into an animal, the "Plant Lord" sotospeak is often a human that can shapeshift into a tree. But some "Plant Lords" prefer to partly express the plant nature, such as leaves for hair, or look like a polished wooden statue, much like the 5e Dryad. Some others prefer to appear like an anthropomorphic plant, made out of plants but in a human-esque shape, much like the 4e Wilden. Yet others, prefer a form that is indistinguishable from a tree, until moving in an animate way, like a Treant. While the character grows up from a seed, the character chooses the form that best expresses their unique individuality. This Individualism is the Chaotic aspect of the Chaotic Good alignment. A person must be true to oneself and be the best version of oneself.

For now, I am using the name "Xylon" (the Greek word for "wood", ksulon) that the above describes. The Celestial Xylon replaces the Celestial Eladrin of earlier editions as the "Angel" of Chaotic Good. Some Aasimar have Xylon Ancestry.

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So only LLE Avalas is missing a type of Angel. The Avalan Angel would personify dysfunctional conformity.


Maybe call the the Angel of Avalas, "Legione".

The name refers to "legion", via Latin legion, Middle English legioun, legiun, referring to the largest division of infantry.

"Legione" connotes that "one" entity is and entire "legion".

This LLE Angel personifies an entire army. The appearance of the Angel oscillates between a single military officer, that then fades out while an armed military unit with many soldiers fades in, all around. The more powerful the Legione Angel the more soldiers manifest. The most powerful Legiones manifest around 5000 soldiers. But lesser Legiones may manifest as few as 2 or 3 soldiers. The visage as the officer is when deciding on an action, and the visage as a military is when carrying out the action.

This kind of Angel personifies the harmful aspects of group-think, and is highly persuasive.

Text in brackets [ ] are official but relocating to serve the needs of the alignment dominions. Texts in double brackets [[ ]] are innovations to fill a blank in the official alignment dominions.

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