Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Roughy River Run


And back again...


The trio of intrepid heroes throw the sack of ogre treasure on the wagon, and set off on the final leg of their journey back to from where they came.

Fhanna, Sylvain, and Seros trek through the Kekuku pines for the final time. Nothing of note happens between Kaz Bridge and the end of pines, except for the rising symphony of forest sounds as the insects happily welcome the setting of the sun. The party is left alone with themselves and their thoughts to reflect on their journey from Venza to Roughy and now back again....

They remember crossing Kaz bridge the first time, and finding the poor traveller undoubtedly waylaid by the once-fearsome ogre. From there they made to the swampy roads of the Westerley downs where they easily turned away an attack of some sort of bog gremlins. And they continued into the Ravenbelly forest, where they encountered there first true test.

There was a midnight assault by a band of rebellious forest brownies down by Crook's Creek. Oh how they used their magical tricks to deceive the heroes! Flashing lights and mysterious sounds caused Valdemar and Gazrak to maddeningly run off into the night, never to be seen again. Apparently the brownies got word of the shipment containing the valuable Roughy victuals, and meant to ransack the entire cargo!

Somehow, Francis John III anticipated this mishap, and sent reinforcements that reached the party in the most vital of moments. And that's when the original group was introduced to Caius, Drayvin, and Erin. When they woke up in the morning, they found the tracks of their attackers leading into the forest. Luckily Drayvin's keen eyes prevented them from being caught up in a net trap. They were rewarded by find a small sack of healing potions for the troubles of the previous night's shenanigans.

By the time they got back to the wagon, they found that the tricksy Francis John III had sent Seros as a replacement for Doriandra, and she was summoned back to Venza. With a new party intact, they concluded there journey to Roughy River for their annual midsummer celebration.

The heroes were welcomed as such because of the utter success of the mission. The amount of libations they brought was among the highest ever to successfully make it from Venza to Roughy. And celebrate they did. And if memory serves correctly, Fhanna and Seros celebrated most of all.... together, alone, and until the wee hours of the morning.

When all had awoke, it was a cold and damp morning. Erin was gone, and who knows where she could have gone. Drayvin was grumpy, and other shook off any previous ill-effects of perhaps celebrating a bit too much. All had wanted to go home, and home they did.

Back into Ravenbelly forest, the rains came, and the adventurers came across a funny thing. A satyr trapped under a fallen tree. None could tell if he 'accidentally' dropped his pan pipes or if he was just a bumbling clot of a horse-man. They continued on their merry (yet soggy way).

The next day would prove to be the most miserable and the most deadly. As they were coming back through the Westerly Downs, an army of stirges assailed the party! Apparently sacrificing his life for the good of all was Caius, who valiantly stayed back to let the others escape. By nightfall, Drayvin couldn't bare the thought of leaving a man behind so he went back to see if he could find and help Caius. The group was down to three.

The next part of the tale should be quite familiar. The part where the trio set an ogre on fire and chased him away, which brings the story back to the present.....

Before they knew it, their entourage reached the Baron's Cross trading post, just a gnome's hair west of the outside of Venza. And this is where Seros, bid his friends adieu.

"Sylvain, Fhanna.... oh Fhanna. It has been a pleasure to journey alongside of you on our adventure to Roughy and back." He pulls out a note. The note details special instructions for Seros to singly bring back the wagon to an associate in Baron's Cross. He pulls out another note that he hands to Sylvain. The second note reads as proof of services rendered, and to be given back to Francis John III.

Time for the waterworks.... Seros gives Sylvain the firmest of handshakes, but tenderly grabs Fhanna's stubby dwarven paw. His mouth says nothing, but his eyes compose a symphony. He waves a solitary farewell to his newfound friend and his newfound lover.

The group was down to two, and the sun has nearly set.

Sylvain and Fhanna head east, back to Venza, City of Glass. The great west gate closes behind them, as all travel and trade stops for the day. They begin to stroll along the finely procured but well worn cobbled city streets back to the Dunn Wright Inn. But almost a minute later, along the side of the road is none other than Francis John III! He waves them over, and his face is flush with a look of joy, but his eyes hint a speckle of sadness.

"Good evening, good evening! Sylvain, Fhanna! You've made it back! I knew I could count on you! But, but, but what of the others?" He greets them with the biggest halfling hug affordable by the Prince of All Halflings. "Do tell me about your adventures and Roughy River! How was pops? Tell me on the way to the Dunn Wright! Tell me all about it! A celebration is in order yes?!" Francis is quite content to grab Fhanna and Sylvain by the hand as he nearly skips his way to the famed Venzan Tavern.


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Fhanna Lorewalker, Lore Shaman 3
Roughy River
Day 7/Evening
Round 0

Fhanna sighed as Seros said his fond good-byes. “Well, ‘e was fun, but was gettin’ a wee bit clingy,” she commented. “Guid time, though.”

Fhanna trudged wearily the last miles into the city, glad the trip was over. They were intercepted by Francis John III, the Prince of All Halflings.

“Yuir da was a most wonderful ‘ost,” Fhanna told Francis. “‘Twas quite the celebration. Tha’ Roughy River Ale is quite nice.” She chuckled, remembering her night with Seros. “We did lose one keg on the way, though,” she admitted. “Unfortunately, we lost some people t’ trouble on the way,” she said sadly. She hoped Caius and Drayvin were okay and escaped the stirges.

They reached the Dunn Wright Inn and Fhanna pushed open the door, holding it for the little halfling and Sylvain.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

[sblock=Fhanna Lorewalker Mini Stats]
Fhanna Lorewalker
HP: 29/29 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 10 T: 15 Without armor: 10/10/10
CMD: 11
Fort: +2 Ref: +1 Will: +7

Ammunition: 8/10 bolts
Monstrous Insight (3/4/day)

Longspear: +3 1d8+1/P Crit x3 Reach
Light crossbow: +2 1d8/P Crit 19-20 x2 Range 80’
Dagger: +3 1d4+1/PS Crit 19-20/x2 Range 10’

Spells Prepared (Prepare each morning)
0 (DC 14): Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Touch of Fatigue
1 (DC 15): Identify (Spirit), Magic Missile*, Cure Light Wounds, Sleep
2 (DC 16): Tongues (Spirit), Burning Gaze*, Lesser Restoration*

Game Notes:
Seros is a fantastic lover.
Stirges suck.
Caius, RIP
Drayvin is from Seithr.


First Post[/align]

Ah well. So here they were back in reach of an audience. That was acutally the best part of an adventure, the telling of it. At least that was Sylvains view here. There was quite a story to tell here. Battles won and almost won. Comrades come and gone. Yesterday fighting in the nowhere, now here.
[COLOR=#0000FF]"Well Sir Francis-John the thrice numbered, as I said to your predecessor in numerals, you do know how to have a fair time. And you know how to set up a band of travellers for high-strung delivering. But now, as the dear dwarf and myself are safely back here and the others all hopefully in their own fair places, lets get in and for a beer and a song!"[/COLOR]
with that he enters the room looks for the waitress.



[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Summon another Dog. This will take all round and appear next round.

[sblock=MiniStats Dog]
Init +1
Senses: darkvision, low-light vision, scent
Perception +8

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 6
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1
SR 5

Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +2 (1d4+1)

Str 13, Dex 13, Con 15 [191], Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11 (15 vs. trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Acrobatics +1 (+9 jumping)
Perception +8, Survival +1 (+5 scent tracking)
Racial Modifiers
+4 Acrobatics when jumping
+4 Survival when tracking by scent

[sblock=Sylvain Mini Stats]
Sylvain, Bard 3
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Fort: +2
Reflex: +6
Will: +3
Initiative: +3
Perception: +3
Perform: +8
Disable Device: +9
Bardic Performance: 7/7
Cantrip remaining: Unlimited
Level 1 remaining: 2/4
Current Weapon in Hand:
Masterwork Longsword
Current Conditions in Effect:

Temporary items in possession:
Masterwork Panpipes (Wind Instrument)

Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted: 1 Arrow
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Francis John III - Prince of All Halflings

Once the heroes enter the inn, Francis leads them into a private room. There is an absolute illustrious spread of Venza's finest meats and cheeses. Rows of full drinks of all different varieties are lined up and waiting to be consumed. The stubby fellow nods over to the corner, and surprisingly a violinist starts to play a tune of a very lively nature.

"You'll have to forgive the opulence of this little event. When I sent everyone out, I expected all of you to return in a week. And tonight is the night after the seventh day. But alas, it seems like not everyone had the good fortune to make it to and fro..."

"I had Doriandra come back. What a fox she was! I took her out for dinner and drinks, and we had a simply fabulous time! She turned out to be a bit of a flake though.... poor lass."

"And of course Seros came back too, and he took care of my wagon business. Hopefully he provided to be of useful service."

"What of the others? Gazrak, Valdemar? Erin, Caius? And Drayvin? I sent out nine total and only know of the fate of four. Pray tell their stories. Oh and all the baddies that tried to eat you! That's always my favorite part!"

As he waits for someone to regale him with their trials and tribulations, he makes a plate for himself consisting of honey-spiced lambchops, raspberry-coated pork ribs, and of course his favorite sugar-coated dollywhoppers. Francis stuffed his face while the musician provided ample jollity for the small party.
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First Post

After helping himself to the fine food that Francis John provided and a drink or two while relating the full tale of the run to roughy river and back, Sylvain finally concludes the tale and gets up, talking quietly to the musicians for a bit and then speaks:
Dear Sir, I will now relate for your esteemed benefit the song of dwarf and bard and ale.

Eight days it was not any more
when heroes set upon their path
fine fellow with a load of beer
enough to make a halflings bath.

They fought with light and in the dark
endured the creature and the swamp
The Dwarf was braver than them all
and she danced naked in the camp

At each and every battle site
the group lost comrades sad to see
but always within just the hour
new colleagues came the time was right

The beer delivered, feast endured
they set upon the road again
the bard sang of their marv'lous deed
and played on his enchanted flute.

When home they came unto the prince
gone were all the mighty men
Half-Elf and Dwarf they could just wince
And drink to comrades gone by then.

With that Sylvain raises his glass to a toast.


[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Summon another Dog. This will take all round and appear next round.

[sblock=MiniStats Dog]
Init +1
Senses: darkvision, low-light vision, scent
Perception +8

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 6
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1
SR 5

Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +2 (1d4+1)

Str 13, Dex 13, Con 15 [191], Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11 (15 vs. trip)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Acrobatics +1 (+9 jumping)
Perception +8, Survival +1 (+5 scent tracking)
Racial Modifiers
+4 Acrobatics when jumping
+4 Survival when tracking by scent

[sblock=Sylvain Mini Stats]
Sylvain, Bard 3
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +1
CMD: 13
Fort: +2
Reflex: +6
Will: +3
Initiative: +3
Perception: +3
Perform: +8
Disable Device: +9
Bardic Performance: 7/7
Cantrip remaining: Unlimited
Level 1 remaining: 2/4
Current Weapon in Hand:
Masterwork Longsword
Current Conditions in Effect:

Temporary items in possession:
Masterwork Panpipes (Wind Instrument)

Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted: 1 Arrow


Francis John III - Prince of All Halflings

After clinking glasses with Fhanna and Sylvain, Francis easily drains his pint and begins a furious applause (at least a furious as a halfling can muster). He gives them each the warmest of smiles.

"Oh heavens, well done, well done! But alas, I must be going now, for a man as busy as myself always has further business to attend to. I will surely hire you in a minute! If you are around next summer, you two shall be on my first call list!"

Francis goes to leave, but pauses at the door. He quickly comes back in, red in the face from giggling to himself.

"Oh, I suppose you want to get your payment! Let me give you a little tip as first time adventurers.... especially here at the Dunn Wright. If you do a job for somebody, you should ask to get paid."

He chuckles rather obnoxiously at the absurdity of the situation.

"No, no, no, I wouldn't do that to you.... Did you guys realize that when I came in just a week a go, and asked for help, you guys effectively just volunteered yourselves? Not a trifle mention of gold or money or compensation in the least? Like I was a charity case? You two are too much."

He point to two large sacks of gold in the corner, that neither Fhanna nor Sylvain remember being there a few minutes ago.

"That should be more than enough to take of your troubles.... looks like you guys are the charity cases now! Bwah-hah!"

He waves to them goodbye. "Enjoy the rest of the food and drink, it's on me! Feel free to bring the celebration in here, or out to the great room. Until we meet again, brave warriors!"

And with that, Francis John III, prince-of-all-halflings, strolls out the private room and into the night...

GM: Congratulations! Roughy River Run has concluded! Awards to follow.....


Final numbers are in the first post of the game thread. They are subject to approval from the judge. (Paging [MENTION=6747658]Aura[/MENTION] or [MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION], I honestly forget who was judge.)

Remember, any treasure collected during the adventure should be deducted from the final amount. Message me if you have questions about how that works.

Thanks for playing guys!


Congrats to all and thanks to [MENTION=6778347]FrancisJohn[/MENTION] for running the game. My apologies and regret for having had to leave. Thanks to the players there at the beginning for making a fun party.

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