[LPF] The Devil We Know


"I still insist that this cult are more or less your typical criminals looking for a heavy bag of coin." he points out, "Even if they are a legitimate cult, I'm sure they're bigger than this kidnapping operation and will surely provide us with more work in the future."

Galandra smirks and glances back at the mercenary. "Heh. You are not one to turn down a good job, right Amien?"

" We need to hurry, but some healing is also needed before engaging those at the ship. I worry how many will suffer before we get there. "

"Yeah, I feel the same, but otherwise we would end up as fish food and they would still get away. We can only hope they can hold on until then" She nods to Tsaaruck and keeps going forward to the good side of town.

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Deuce Traveler

Lem nods in agreement with Tsaaruck, "Perhaps if we can't get help from Jacobson, we can head towards a temple for some healing, then go once more to the docks. I don't like the idea of heading out there without full magic support, but you can't cry over spilled milk, overcooked pasta, or burnt chicken." Lem blinks and adds. "I'm hungry."


After a few more minutes of walking, your rescued victims pause and thank you again for the escort and saving their lives. The praise you and the Crusaders of the Raven and depart on their separate ways. You resume your walk through the city in the mid afternoon sun. Shortly, you arrive at the Dunn Wright Inn.

After a moment, you are looking inside the dim interior letting your eyes adjust to the change in illumination. Maylor Jacobson is sitting in a booth talking with a dwarf in armor.

The muscular and mature dwarf is of average height for his race. His grayish beard is trimmed close and comes to a point, rather than just be bushy. He has piercing blue eyes and a somber expression. There is a holy symbol hanging from a chain around his neck.


GM: As I posted in the Upcoming Adventures thread, I cannot take everyone on the follow-on encounters. The level spread is just too much. But, it looks like we have someone looking at running an adventure for 1st levels so I can pick up the two 5th levels sitting around waiting and continue on with everyone getting something to play in. Meanwhile, we still have role-playing to do here for about a week I think. :)
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Galandra moves between the tables making her way directly to Jacobson. "We must speak. I'm sorry but this is quite urgent" she aplogizes to the dwarf "We rescued the people Nefti told us about and Kafar is safe. It was... pretty close. The men seem to have an allegiance to some cult. What was their name? The cult of..." she stops blinking for a second trying to recall the name. -Well, damn.- "....The cult of Catastrophic Nature?" she asks looking at the party not sure.

"uh... whatever, it's a cult, and they had druids." she sighes and shakes her head "They have taken more people to a moored ship on the shipyard and intend to sell them to slavery to a man called Ismacco. Sir Jacobson, the crusaders or the guard must look into it as quickly as possible. Perhaps we can still help but we would need healing first... we kinda took a beating back there"


Lydia nods as Galandra explains the situation. "Yeah, I forgot their exact name, too, but that seems kinda irrelevant at the moment. We gotta help those people on the boat!" She looks around the group. "Oh, and we really could use some healing..."

[sblock=Stats]Full Stats
Conditions: Diseased (Filth Fever)

HP: 9/12
AC: 16 (Touch: 14, Flat: 13)
Init: +3 (+5 in forest) / Speed: 30 ft.
CMB: +1 / CMD: 14
Fort: +4 / Ref: +5 / Will: +1 (+3 vs fear)
Speed: 30 ft.
In Hand: n/a


First Post
Everything having been said Tsaaruck stands intently watching the man and Dwarf as if willing them to jump up and begin preparations to move on the boat.

[sblock=mini stats]
HP: 10/15 – 4 damage from rat, -3 from rat, -4 from rat +6 healed by Amien
AC: 16 (+2 fight defensively) 14 (Touch: 11, Flat: 13) with shield
AC:13(Touch: 11, Flat: 12) without shield
Init: +1
CMB: +5 / CMD: 16
Fort: +5 / Ref: +1 / Will: +1
Speed: 40 ft.
In Hand: War Hammer: Attack: +1 (-4 from fight defensively)+5 = [BAB (1) + STR (4) + Misc (0) + Magic (0)]
Damage: 1d8+4, Crit: 20/x3, Type B
Rage remaining: 4/6 [/sblock]


First Post
Amien stands, the most battered and beaten out of everyone there, "Whatever the name is, people are apparently on a ship that need rescuing. That's mostly what matters to me right now... Besides getting healed of course."
[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page

Condition: Diseased with Filth Fever
HP: 7/41
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2
Fort: +5
Reflex: +3
Will: +0

Glaive Attack: +6, Glaive Damage: 1d10+4 (+8, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage)
Heavy Flail Attack: +6, Heavy Flail Damage: 1d10+4 (+8, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage)
Sling Attack: +4, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack
- Potion of CLW x1
- Sunrod
- Trail Rations (12 days)[/sblock]


"Hello" Menik greets Maylor Jacobson and the dwarf. "I'm Menik. We rescued five people besides Kafar. No Ravens among them."

Deuce Traveler

Lem chirps happily, "Ah the good ol' inn! Man am I glad to see this place. There will be some good eating to be had once this is over, I promise. First things first, however. Lydia is right. We've got folks needing rescuing." Lem punctuates the last with a fist slamming into his palm.



Maylor looks over the group of you and nods gravely, "I see. Still more kidnapped victims out there and our missing Crusader. Ismacco?... Hmm, never heard that name. It will take some looking into. I don’t' think I have heard of this Cult either... at least the name is not ringing any bells."

"Do you have any more information about the ship? It is not like we don't have a piers and piers full of them in Venza."


The dwarf speaks up, "It looks like these ones have done well, Chairman. We should be able to see to them at the temple if they can provide the appropriate donations to our parish."

The Crusader nods, "Yes, you have provided some information and I will look into getting some additional gratitude out of Kafar to cover your expenses. It will take me some time to see if I can track down this ship... I don't want to send anyone down to the docks without knowing which one to look for and where it might be moored. That is how I lost one man already."

"If you all come back later I can provide you a reward for services rendered so far and Corrigan can ensure there are some healers to help you. Is there anything else?"

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