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[LPF] Expansion


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"Aside from my summoning capabilities, which are decent enough. I have no directly offensive spells in my repertoire. Though I do have some relatively useful defensive and utility spells." Veniarus explains.
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OOC: Meh...

"I suppose it would be best however if we conclude this debate about my abilities as what potential co-workers feel about my abilities is unimportant so long as the employer is satisfied with my capabilities." With that said, Veniarus turns to the man and lizardfolk and says "I assume then that one of you is the employer of these ladies?"
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The human gentleman speaks up at the latest query. "I am their current employer, yes. Mr. Adolfo Savi, of Savi Brother's Inc. down in Venza. I had to conduct some business here and hired these and a few others who have had to part ways with us to get me her and back safely. I would disagree about their opinions being unimportant, though, as group cohesiveness is an important quality to have. Perhaps it is time for Two Tails here to get his chance to speak about the immediate concern at hand, and we can discuss the larger project afterwards."

"Indeed, my foreman would much prefer that those rogues are dealt with sooner rather than later I am sure, and I suspect these gentlemen are exactly what your group required to be able to hopefully deal with them once and for all. As I said before, they are currently moving some stuff in one of my smaller warehouses under the concerned eye of my most experienced foreman. All I ask is that you not to spill too much blood or break too many crates; I am perennially short on quality crates and, while I understand that some will probably get broken, I would prefer as few as possible. I suspect they are armed, even though they don't have any obvious or major weapons on them. Whenever you are ready, just talk to my foreman at the front of the warehouse, and he will gladly give you the room you need. I look forward to hearing about your success in corralling these bandits." The lizardfolk gives you directions and all pertinent information to get to the warehouse before excusing himself and going over to talk to one of the merfolk swimming in the pool about some business.

"I'll be finishing up the contract details later on, so if I'm not here right when you get back, I will be shortly after. And gentlemen, if you haven't experienced the merbeer yet, I would recommend doing so this evening. It's a unique flavor well worth the experience." After brief explanation of the situation, Adolfo, too, excuses himself, eager to make as many business contacts as he can while in Tritower.

[sblock=brief synapsis]For full details, read the thread up to this point, the situation surrounding the bandits is spelled out in great detail. Briefly, though, there are some bandits who were involved in a botched robbery that ended with the goods being recovered, but Adolfo's brother was killed, and the bandits escaped, in the process. The party, having good reason to believe these bandits were in town, tracked them down, and Two Tails, the lizardfolk merchant, has provided his warehouse as an isolated venue for the party to try to capture/deal with them.[/sblock]


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"Group cohesiveness, huh? I wasn't the one who called a sentient creature a common pack animal." Kalius says to himself with a rather indignant look on his face. To which Veniarus gives the emotionally hurt creature a pat on the shoulder and says "It could have been worse my friend, she could have called you a lemming." which gets a nasty look from Kalius and Veniarus laughs at his friends discomfiture.


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Saktouk Bekloric, half-orc monk

OOC: Thanks for the quick catch-up sunshadow21

"Let's delay no longer. The sooner we get these guys the sooner we can enjoy the rest of our time here."

"Aye," the half-orc monk agrees, "And then we can celebrate with ... merbeer, he called it?" His eyes light up at the opportunity to sample a new beer, but Saktouk brings his attention back to the group.

"So, then, do ye prefer the quiet way or the raucous one? I'm guessin' the first, what with not wanting to break boxes, aye?"


Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric

As the summoner, who let his beast do the talking initially, doesn't stop and wait for answers, Ariel decides the questions and comments are not that important and doesn't bother to answer them later. She is content that Megan made the point about being careful where the mage points his arcane finger.

Since Master Savi is not interested in any credentials for adding others to the pay-roll, the war-maiden doesn't give it another thought, planning to judge them by their actions regardless.

With the directions in hand, Ariel stands up and grasps her longspear. A look of anticipation on her face and glint in her eye, she declares, "Finally, we can deal with those villains! Let us be off. And bring the... ah, lemming? Or whatever you called it, Venarius."

Her breastplate grates rhythmically with her stride, stealth is not for her.

"When we get close, perhaps some scouting of the area would be in order, Megan. If we can find the best way in to catch these nefarious curs unawares that would be best. We are not wanting them to escape."

When the time comes, Ariel will provide Megan with some spiritual Guidance to assist her in being more stealthy.
OOC: Before we engage in combat, Ariel will be wanting to cast a few more spells in preparation.
[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +2
AC: 18 (20 with shield, 16 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +5 Reflex: +4 Will: +7 (+8 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity
Conditions if Effect: none

Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear
Javelins: 5/5 Remaining

Fire Bolt: 6/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 4/4 (Bless, Doom, Shield of Faith, Burning Hands)
2nd Level 3/3 (Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Barkskin) [/sblock]___________________________________________

Ariel Esimae


OOC: As multiple people have brought it up now, I think it bears clarifying. Adolfo doesn't insist on having formal interviews because he knows full well that by testing prospective employees on a trial run in the field, he'll get all the credentials and information he needs to make an informed decision.

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Audra sips her wine and smiles at the inquiries about drinking. Her eyebrows do a rather pronounced high jump as the Half-Orc identifies where he is from.

I have heard whispers of the place. I've been told very little detail about it, other than, supposedly, it is reserved specifically for those of Dwarven birth. Perhaps once we deal with this riff-raff we can share stories.

As the discussion turns to business, she excuses herself and departs for upstairs. Retrieving her nunchucks (which look awfully worn) she returns to the main room and rejoins her companions. She returns to the mention of merbeer and smiles.

The Merbeer isn't bad. Even better if you can get some oysters on the half shell in the raw. But, business before pleasure, as they say, no? I am ready when you are. I can even help with checking out the warehouse if desired.


First Post
Saktouk Bekloric, half-orc monk

I have heard whispers of the place. I've been told very little detail about it, other than, supposedly, it is reserved specifically for those of Dwarven birth. Perhaps once we deal with this riff-raff we can share stories.

Saktouk blushes slightly as Audra points out the usual racial profile for a member of his order. "Aye, well, sometimes the Dwarves will make an exception, lucky for me," he says, and nods his agreement to expand on the details after the misson.

I can even help with checking out the warehouse if desired.

"I've not a step so light as yer half-elf friend, but I can manage a fair bit o' stealth, meself," Saktouk offers, as well.

OOC: Saktouk's Stealth is +6. Okay, trying out the mini-stats. Lemme know if I'm missing something.

[sblock=mini stats]Saktouk Bekloric
Initiative: +2
Perception: +6
AC: 15 (12 flat-footed, 15 Touch)
HP: 13 Current: 13
CMB: +4 CMD: 19 Fort: +4 (+6 vs poison & drugs, +8 vs alcohol)
Reflex: +5 Will: +5

Conditions in Effect: none

Current Weapon in Hand: unarmed
Shuriken: 20/20 Remaining

Elemental Fist: 1/1 remaining[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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