Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Roughy River Run


Hey, welcome back to Living Pathfinder game "Roughy River Run", originally started on 5/12/2016. The entire was game was eaten by The Nothing (server loss), but I kept track of all experience and treasure, and I would like to continue right where we left off.

The players:

@Anastrace (start date: 7/10/2016, end date: 10/16/2016)
@Boat Nectar (start date: 5/12/2016, end date: 7/1/2016)
@Deepthought (start date: 5/12/2016, end date: 4/3/2017)
@Fenris (start date: 5/12/2016, end date: 7/5/2016)
@Jago (start date: 8/14/2016, end date: 3/10/2017)
@KahlessNestor (start date: 5/12/2016, end date: 4/3/2017)
@MerryMortician (start date: 7/10/2016, end date 1/27/2017)
@screwylooie (start date: 7/10/2016, end date: 2/21/2017)
@Snot Snottington (start date: 5/12/2016, end date: 8/14/2016)

[sblock=Map from Venza to Roughy River and back]Note: That is the Roughy River, not the Ouhm river.
Map - Player's.jpg
[sblock=Marching Order]Travelling formation[/sblock]
[sblock=XP/GP INFO (Last updated 4/3/2017)]I don't mind you guys peaking at my spreadsheet. Take a look!
[sblock=Caius Aurelius]
Start XP: 880
36 Days at Level One(7): 252
231 Days at Level Two(11): 2541
Brownie Raid: 133
Net Trap: 67
Fallen Tree: 80
Stirges: 520
Final XP: 4473
Gained XP: 3593Start GP: 895.16
36 Days at Level One(6): 216
231 Days at Level Two(11): 1815
Fallen Tree: 20
Final GP: 3672.16
Gained GP: 2777
[sblock=Doriandra Harrington]
Start XP: 0
94 Days at Level One(7): 658
Gremlin Attack: 120
Brownie Raid: 133
Final XP: 911
Gained XP: 911

Start GP: 150
94 Days at Level One(6): 564
Empty Bridge: 163
Gremlin Attack: 100
Final GP: 977
Gained GP: 827

[sblock=Drayvin Angeltongue]
Start XP: 0
146 Days at Level One(7): 1022
80 Days at Level Two(11): 880
Brownie Raid: 133
Net Trap: 67
Fallen Tree: 80
Stirges: 520
Final XP: 2702
Gained XP: 2702

Start GP: 900
146 Days at Level One(6): 876
80 Days at Level Two(11): 880
Fallen Tree: 20
Final GP: 2676
Gained GP: 1776

[sblock=Erin Van Neese]
Start XP: 3233
7 Days at Level Two(11): 77
92 Days at Level Three(15): 1380
Brownie Raid: 133
Net Trap: 67
Final XP: 4890
Gained XP: 1657

Start GP: 3555.8
7 Days at Level Two(11): 77
92 Days at Level Three(17): 1564
Final GP: 5196.8
Gained GP: 1641

[sblock=Fhanna Loreweaver]
Start XP: 0
140 Days at Level One(7): 980
128 Days at Level Two(11): 1408
58 Days at Level Three(15): 870
Gremlin Attack: 120
Brownie Raid: 133
Net Trap: 67
Fallen Tree: 80
Stirges: 520
Ogre: 267
Final XP: 4445
Gained XP: 4445

Start GP: 150
140 Days at Level One(6): 840
128 Days at Level Two(11): 1408
58 Days at Level Three(17): 986
Empty Bridge: 163
Gremlin Attack: 100
Fallen Tree: 20
Ogre: 400
Final GP: 4067
Gained GP: 3917

[sblock=Gazrak Wyrmspeaker]
Start XP: 298
50 Days at Level One(7): 350
Gremlin Attack: 120
Final XP: 768
Gained XP: 470

Start GP: 533
50 Days at Level One(6): 300
Empty Bridge: 163
Gremlin Attack: 100
Final GP: 1096
Gained GP: 563

[sblock=Seros Animus]
Start XP: 0
166 Days at Level One(7): 1162
41 Days at Level Two(11): 451
Fallen Tree: 80
Stirges: 520
Final XP: 2213
Gained XP: 2213

Start GP: 150
166 Days at Level One(6): 996
41 Days at Level Two(11): 451
Fallen Tree:
Final GP: 1617
Gained GP: 1467

[sblock=Sylvain the Willow]
Start XP: 0
140 Days at Level One(7): 980
128 Days at Level Two(11): 1408
58 Days at Level Three(15): 870
Gremlin Attack: 120
Brownie Raid: 133
Net Trap: 67
Fallen Tree: 80
Stirges: 520
Ogre: 267
Final XP: 4445
Gained XP: 4445

Start GP: 150
140 Days at Level One(6): 840
128 Days at Level Two(11): 1408
58 Days at Level Three(17): 986
Empty Bridge: 163
Gremlin Attack: 100
Fallen Tree: 20
Ogre: 400
Final GP: 4067
Gained GP: 3917

[sblock=Valdemar Brokveld]
Start XP: 0
54 Days at Level One(7): 378
Gremlin Attack: 120
Final XP: 498
Gained XP: 498

Start GP: 150
54 Days at Level One(6): 324
Empty Bridge: 163
Gremlin Attack: 100
Final GP: 737
Gained GP: 587

[section]Last we saw our heroes, they had just reached the gates outside the halfling community of Roughy River. It had been three longs days and three longer nights of travelling from Venza, the City of Glass. Fhanna, the red-headed Dwarven vixen (known for sleeping in her finest undergarments), had shouted to wake up the sleeping halfling guards.[/section]
[sblock=OOC]If you want to hop off this adventure and go to bigger and better things, now is the time. But if you want to stay and continue the adventure, please do so!

As soon as all of you check back in (in this thread or via PM), I will post the guards' response.[/sblock]
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Intermission: Fast Times at Roughy River

The halfling guards groggily arouse at Fhanna's beckoning. Surprised to see a troupe of big folk at their gates, they start fumbling around with their helmets and point their spears at the party. Once they finally come to their senses, they release they are the transport for the Roughy River celebration. The halflings cheeks draw quite high and wide as smiles envelop their faces.

"Oh cheerio friends! You've made it, and not a minute too soon! Here, here, let's get you in! We'll get you in right quick, ya see. Oh glorious day!"

The pair of guards crank open the gate, which is comically much larger than they could efficiently handle. "You must go at once to the town square, and meet with the master of ceremonies, Francis John II!"

As the party travels down the main country road through the gates, they start to pick up a crowd of halfling children bumbling along besides them. They look at the group with a combination of shock, awe, adoration, and adulation. They children are so small! (Little ones are affectionately called 'quarters' or 'quarterlings' and adolescents are called 'thirds' or thirdsies'.)

Eventually they make their way to the town square, a clearing in between a conglomeration of a few small hills. There is a gazebo where a band sets up, a hand-made dance floor being laid in the middle. The smell of spit roasts and confections waft through the air. Vendors are still setting up shop up and down the side streets. The weather is simply divine for the Roughy River midsummer festival. All and all, everything seems just right for the upcoming festivities later this evening.

They happen to see one halfling in particular, dressed to the nines in his halfling best, barking out various orders to some of the event staff. Eventually the large wagon and tow catches his eye, and his frown turns right upside down! He hurries over, nearly tripping over his own feet in excitement.

"How do you all do! Look's like my son came through again! Let me introduce myself!" He draws himself to his fullest height, with an unmatched sparkle in his middle-aged halfling eyes. "Me name's Francis John II, tonight's master of ceremonies. You all are undoubtedly the heroes of the day, and by what name may I call on each of you?" What a fabulous day!

[sblock=OOC]Hey guys, welcome back. I'm looking for an IC post from each of you. You too @MerryMortician! :)[/sblock]
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Drayvin Angeltongue

"Drayvin at your service my good sir, singer of songs and player of tunes."





Character Sheet

HP: ??/??
Conditions: shaken, poisoned, sleep, etc....

Initiative: +?
Perception: +?

AC: ?? Flat: ?? Touch: ??
Fort: ?? Reflex: ?? Will: ??

Right hand:
Left hand:

Weapon: Melee +? ?d?+?, ??/x?, ?, ??
Weapon: Ranged +? ?d?+?, ??/x?, ?, ?? ft.
Ammo: ??/?? ???? remaining

Cantrips/Orisons: unlimited/day

Level 1: ?/day

Other daily abilities: ?/? remaining

[sblock=Adventure Notes]

Game Info:

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If anyone wants to copy Drayvin's formatting, 'reply with quote', remove the quote tags, and change all the coding to fit yours. The pic is a link to the pic from your character sheet.

Also, don't forget to divy up the following found goods:

250 Gold
MW Longsword
MW Chain Shirt
5 Potions of CLW



Drayvin Angeltongue

"I will appraise the Ruby if you would like"


Standard: Ruby Appraisal Ruby Appraisal: 1D20+6 = [2]+6 = 8

EEEGADS! What a horrid roll!!!

Character Sheet

HP: 09/09
Conditions: none
Initiative: +5
Perception: +4

AC: 15 Flat: 14 Touch: 11
Fort: 03 Reflex: 01 Will: 02
Right hand:
Left hand:

Weapon: Melee: Steel Terbutje Att:+3 Dam: 1d8+2 Crit: 19/20x2 Slashing

Weapon: Ranged: Chakram Att: +1 Dam: 1d8+2 Crit: 20/x3 Slashing Range: 30 ft 4/4

Rage Songs 12/12rnds/day (12 '''= (+3/1st lvl +3 Cha +6 Extra Perform) then +2/lvl)
Lingering Performance - The bonuses and penalties from your bardic performance continue for 2 rounds after you cease performing

Cantrips (DC 13)= At will
• Detect Magic • Read Magic • Daze • Ghost Sound • Mending (FC)

Level 01 (DC 14)= 2/2 day
• Chord of Shards • Moment of Greatness

[sblock=Adventure Notes]

Game Info:


Voidrunner's Codex

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