Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Rodents of Unusual Size

Satin Knights

First Post
[sblock=ooc]I don't know where that XP for Dame Morrogrim came from. It shouldn't be from Thuk. And I don't see any characters of yours in the Retired and Deceased section. So, I think that is a typo on the first page. As to XP, you earn 7 per day at first level, the game has run 115 days, so you have 805 XP built up in time. You made it through one encounter, but then got stuck at the second and turned back to regroup. I don't have the numbers on that handy, but I am sure it is less than 500, so the original characters are still first level.

I am the backup GM if SD cannot complete his mission. :cool: His issues of getting network access sound like a temporary one, so we will let ride just a little further and hopefully that will clear up for him. [/sblock]

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=internet issues]
Working still on the internet issue. Not easy:
!. need to arrange with provider by phone. had that done, but they had cancelled

2. need to call again, but no phone access any more as I have already moved from my previous address.

3. looking into an alternate phone source to set up the necessary appointment.

very frustrating.



=== Charity, Human Female ===

Charity's chats with Robert as they head down the street, "Pleased to meet you, Robert. I'm Charity. I think a shop over here has the things I'm looking for. Just a couple pitons, light hammer, maybe extra torches. Stuff like that."

This is a bridge post of the leaving the DWI post in that thread. I don't want to charge too far ahead without letting other players do what they want to do. As far a normal item shopping, should I just edit my character sheet as appropriate?
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First Post
"Regarding torches, there are some unlit torches in the cellar, if you are in need for them. So you can save some coin." Robert replies.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
GM: There is a thread to make purchase notes called the Atcane row:Mystic pearl The bridging is appreciated.
Also, someone suggested from the Inn to get some anti plague, I think. as gm, that might be a good idea, or perhaps son cure light potions .. .. ..


First Post
"You can call me Ru, Robert," the southerner says as he catches up to the others. He points to an intersection up ahead.

"That way's a shortcut to the Pearl," he offers to Charity. "I think Tyrien's the right of it. I think I have just enough for a dose of antiplague. Until I can figure out how to never get bit, I'll take what elixer help I can get to avoid filth fever. Nasty stuff, that."

[sblock=ooc]Already posted in the Pearl, just throwing in here to get subscribed. [/sblock]


=== Charity, Human Female ===

Charity nods do Robert and Ru. "Hunh, well, I can't afford any antiplague, but I have a fully stocked healing kit. We should clean wounds on anyone that's been bitten already, and be ready to keep it up in any other cases.

"Speaking of which," Charity turns her head to Robert specifically, "Am I seeing that you've gotten chewed up? Have you cleaned those wounds out, yet?"

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]
AC: 16 (15 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 14/14
CMB: +3 CMD: 14
Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +3
Perception: +6
Initiative: +1

Current Weapon in Hand: Glaive
Current Conditions in Effect: none
Spells Remaining (1st): 0
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First Post

Dame Morrogrim departs the cavern via the lift and heads straight for her room in the Inn without talking to anyone. She spends the night making herself presentable and cleaning her gear before retiring to her bed.

In the morning, she wakes rejuvenated and with renewed stubborn determination to clear that cavern of the vermin. Marching down to Arcane Row, she purchases a number of items. Once she feels properly outfitted, she returns to the warehouse and meets the others.

"Ah, newcomers to the task! I am the Dame Morrogrim and I am pleased to meet your acquaintance!" she says with a smile and taps the tip of her black cane on the wooden floor for emphasis. She can be seen to have various new vials tied to her waistband and a fine looking crossbow across her back.


First Post
"Chewed up? ... Oh you mean this blood? No that is not from me. It is from our fallen comrade. Not that he is dead, he fell. I think I told you about him." Robert replies, while pondering if he wants to buy something and if he can afford it.


=== Charity, Human Female ===

Charity greets Morrogrim, "Pleased to meet you. I am Charity... temple guard, from the temple of Cortesia." Then turning her attention to Robert, she looks at him more closely, "Ah, sorry... I just saw blood. Good to hear you are well."

Voidrunner's Codex

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