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[LPF] Evil Unto Evil


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

[sblock=ooc]Working on level up. This one's pretty straightforward; ranged fighting makes a lot of the feat choices for you. Just trying to figure best spell choices, especially from trying to glean the nature of our dead friend. Should hopefully be ready by tonight or tomorrow.[/sblock]

"Call 'em by their titles. Got it," Eanos says when Harry corrects his fellow archer.

Relieved to discover the crypts don't seem to go anywhere, Eanos moves to the charred body of the gravedigger first, wrinkling his nose with the enhanced odor he smells due to his sensory magics.

"Twitchy as their truce is, might be asking for trouble if we bring 'em together and pass on all of Armando's message," Eanos says. "A little more interested in what he wasn't saying, though. Knew all sorts of things about all of us, but cocky as he was, don't think he actually knows who killed him.

"Might be that's the secret to sending him on his way, yes? Find that answer, maybe he finally gets to rest?

"Don't want to leave without checking the gravedigger's shack, though. Working with them like he was, might have something useful in there. He was writing something when we got here..."

Eanos, looking down at the man's charred remains, sighs.

"...which might be a bit charcoaled now, but maybe more of the same's in the shack, yes?"

Eanos Setirav

Initiative: +8
AC: 23 (26 w/ SoF, 25 w/Prot Evil)
HP:61 Current: 55
Senses: Perception 17 (21 scent w/ Bloodhound), Sense Motive 20/24
CMB: +6 CMD: 21 Fort: +6 (+8 w/ purity, +9 w/ Prot evil)
Reflex: +8 (+10 w/ purity, +11 w/ Prot evil)
Will: +9 (+11 w/ purity, +12 w/ Prot evil)
***-4 saves vs odor based effects w/ Bloodhound

* Deadeye's Lore (8 hours, +4 Survival, track at full speed)
* Bloodhound (8 hours, +4 Track stacks with Deadeye, +8 Scent Perception does NOT stack with Bracers' of Falcon's Aim, -4 save vs odor based effects)
* Protection from Evil (+2 ac & Saves vs. evil attacks) (8 minutes)

In Hand: Bow

Common Attacks:

+1 Seeking Comp. Longbow (Str +1)*: Attack: +13/+08 = [BAB (06/01)
+ DEX (05) + Magic (01) + Bracers (01)]
negates miss percentage chances
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 19-20/x3^, range 110'
Spiritual Weapon (Sbow): Attack: +09/+04 = [BAB (06/01) + WIS (03)]
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, range 170' Special: force / spell
All: +2 to hit / +2d6 damage when using Bane ability

* +1 to hit / damage within 30' (point blank shot),
* Deadly Aim available (-2 attack, +4 damage)
^ Crit range increased via Bracer's of Falcon's Aim

Arrows: 24/31
Blunt Arrows: 16/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 23/50 remaining
Disguise kit uses: 9/10 remaining
Spider Climb (boots) minutes: 10/10 remaining

Used: none

Judgement (2 choice per): 1/3 Remaining
Determination: 2/3 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 3/6 remaining
Bane: 3/8 rounds remaining
Discern Lies (DC 17): 6/8 rounds remaining
Dimensional Hop: 65'/80' feet remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (1/5 remaining)(DC 14): Deadeye's Lore, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Lend Judgement, Litany of Sloth, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (3/4 remaining)(DC 15): Bloodhound, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
3rd (2/2 remaining)(DC 16): Blessing of the Mole,* Dispel Magic, Prayer

* Stealth bonus not stackable with ioun stone

Random notes: Syndicate "code phrase": 'Reginald needs a bath.' - false phrase created by Sugar Sweet.[/sblock]

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First Post
Luckily for his writings, the blunt arrow to the back of the head dropped Nom forward, so the fireball charred only his back. The parchment he'd tucked into his front pocket survived a bit crumpled but otherwise it's unscathed. Unfolding the paper, it seems the gravedigger was working on a poem. Well, it's a poem if one uses the broadest possible definition. And based on the number of cross-outs and corrections, he appears to have put quite a lot of work into it. The final draft reads (as far as you can make out from his atrocious penmanship):

To my darleng FLOWER
I am in luve with you evry HOUR
When you ar’int here I am filld with GLUME

Otherwise, the possessions he had on him total: a charcoal pencil, a spade, some shabby workgloves and workboots, a small ring of keys, a pipe, a pouch of cheap tobacco, and a flask filled with some noxious but potent liquor. The key ring has five ornate keys that looks like they'd open the crypts, a cheap-looking key that probably opens his shack, and a smaller key that likely fits a lockbox of some sort.

[sblock=OOC]Heinrich has recovered. It was only for a couple rounds.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

"Sorry friends, My family is . . .important."

He looks at the charred remains of the grave digger, "Sorry if I destroyed information."


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos shakes his head.

"Just bad poetry," Eanos says, holding up the paper which managed to survive thanks to Nom's positioning. He also jangles the keys, though, smiling.

"These might help speed up searching, though, yes?" He holds up the smallest of the keys, adding, "While we're in the shack, keep your eyes out for any kind of lock box or chest. Hopefully, he valued more than his poetry."

Provided the others don't stop him, Eanos moves toward the shack to search it.

[sblock=ooc]Have to update my mini stats for the new level, should have that done tomorrow.[/sblock]


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress


Tyrien nodded as she was corrected by Harry on the use of the two criminal element leaders. She still thought that was the key to resolving the situation. Letting the spirit dispatch both potential killers might cause a hole in the power base of the community, but she was not convinced that would be a bad thing.

However, she realized that Eanos probably had stated the one way to allow the spirit to rest.

“I suppose that makes sense, Eanos. If we learn who killed him, then he would be able to focus his revenge and the needless killing of others would be over.”

“I wonder if they would tell the truth if it will put an end to the murders like they are paying us to solve.”

With an arrow nocked, Tyrien followed Eanos and covered him.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Tyrien e'Adrianne
Initiative: +9 Perception: +19 (low-light vision)
AC: 24 (18 flat-footed, 18 Touch)
HP: 72 Current: 69
CMB: +10 CMD: 29(22ff) Fort: +8 Reflex: +14 Will: +7
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep
Current Conditions in Effect: PBS, Precise Shot, Enhanced Arrows (+1 Dmg), Ioun Stone illumination (in darkness), Deadly Aim (-3Att/+6dmg), Many Shot, Snap Shot, Jingasa Luck (1xday, Immediate neg Critical/Sneak Attack), Combat Reflexes(8 AoO)
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow
Chakrams: 8/8 Remaining

Bardic Performance:
5/5 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Message, Resistance, Mending, Prestidigitation, Know Direction)
1st Level 2/3 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Chord of Shards)[/sblock]


First Post
The key that looks like it goes to the lock on the shack does indeed go into the lock on the shack, although both are of such shoddy construction that the key repeatedly sticks, and when it finally does turn, it fails to engage the tumblers in the lock the first two times. Eventually, you get the lock open, but it probably would have been faster, easier, and less frustrating to just kick the door in.

Inside, the shack is not much different than you might have expected: filthy and littered with dirty dishware and dingy smallclothes. Nom's lockbox is (also unsurprisingly) hidden underneath his cot. Opening it, you find a collection of jewelry which probably belonged to people interred in the cemetery before Nom helped himself to their belongings. A few of the pieces also radiate magical auras which the gravedigger must have been unaware of. There's also a whole sheaf of more terrible poetry, all of which are addressed to "my darleng flower" or "my butifull blume" or some variation on the theme. Most of them talk about how 'butifull' the woman in question is, although a few also talk about how smart she is as well. The least cringeworthy one of these reads:

He can nevir KNOWE
How we are using him SO
We will rulle this town TOGIYTHER
Both of us in luve FORAVER

[sblock=OOC]Nom's loots are:


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos raises an eyebrow as they uncover some of the magical items Nom has collected.

"Man knew how to loot a body, yes?" he says. He points to the bronze headband, adding, "Can't use the ring or the bracers, but think I might get some use out of the headband."

To Heinrich's question, the inquisitor shrugs.

"Might mean there's another force behind Armando, but Armando seemed to think was the other way around. Might explain how he came back after so long. Too vague to know for sure, but ...

Eanos calls to the blind guide. "Anyone hereabouts named after any flowers or suchlike? Might be Nom just can't come up with any other pretty metaphors, but almost all these sappy love odes talk about a flower or a bloom. Makes me wonder if he wasn't trying to play on her name, whoever she is."

"While I'm at it, if we're after a ghost who pops in and out, Gandling have a Mystic Pearl? Might be a scroll or two would be useful if we manage to catch up to Armando so he can't just hop off on us again."

[sblock=ooc]On scrolls, Eanos is thinking about Dimensional Anchor specifically, maybe Halt Undead

I think I've got the mini-stats sorted. I added extra uses / HP and whatnot while keeping the relative totals for lost HP / used stuff the same. Doesn't include the headband yet. I don't think either of the others have a use for it, but I figure Eanos would probably wait to make sure.[/sblock]

Eanos Setirav

Initiative: +8
AC: 23 (26 w/ SoF, 25 w/Prot Evil)
HP:68 Current: 61
Senses: Perception 18 (22 scent w/ Bloodhound), Sense Motive 21/25
CMB: +6 CMD: 21 Fort: +6 (+8 w/ purity, +9 w/ Prot evil)
Reflex: +9 (+10 w/ purity, +11 w/ Prot evil)
Will: +9 (+11 w/ purity, +12 w/ Prot evil)
***-4 saves vs odor based effects w/ Bloodhound

* Deadeye's Lore (8 hours, +4 Survival, track at full speed)
* Bloodhound (8 hours, +4 Track stacks with Deadeye, +8 Scent Perception does NOT stack with Bracers' of Falcon's Aim, -4 save vs odor based effects)
* Protection from Evil (+2 ac & Saves vs. evil attacks) (8 minutes)

In Hand: Bow

Common Attacks:

+1 Seeking Comp. Longbow (Str +1)*: Attack: +13/+08 = [BAB (06/01)
+ DEX (05) + Magic (01) + Bracers (01)]
negates miss percentage chances
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 19-20/x3^, range 110'
Spiritual Weapon (Sbow): Attack: +09/+04 = [BAB (06/01) + WIS (03)]
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, range 170' Special: force / spell
All: +2 to hit / +2d6 damage when using Bane ability

* +1 to hit / damage within 30' (point blank shot),
* Deadly Aim available (-2 attack, +4 damage)
^ Crit range increased via Bracer's of Falcon's Aim
Many Shot: 1st attack of Full attack uses 2 arrows for damage on a hit.

Arrows: 24/31
Blunt Arrows: 16/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 23/50 remaining
Disguise kit uses: 9/10 remaining
Spider Climb (boots) minutes: 10/10 remaining

Used: none

Judgement (2 choice per): 1/3 Remaining
Determination: 3/4 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 3/6 remaining
Bane: 4/9 rounds remaining
Discern Lies (DC 17): 7/9 rounds remaining
Dimensional Hop: 75'/90' feet remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (2/6 remaining)(DC 14): Deadeye's Lore, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Lend Judgement, Litany of Sloth, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (4/5 remaining)(DC 15): Bloodhound, Ghostbane Dirge, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
3rd (4/4 remaining)(DC 16): Blessing of the Mole,* Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Prayer

* Stealth bonus not stackable with ioun stone

Random notes: Syndicate "code phrase": 'Reginald needs a bath.' - false phrase created by Sugar Sweet.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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