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[LPF] Into the Wilds Part 1

Deuce Traveler

As Snorri climbs past the pit, he hears a scuffling noise. A low moan rumbles through the air and you see a monstrous ogre wreathed in blue flames at the top of the stairs. The tortured wail fills the cramped stair as the flying ogre hurtles down the steps! Snorri is trapped between a charging, flaming ogre and the pit trap behind him.

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Snorri Ironaxe, Stonelord (Paladin 1)

No time for words, Snorri sidesteps toward the right wall and brings his war axe around in an arcing backhand motion, aiming for the flaming ogres ankle in an attempt to trip the creature as he tries his best to hug the wall

[sblock=Combat maneuver]bear with me, this is my very first PF combat round! :)
5' step to wall if appropriate
[roll0]( not sure if this is needed)

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Snorri Ironaxe Stonelord (paladin) 1st level
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Darkvision 60 ft.
Speed: 20'

AC: 18/23* (touch 11; flat-footed 17/22*) HP: 12/ 12 (*+4 vs giant types)
CMB: +3 CMD: 14
Fort: +4 Ref: +1 Will: +3

Defensive Training: Gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the giant sub-type.
Hatred: Dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes because of their special training against these hated foes
Stonecunning: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.

In Hand:Dwarven Waraxe: Attack: +3 = [BAB (+1) + Ability (+2) + Misc (0) + Magic (0)]
Damage: 1d10+2, Crit: 20/x3, Slashing
Off Hand:Heavy Wooden Shield: Attack: +3 = [BAB (+1) + Ability (+2) + Misc (0) + Magic (0)]
Damage: 1d4+2, Crit: 20/x2, Bludgeoning

Conditions: None yet

Character Sheet


Maenor Thandgur


At the appearance of the ogre Maenor quickly conjures a vial of acid which he hurls at the creature. "You think we'd have heard it coming!" His statement is accompanied by a roguish grin. Despite the ogre's sudden appearance he seems calm and relaxed, perhaps even amused by the turn of events.

Cast Acid Splash:[roll0]

[sblock=Maenor Thandgur Mini-Stats]Maenor Thandgur
AC: 15 (11 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 10/10
CMB: +0
CMD: 14

Fort: +3
Reflex: +3
Will: +3

Knowledge (Arcana): +7
Knowledge (History): +8
Perception: +2
Spellcraft: +7
Use Magic Device: +4

Arcane Pool: 4/4

Concentration: +6

Prepared Spells:
Cantrips (DC 13)
• Acid Splash
• Light
Level 1 (DC 14)
• Chill Touch

Current Weapon in Hand: Wakizashi, +4, 1d6+3, 18-20 x2
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: None
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Brog's eye's light up as the readied arrow flies at the foe that shows itself before the bow is dropped to the ground. The waraxe is drawn as the eager warior, moving deftly up the stairway, lets loose a loud battle cry in dwarven, "My axe shall be bathed in your blood, dark fiend."

[sblock=actions] shortbow attack, damage: 1D20+6 = [10]+6 = 16
1D6+2 = [1]+2 = 3

waraxe attack, damage: 1D20+6 = [12]+6 = 18
1D10+5 = [6]+5 = 11

[sblock=ministats]AC: 15 (Touch 11, Flatfooted 14) -1 because he doesn't have his shield out, +4 vs giants
*+4 vs Giants
HP: 14/14 Initiative: +1
Perception : +7 Sense Motive: +8
CMB: +3 CMD: 14
*+4 vs bull-rush, trip when on ground
Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: +4
*+2 vs poison, spells, spell-like abilities
Current Weapon in Hand: Shortbow
Current Conditions in Place: dwarven waraxe being used two handed[/sblock]


[sblock=Hesitation]I feel like this scene could get really messy in a hurry since we haven't rolled for initiative yet or gotten the word from DT to post combat actions. I'm going to wait to post IC until he says for sure that he's ready for us. We could be resolving a surprise round (seems unlikely since we heard and saw the enemy but I can't say for sure) wherein only the enemy acts, or a number of other scenarios that would not yet call for our own actions.

In case it's appropriate soon, here is the initiative roll for Caius:

Deuce Traveler

Snorri is hit by the ogre, and is thrown into the pit by the force of the impact. The ogre topples in next to him and comes to a still, inanimate halt. Which is odd since the strikes against it all seemed to miss ineffectively.

As you are recovering from what you just saw, a shout is heard from the top of the steps where three javelin-wielding goblins can be seen.

OOC: Roll for initiative. Snorri was only glanced as he made a move to get out of the way, but he still has a spike go partially through his leg as a piece of him falls into the pit.

Snorri damage
Goblin Initiative

Voidrunner's Codex

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