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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Memories of the Past


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Growing quite frustrated Rak'Tan says "Fine, if it's another deal we must make then make it with me foul creature! No more games, just tell us which is the correct door!"
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Zinnelis Laediril, Elven Ranger (Level 1)


“LIke to like?” Zinnelis mused, considering Etan’s suggestion. He studied the doors for anything that might resemble the Heart of the Lady, or anything else that might give them a hint of which direction they needed to go next.


[sblock=Zinnelis Laerdiril Mini Stats]Zinnelis Laerdiril
HP: 11/11 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 13 T: 12
Initiative: +5
CMB: +3 CMD: 16
Fort: +2 Reflex: +5 Will: +2
Perception: +8
Sense Motive: +2 (Favored Enemy +4)
Stealth: +7
Track: +8 (Favored Enemy +10)
Longbow::+4, 1d8, Crit: 20/x3, P, 100 feet
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 feet
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Arrows Available: 57; Cold Iron 55
Longsword: +3, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Dagger: +3, 1d4+2, 19/x2, S, P
Thrown: +4, 1d4+2, 19/x2, S, P, 10 feet
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 feet
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Favored Enemy: Magical Beasts +2

Spells Prepared

Armed: Longbow, Longsword
Conditions: None

Game Notes:
Light Horse(Daisy)(75 gp)(161/230 Heavy encumbered, speed 40, max Dex +1, Check Penalty -6)
Riding tricks: come, heel, stay
Bit and Bridle (2 gp)(1 lb)
Riding saddle (10 gp)(25 lbs)
Saddlebags (4 gp)(8 lbs)
Owe Autumn 95 gp



Torgrimr turns to Rak'tan. His face is all eager despite the tiefling's anger.

"You would make a deal? What did you have in mind? A test of strength and skill?"

Zinnelis looks about the chamber with its numerous doors covering every surface of the walls, floor, and ceiling. The variety of doors is astounding. A wide door the color of gold, near another, smaller door with red flaking paint covering its surface catches his eye. A squat, green door with heavy runes branded onto its surface. A plain wooden door with a rope handle. An arched door with another smaller door inset. A door, high up and near the corner, hinged on either side that swings freely in the middle. Tens of doors, perhaps hundreds, but none yet feel right to Zinnelis' examination.

[sblock=OOC]One good Perception, one not so good. Keep searching <wink>[/sblock]


First Post
"If it will help little Etan I will take your foolish test if I must! If I do that which you wish of me you must tell us the right way, no more games for I grow quickly frustrated!" shouts Rak'Tan at the fey creature, with a slight nod towards the greatsword on his back.

[sblock=OOC] If things go south here I really hope we're assuming I have that cold iron in my possession haha. [/sblock]


[section]Autumn Foxfire - Natural Mystic

Autumn starts squinting around at all of the different doors in the chamber, mindful of Rak'tan's new challenge too.


Perception: [roll0]

Right hand:
Left hand: Bow

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet

HP: 23/23 NL: 0
: 14 FF:12 T:12

Initiative: +2
CMB: 4 CMD: 16
Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +7

Acrobatics: +10
Climb: +6
Diplomacy: -2
K. Arcana: +2
K. Local: +2
K. Nature: +7 (+9 travel in wild, avoid hazards, predict weather)
K. Religion: +2
Perception: +15
Sense Motive: +4
Spellcraft: +5
Stealth: +3
Survival: +12 (+14 in wild, avoid hazards, predict weather)
Wild Empathy: +1

Longsword: +5, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
C. Longbow: +5, 1d8+2, 20/x3, P, 80 ft.
Dagger: +4, 1d4+2, 19/x2, P/S, 10 ft.
Fire Bolt: +4, 1d6+1, 20/x2, Touch 30 ft.

Firebolts Available: 7/7
Arrows Available: 17/20
Point-Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 ft.

Spells Prepared:
Domain: Burning Hands, Produce Flame
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Level 1: Expeditious Excavation, Obscuring Mist, Thunderstomp
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Spider Climb

Game Notes: Received on loan: Thano's Classificiation
Wand of CLW: 4 Autumn, 4 Raktan, 1 Arradon, 1 Levanna
Bought 2 horses and 2 riding kits: 182gp
Healing gold: 45 from Raktan
Holding: The Heart of the Lady, 3 Cool Arrows
On horse
: pitons and hammer


Why did she have to do that? Levanna thought as she stiffened up when Autumn sealed the bargain. She hoped that the druid would not come to regret that decision, but she feared that it was unlikely. Well... if she is going to take that burden on our behalf I will try to remain with her to help her when the time comes...

Levanna's thoughts were interrupted when Etan spoke of the doors. She blinked in surprise and coughed. "Ah, yes. I should examine them."

With growing dread, she realized that never before had her investigative efforts had such potentially dire consequences. Her cheeks flushed and she took small, timid steps towards the doors.

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll0]
Knowledge (History) [roll1]
Perception [roll2]


[sblock=Levanna Mini Stats]Levanna
AC: 12 (10 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 07/07
CMB: -1 CMD: 11

Fort: +1 Reflex: +2 Will: +4
Perception: varies +3 to +8 Sense Motive: varies +2 to +4
Initiative: +6

Cantrips prepared: Prestidigitation, Light, Acid Splash
Level 1 spells prepared: Color Spray, Mage Armor

Current Weapon in Hand: Quarterstaff
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: None[/sblock]


Arradon Delgaran


Arradon scoffs at the fey creature's greed. Of course, we should have worded things more carefully. His eyes scan the myriad of doors, searching for one that seemed reminiscent of the woods or nature, as would befit their destination. Though searching for a magical door in a hall full of doors was well beyond his particular skill set. Nothing with magic is ever easy. He sighs in exasperation and continues his search.


[sblock=Arradon Delgaran Mini-Stats]
Arradon Delgaran
AC: 17 (13 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB: +2 CMD: 16

Fort: +2 Reflex: +6 Will: +1
Bluff: +9 Diplomacy: +7 Disable Device: +10 Perception: +8 Sense Motive: +4 Sleight of Hand: +7 Stealth: +9
Initiative: +5

Sneak Attack: 2d8 (Dagger)
Hidden Blade: +1
Blade Sense: +1

Feats: Blind-Fight, Dodge

Current Weapon in Hand: +1 Dagger, 1d20+6, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: Wand of CLW (1 Charge)
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Zinnelis Laediril, Elven Ranger (Level 1)


“Rak’Tan, be careful…” Zinnelis warned as he continued searching. He leapt up onto a ledge to get a closer look at a red door with peeling paint. No, not the one. Clambering up further, he eyed a few other doors that caught his eye, but nothing felt right. He continued to scrabble along, searching for the door they needed.


And if it’s needed:


[sblock=Zinnelis Laerdiril Mini Stats]Zinnelis Laerdiril
HP: 11/11 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 13 T: 12
Initiative: +5
CMB: +3 CMD: 16
Fort: +2 Reflex: +5 Will: +2
Perception: +8
Sense Motive: +2 (Favored Enemy +4)
Stealth: +7
Track: +8 (Favored Enemy +10)
Longbow::+4, 1d8, Crit: 20/x3, P, 100 feet
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 feet
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Arrows Available: 57; Cold Iron 55
Longsword: +3, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Dagger: +3, 1d4+2, 19/x2, S, P
Thrown: +4, 1d4+2, 19/x2, S, P, 10 feet
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 feet
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Favored Enemy: Magical Beasts +2

Spells Prepared

Armed: Longbow, Longsword
Conditions: None

Game Notes:
Light Horse(Daisy)(75 gp)(161/230 Heavy encumbered, speed 40, max Dex +1, Check Penalty -6)
Riding tricks: come, heel, stay
Bit and Bridle (2 gp)(1 lb)
Riding saddle (10 gp)(25 lbs)
Saddlebags (4 gp)(8 lbs)
Owe Autumn 95 gp



Torgrimr looks with all eagerness at Rak'tan when the tiefling motions to the cold iron greatsword at his back.

"A test of strength and skill. Is it agreed?" He leans forward, clearly in a hurry to get Rak'tan to agree.

Synchronicity. It could be nothing else. At the height he had climbed to, Zinnelis sensed a refreshing breeze. He turned, drawn to its source and saw a door: simple in its construction but sanded smooth with a shallow relief of a tree and arc of stars spanning above the tree's branches. Surely this was the one.

Magic may not be easy nor a part of Arradon's skill set but he was born with keen elven eyes and could lend them to the search. As he looked for a door that held any clue to its destination he found a simple door stained green but faded almost to blond. Shadow revealed the work of a master craftsman: a tree stretching up to a sky of stars.

A tree. Levanna knew the Lady was a powerful tree spirit or a goddess of nature of some sort. A tree wasn't just part of her iconography, it was part of her being. If there was anything like that here... And then she saw it.

Rak'tan could tell Torgrimr was overly eager, maybe even desperate to get him into another bargain but the troll gave himself away. His eyes flicked to his left and up. Rak'tan looked and saw immediately a small door above another. He was sure it was the door, after all, Torgrimr seemed to want to keep them away from it.

Autumn felt the Heart pulse at her waist where it was stored. She could feel its heat, feel it pushing her in a certain direction. There was no doubt which door it was pushing her towards. The Heart pulsed once, magic strong within it, and fell still again.

The pale green door, carved with tree and stars, seemed to shift in the sudden flare of magic and light given off by the Heart of the Lady. In the quiet Etan gave voice to his awe. "That must be the door to the Lady's Heart-tree."


First Post
"No thank you fool creature, it seems I know longer need to deal with the likes of you." says Rak'Tan, before moving towards the door it seemed Torgrimr wanted to hide, never taking his eyes off the fey.

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