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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Memories of the Past

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Zinnelis Laediril, Elven Ranger (Level 1)

Zinnelis Laediril, Elven Ranger (Level 1)

Zinnelis paused in his climb, feeling a light, refreshing breeze on his cheek. He scuttled over to a nearby door, feeling the smooth, sanded grain and the etching of a tree and stars. There were traces of the original green stain on the blond wood. He remembered that the Heart was the heart of a tree.

“Hold, Rak’tan!” Zinn called down quickly before the tiefling warrior could strike his bargain. “I think I found it!” he called down to the others.

Securing a rope to one of the roots, Zinn dropped it down to assist the others up to the ledge and the door.

[sblock=Zinnelis Laerdiril Mini Stats]Zinnelis Laerdiril
HP: 11/11 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 13 T: 12
Initiative: +5
CMB: +3 CMD: 16
Fort: +2 Reflex: +5 Will: +2
Perception: +8
Sense Motive: +2 (Favored Enemy +4)
Stealth: +7
Track: +8 (Favored Enemy +10)
Longbow::+4, 1d8, Crit: 20/x3, P, 100 feet
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 feet
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Arrows Available: 57; Cold Iron 55
Longsword: +3, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Dagger: +3, 1d4+2, 19/x2, S, P
Thrown: +4, 1d4+2, 19/x2, S, P, 10 feet
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 feet
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Favored Enemy: Magical Beasts +2

Spells Prepared

Armed: Longbow, Longsword
Conditions: None

Game Notes:
Light Horse(Daisy)(75 gp)(161/230 Heavy encumbered, speed 40, max Dex +1, Check Penalty -6)
Riding tricks: come, heel, stay
Bit and Bridle (2 gp)(1 lb)
Riding saddle (10 gp)(25 lbs)
Saddlebags (4 gp)(8 lbs)
Owe Autumn 95 gp


[section]Autumn Foxfire - Natural Mystic

Autumn withdraws from the confrontation with the nasty old fey. She gives him one last look over and turns away. She slings her bow over her shoulder and hustles over to the rest her party by the tree-star door.



Right hand:
Left hand: Bow

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet

HP: 23/23 NL: 0
: 14 FF:12 T:12

Initiative: +2
CMB: 4 CMD: 16
Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +7

Acrobatics: +10
Climb: +6
Diplomacy: -2
K. Arcana: +2
K. Local: +2
K. Nature: +7 (+9 travel in wild, avoid hazards, predict weather)
K. Religion: +2
Perception: +15
Sense Motive: +4
Spellcraft: +5
Stealth: +3
Survival: +12 (+14 in wild, avoid hazards, predict weather)
Wild Empathy: +1

Longsword: +5, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
C. Longbow: +5, 1d8+2, 20/x3, P, 80 ft.
Dagger: +4, 1d4+2, 19/x2, P/S, 10 ft.
Fire Bolt: +4, 1d6+1, 20/x2, Touch 30 ft.

Firebolts Available: 7/7
Arrows Available: 17/20
Point-Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 ft.

Spells Prepared:
Domain: Burning Hands, Produce Flame
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Level 1: Expeditious Excavation, Obscuring Mist, Thunderstomp
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Spider Climb

Game Notes: Received on loan: Thano's Classificiation
Wand of CLW: 4 Autumn, 4 Raktan, 1 Arradon, 1 Levanna
Bought 2 horses and 2 riding kits: 182gp
Healing gold: 45 from Raktan
Holding: The Heart of the Lady, 3 Cool Arrows
On horse
: pitons and hammer



Torgrimr leaned back in his chair and looked slyly at Rak'tan.

"Are you sure that's the right door? We could still make a deal and I would tell you for certain if it leads to where you want to go."

It's an easy climb up to the door with the assistance of Zinnelis' rope. When Autumn nears, one of the carved tree limbs pulls away from door and sprouts a tiny twig. A fragile, new leaf unfurls.

Torgrimr looks up and notices the change. He stands and growls his displeasure. "What did you do?"

[sblock=OOC]All the signs point to the tree and star door and Autumn is absolutely certain it is the correct door. I plan to advance the scene tonight (need a pic on my home computer) if one of you posts going through the door.[/sblock]


[section]Autumn Foxfire - Natural Mystic

Feeling chosen by Etan to hold the heart, and now by Torgrimr, Autumn feels like fate is encouraging her to open the door.... and she does just that.



Right hand:
Left hand: Bow

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet

HP: 23/23 NL: 0
: 14 FF:12 T:12

Initiative: +2
CMB: 4 CMD: 16
Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +7

Acrobatics: +10
Climb: +6
Diplomacy: -2
K. Arcana: +2
K. Local: +2
K. Nature: +7 (+9 travel in wild, avoid hazards, predict weather)
K. Religion: +2
Perception: +15
Sense Motive: +4
Spellcraft: +5
Stealth: +3
Survival: +12 (+14 in wild, avoid hazards, predict weather)
Wild Empathy: +1

Longsword: +5, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
C. Longbow: +5, 1d8+2, 20/x3, P, 80 ft.
Dagger: +4, 1d4+2, 19/x2, P/S, 10 ft.
Fire Bolt: +4, 1d6+1, 20/x2, Touch 30 ft.

Firebolts Available: 7/7
Arrows Available: 17/20
Point-Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 ft.

Spells Prepared:
Domain: Burning Hands, Produce Flame
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Level 1: Expeditious Excavation, Obscuring Mist, Thunderstomp
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Spider Climb

Game Notes: Received on loan: Thano's Classificiation
Wand of CLW: 4 Autumn, 4 Raktan, 1 Arradon, 1 Levanna
Bought 2 horses and 2 riding kits: 182gp
Healing gold: 45 from Raktan
Holding: The Heart of the Lady, 3 Cool Arrows
On horse
: pitons and hammer


Levanna nodded her concurrence with Zinn and Autumn. Ignoring Torgrimr, she stood by the druid's side as she opened the door.

[sblock=Levanna Mini Stats]Levanna
AC: 12 (10 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 07/07
CMB: -1 CMD: 11

Fort: +1 Reflex: +2 Will: +4
Perception: varies +3 to +8 Sense Motive: varies +2 to +4
Initiative: +6

Cantrips prepared: Prestidigitation, Light, Acid Splash
Level 1 spells prepared: Color Spray, Mage Armor

Current Weapon in Hand: Quarterstaff
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: None[/sblock]


GM: Before we move on...
Congrats! Most of you (sorry, FrancisJohn) have leveled:
Arradon to 4th level (6,004 xp) on March 5 (sorry for the delay in informing you)
Levanna to 2nd level (1,306 xp) on March 28
Zinnelis to 2nd level (1,306 xp) on March 28
Rak'tan to 3rd level (3,309 xp) on April 2

Level up as soon as you can and I'll try to approve them quickly.


Zinnelis Laediril, Elven Ranger (Level 2)


Zinnelis helped Autumn up onto the ledge, and then Levanna. He turned back to the door in time to see the branch and leaf sprout out.

Torgrimr looked up and noticed the change. He stood and growled his displeasure. "What did you do?"

“She did nothing,” Zinn replied. “It seems, however, that the door has recognized her and given her a means to open it.”

The druid did just that, pulling the door open.

“Let me scout ahead,” Zinn told the others, slipping through the door.


[sblock=Zinnelis Laerdiril Mini Stats]Zinnelis Laerdiril
HP: 19/19 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 13 T: 12
Initiative: +5
CMB: +4 CMD: 17
Fort: +3 Reflex: +6 Will: +2
Perception: +9
Sense Motive: +2 (Favored Enemy +4)
Stealth: +7
Track: +8 (Favored Enemy +10)
Longbow::+5, 1d8, Crit: 20/x3, P, 100 feet
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 feet
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Arrows Available: 57; Cold Iron 55
Longsword: +4, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Dagger: +4, 1d4+2, 19/x2, S, P
Thrown: +5, 1d4+2, 19/x2, S, P, 10 feet
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 feet
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Favored Enemy: Magical Beasts +2

Spells Prepared

Armed: Longbow, Longsword
Conditions: None

Game Notes:
Light Horse(Daisy)(75 gp)(161/230 Heavy encumbered, speed 40, max Dex +1, Check Penalty -6)
Riding tricks: come, heel, stay
Bit and Bridle (2 gp)(1 lb)
Riding saddle (10 gp)(25 lbs)
Saddlebags (4 gp)(8 lbs)
Owe Autumn 95 gp

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