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[LPF] Evil Unto Evil


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos steps toward the groaning man, picking up the arrow which bounced off clean and returning it to his quiver.

"Mack should have been a better listener," Eanos says in response to Harry. "Taking his Black Blade to the other side now, yes?" he offers by way of sympathy to the wounded guide.

The human chosen of Issolatha draws a wand from its place tucked in his belt. A few whispered words from the inquisitor and the runes along its surface flare briefly. He touches the end to his wounds until he's' satisfied what's left is manageable, then crosses to Blind Harry.

"Let's get that extra stick out from your leg, yes? Do you have healing potions or a wand? Can patch you up with mine if need be. Then you can help us ask the one we left alive why The Black Blades think it's open season, yes?"

[sblock=ooc]CLW charges on self. (1d8+1=4, 1d8+1=2, 1d8+1=8)

14 HP healed to 47.

CLW charge on self. (1d8+1=8)

Another 8 for 55. I'll stick there for now.

Eanos is willing to use a charge or two on Harry if need be.

I think Tyrien's able to activate her wand without help, but if Heinrich wants Eanos to activate his, assume he does. Just go ahead and roll the healing for however many charges you're using out of his want, SDW.

Out of the gear, the potion of invisibility is probably the only thing Eanos would ask the party to keep. He has the spell, himself, so he doesn't need to carry it, but extra invisible is never a bad thing to have on hand. :)[/sblock]

Eanos Setirav

Initiative: +8
AC: 23 (26 w/ SoF)
HP:61 Current: 55
Senses: Perception 17 (22 scent w/ Bloodhound), Sense Motive 20/24
CMB: +6 CMD: 21 Fort: +6
Reflex: +8
Will: +9
***-4 saves vs odor based effects w/ Bloodhound

Conditions: Deadeye's Lore (8 hours, +4 Survival, track at full speed), Bloodhound (8 hours, +4 Track stacks with Deadeye, +8 Scent Perception (does NOT stack with Bracers' of Falcon's Aim) , -4 save vs odor based effects)
In Hand: Bow

Common Attacks:

+1 Seeking Comp. Longbow (Str +1)*: Attack: +13/+08 = [BAB (06/01)
+ DEX (05) + Magic (01) + Bracers (01)]
negates miss percentage chances
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 19-20/x3^, range 110'
Spiritual Weapon (Sbow): Attack: +09/+04 = [BAB (06/01) + WIS (03)]
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, range 170' Special: force / spell
All: +2 to hit / +2d6 damage when using Bane ability

* +1 to hit / damage within 30' (point blank shot),
* Deadly Aim available (-2 attack, +4 damage)
^ Crit range increased via Bracer's of Falcon's Aim

Arrows: 25/31
Blunt Arrows: 19/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 23/50 remaining
Disguise kit uses: 9/10 remaining
Spider Climb (boots) minutes: 10/10 remaining

Used: none

Judgement (2 choice per): 2/3 Remaining
Determination: 2/3 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 6/6 remaining
Bane: 6/8 rounds remaining
Discern Lies (DC 17): 8/8 rounds remaining
Dimensional Hop: 65'/80' feet remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (2/5 remaining)(DC 14): Deadeye's Lore, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Lend Judgement, Litany of Sloth, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (3/4 remaining)(DC 15): Bloodhound, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
3rd (2/2 remaining)(DC 16): Blessing of the Mole,* Dispel Magic, Prayer

* Stealth bonus not stackable with ioun stone

Random notes: Syndicate "code phrase": 'Reginald needs a bath.' - false phrase created by Sugar Sweet.[/sblock]

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Heinrich looks to Eanos and says, "I haf wand to use on Harry und I, if you please magister? I am not skilled in proper use, just haf in case of emergency like now."


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress


Tyrien cast a healing spell of her own before drawing out her wand to finish dealing with her wounds. It only took two charges and the skin where the thugs' weapon had drew blood was completely repairs and unblemished. The wonders of modern medicine. She use another cantrip to clean up the residual blood.

Not caring a lick over the dead thugs, she collected some arrows to replenish her stock since Eanos and Heinrich had the blind man taken care of.

Tyrien started checking the dead ones for anything in their pockets as she asked Harry, "Since you know who these prigs were, mayhap you can tell us about them. The more we know beforehand, the better the interrogation of the one dung-head we left alive."

[sblock=Crunch]Cast Prestidigitation & CLW Spell: 1D8+1 = [8]+1 = 9
Use her wand: CLW Wand: 1D8+1 = [8]+1 = 9 & CLW Wand: 1D8+1 = [5]+1 = 6
[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Tyrien e'Adrianne
Initiative: +9 Perception: +18 (low-light vision)
AC: 24 (18 flat-footed, 18 Touch)
HP: 64 Current: 64
CMB: +9 CMD: 28(21ff) Fort: +8 Reflex: +14 Will: +6
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep
Current Conditions in Effect: PBS, Precise Shot, Enhanced Arrows (+1 Dmg), Ioun Stone illumination (in darkness), Deadly Aim (-2Att/+4dmg), Many Shot, Snap Shot, Jingasa Luck (1xday, Immediate neg Critical/Sneak Attack)
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow
Chakrams: 8/8 Remaining

Bardic Performance:
5/5 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Message, Resistance, Mending, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 1/2 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration)[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Heinrich looks to the unconscious bandit and says, " Ha, she called you a Seits Kampf. It fits. you are in deep Sheit now." Then to every one, "So where to interrogate? When? Now or after where we go next?"


First Post
Harry winces in pain as the arrow is removed, but takes it gamely. He stands up with a surprised look on his face. "Healing magics? For me? Thank you very kindly, sir."

He nods to Tyrien. "This lot'd be the Black Blades. The one that was up top was Mack Black. The others would be Silk Pete, Boris, and Cheesewright. The one that's still breathing sounds like Cheesewright, I think. He's missing half an ear?"

After you confirm that this is the case, Harry continues, "That'd be him, then. He talked in an unflattering way about Ms. Sweet one time, and word got around to her. Most folk consider that he got off pretty lucky, all things considered. Anyway, these four were a small-time band of independents that the Crew and the Syndicate kept around, because sometimes it's useful for them to have ... what's the phrase? 'Plausible deniability,' I think it's called. There's a few groups like them around. The Syndicate and the Crew hire them out for odd jobs, so long as they don't get any big ideas about moving up in the world. If that happens, Ms. Sweet or Mr. Rahor goes and sorts things out, as it were. Mr. Black and the Blades didn't like the arrangement much, but it kept them in ale."


. . . . Blind Harry . . . .


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

"Totally self-serving, Harry," Eanos says, winking his thanks to Heinrich as he takes the wizard's healing wand for the task. "Any more welcome wagons, I'll need my hands free instead of carrying our guide, yes?" He gives the blind man a comeradely pat on the shoulder, then applies the wand to the nasty looking leg wound.

When Harry's back up and about, he does the same for Heinrich, then returns the wizard's wand to him and looks to make sure Tyrien needs no assistance checking the bodies.

"Might be he just got big for his britches seeing someone poke holes in the powers that be," Eanos thinks aloud about the small crew, "'Specially if he was chomping at his overlords' bit. Hopefully Cheese brains'll give us a better idea," he finishes.

At Heinrich's question, he shakes his head. "Not dragging this one all over town if we can help it," he says, nodding to Cheesewight. "Get what we're getting out of him now, though maybe not in the middle of the street, yes?" he offers, looking toward the rooftops cautiously. "Any place close we might be able to use, Harry? If not, don't figure this one's gonna complain if we use the closest alley, yes?"

[sblock=ooc]I don't know how many charges each person wants / needs, so I'm just going to roll two for each, and if either wants more, he can roll them himself and assume Eanos administers them. If not, Heinrich just needs to deduct 4 charges.

CLW charges for Heinrich and Harry.: 1D8+1 = [2]+1 = 3
1D8+1 = [6]+1 = 7
1D8+1 = [1]+1 = 2
1D8+1 = [8]+1 = 9

I'm an idiot, by the way. If you look for Eanos rolls, you'll find a second set of CLW rolls because I got 4 in my head and made that the bonus. Above is the re-roll with the proper bonus. Just wanted to be up front about what happened there. [/sblock]

Eanos Setirav

Initiative: +8
AC: 23 (26 w/ SoF)
HP:61 Current: 55
Senses: Perception 17 (22 scent w/ Bloodhound), Sense Motive 20/24
CMB: +6 CMD: 21 Fort: +6
Reflex: +8
Will: +9
***-4 saves vs odor based effects w/ Bloodhound

Conditions: Deadeye's Lore (8 hours, +4 Survival, track at full speed), Bloodhound (8 hours, +4 Track stacks with Deadeye, +8 Scent Perception (does NOT stack with Bracers' of Falcon's Aim) , -4 save vs odor based effects)
In Hand: Bow

Common Attacks:

+1 Seeking Comp. Longbow (Str +1)*: Attack: +13/+08 = [BAB (06/01)
+ DEX (05) + Magic (01) + Bracers (01)]
negates miss percentage chances
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 19-20/x3^, range 110'
Spiritual Weapon (Sbow): Attack: +09/+04 = [BAB (06/01) + WIS (03)]
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, range 170' Special: force / spell
All: +2 to hit / +2d6 damage when using Bane ability

* +1 to hit / damage within 30' (point blank shot),
* Deadly Aim available (-2 attack, +4 damage)
^ Crit range increased via Bracer's of Falcon's Aim

Arrows: 25/31
Blunt Arrows: 19/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 23/50 remaining
Disguise kit uses: 9/10 remaining
Spider Climb (boots) minutes: 10/10 remaining

Used: none

Judgement (2 choice per): 2/3 Remaining
Determination: 2/3 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 6/6 remaining
Bane: 6/8 rounds remaining
Discern Lies (DC 17): 8/8 rounds remaining
Dimensional Hop: 65'/80' feet remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (2/5 remaining)(DC 14): Deadeye's Lore, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Lend Judgement, Litany of Sloth, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (3/4 remaining)(DC 15): Bloodhound, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
3rd (2/2 remaining)(DC 16): Blessing of the Mole,* Dispel Magic, Prayer

* Stealth bonus not stackable with ioun stone

Random notes: Syndicate "code phrase": 'Reginald needs a bath.' - false phrase created by Sugar Sweet.[/sblock]


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress


Tyrien looked around at the three dead bodies and then at her companions. The town was run by criminals already so she hardly thought they even needed to quibble about things too much. The nearest alley was only a few paces away and she grabbed the dead Mack by the ankle with her free hand and dragged him there.

“Right here is probably good enough for us to take whatever gear they have worth selling to compensate us for our troubles and interrogate the live one.”

“Though, after what Harry says I am of the mind we are not going to learn a whole lot more. I just don’t think they are behind the murders and even if Mack Black knew something important, he is already dead.”

[sblock=Mini Stats]Tyrien e'Adrianne
Initiative: +9 Perception: +18 (low-light vision)
AC: 24 (18 flat-footed, 18 Touch)
HP: 64 Current: 64
CMB: +9 CMD: 28(21ff) Fort: +8 Reflex: +14 Will: +6
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep
Current Conditions in Effect: PBS, Precise Shot, Enhanced Arrows (+1 Dmg), Ioun Stone illumination (in darkness), Deadly Aim (-2Att/+4dmg), Many Shot, Snap Shot, Jingasa Luck (1xday, Immediate neg Critical/Sneak Attack)
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow
Chakrams: 8/8 Remaining

Bardic Performance:
5/5 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Message, Resistance, Mending, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 1/2 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration)[/sblock]


First Post
Harry seems to agree with Tyrien. "It's not a particularly big deal around here, sirs and ma'am. Word will get around to Nom and then he'll be along with the cart to take care of these gents. Take what you want from the bodies, talk to Cheesewright if you want, and the natural order of Gandling will sort the rest out."

A groan comes from the fallen bandit. "Where am ... oh sh--!" he says, struggling to stand and failing. "Look, Harry will tell you, it was just business ... and it was Mack's idea, okay?" The man's eyes are bleary and unfocused -- he seems to be dealing with a bit of a concussion. But then, it doesn't seem like he's the keenest thinker even at the best of times.

Harry turns toward Eanos. "It being Mack's idea, that's almost certainly the truth, sir." He turns back to Cheesewright. "But I took a javelin in the leg just now, and I'm inclined to take it a bit personal, Cheesewright."

"That was Boris, not me, Harry! Look, what do you guys want to know? I'll tell you everything I've got if you let me go afterwards, and you'll never see me again. I swear! I'll go ... go be a farmer ... or a shepherd ... anything! Just please don't give me over to Sugar Sweet!"


. . . . Blind Harry . . . . . . Cheesewright . . . .


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

"Works for me," Eanos says as Harry and Tyrien make clear the unique social contract that seems to be in place in Gandling. He takes a cue from Tyrien and snags a few arrows to refresh his own supply.

"Look who wants to negotiate now he's alone," Eanos says. He crosses to Cheesewight and squats in front of him, his eyes clear and cold as he stares down the man.

"Tell us what you know, and we'll decide if it's worth keeping Sweet from having her fun, yes?"

Here he holds up the ornate silver key that hangs from his neck, and there's the briefest change in the quality of the color in the inquisitor's eyes. "Answer careful. Mine's the Lady of Secrets, and she's taught me plenty well how to spot a liar.

So: What, exactly, was Mack's idea? Take us out for the killer, and then what? Trust word of mouth to get Mack on the killer's good side? Seems like a wild hope to risk Sweet for. Did he have any kind of line on who was doing it? How'd he plan to avoid just being the next victim when everyone else was dead and gone? Any other of the freelance crews in on this broken-headed plan?"

[sblock=ooc]Activating Silver Tongued Haggler for the Sense Motive check. I can never remember if you can take 10 on those, but the bonus is enough I'll risk it and roll:

Sense Motive with Silver Tongue: 1D20+24 = [6]+24 = 30

Sigh. Well, it's reasonably solid. We'll try that for now, and if Eanos gets any nagging sense that things aren't quite right with our boy, he'll kick in a Discern Lies round[/sblock]

Eanos Setirav

Initiative: +8
AC: 23 (26 w/ SoF)
HP:61 Current: 55
Senses: Perception 17 (22 scent w/ Bloodhound), Sense Motive 20/24
CMB: +6 CMD: 21 Fort: +6
Reflex: +8
Will: +9
***-4 saves vs odor based effects w/ Bloodhound

Conditions: Deadeye's Lore (8 hours, +4 Survival, track at full speed), Bloodhound (8 hours, +4 Track stacks with Deadeye, +8 Scent Perception (does NOT stack with Bracers' of Falcon's Aim) , -4 save vs odor based effects)

In Hand: Bow

Common Attacks:

+1 Seeking Comp. Longbow (Str +1)*: Attack: +13/+08 = [BAB (06/01)
+ DEX (05) + Magic (01) + Bracers (01)]
negates miss percentage chances
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 19-20/x3^, range 110'
Spiritual Weapon (Sbow): Attack: +09/+04 = [BAB (06/01) + WIS (03)]
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, range 170' Special: force / spell
All: +2 to hit / +2d6 damage when using Bane ability

* +1 to hit / damage within 30' (point blank shot),
* Deadly Aim available (-2 attack, +4 damage)
^ Crit range increased via Bracer's of Falcon's Aim

Arrows: 31/31
Blunt Arrows: 19/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 23/50 remaining
Disguise kit uses: 9/10 remaining
Spider Climb (boots) minutes: 10/10 remaining

Used: none

Judgement (2 choice per): 2/3 Remaining
Determination: 2/3 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 5/6 remaining
Bane: 6/8 rounds remaining
Discern Lies (DC 17): 8/8 rounds remaining
Dimensional Hop: 65'/80' feet remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (2/5 remaining)(DC 14): Deadeye's Lore, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Lend Judgement, Litany of Sloth, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (3/4 remaining)(DC 15): Bloodhound, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
3rd (2/2 remaining)(DC 16): Blessing of the Mole,* Dispel Magic, Prayer

* Stealth bonus not stackable with ioun stone

Random notes: Syndicate "code phrase": 'Reginald needs a bath.' - false phrase created by Sugar Sweet.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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