[LPF] The Forbidden Isle of Ancient Secrets

Not understanding what Old One was talking about when reading through Fish Man's bound pages, Shadow keeps sniffing in the air, ensuring that no one is approaching them. He can still smell Master's scent in the air, but if Master ran away Master had good reason. Maybe why Bad Behaving Not Evil One was bound.

Once Old One pointed to the still not up fish-man and barked at Not Smelly One, Shadow realized fish man was alive. Master was unable to finish his job, so up to Shadow to finish.

The wolf strode over to the not up fish man, and tries to rip it's throat out.

[sblock]Shadow will coup de grace Gerlach.[/sblock]

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Relic looks towards the wolf halting his question to Daylily in mid sentence. "Well ... there we have it. No need to think any more about that one." He waits just long enough for Daylily in case he chooses to check the space behind the aboleth before suggesting moving Kalinn (as above), and heading towards the room he had forced the party to hurry by when he chased after his hound archon. Once there he begins examining the contents with his arcane sight to determine the magical nature of each item, explaining to the others what he finds as he goes.

Once that is done he says to the others: "This appears to be the most comfortable place to wait for the spell on Kalinn to lose its affect. And the day is young ... It must be time to get some of these scrolls scribbled into my spellbook ..."

[sblock=OOC]Hoping to be able to at least get a few more spells copied into my spell book before the adventure ends and Relic has to conform to LPF rules for rate of learning spells. Let me know if I am being too cheeky SK. [/sblock]

I honestly would prefer getting back to the DWI.

1: In case I cant get I want in the Mystic Pearl via roll, there would be enough days before we head out again to actually commision the item. Due to the crafting rules, I need about 8 days to get the item I want crafted.
2: The LPF rules for learning spells occurs if your in a game or not. Also, once Anaerion is freed up from his current game, he would love to trade spells with Relic. Anaerion is seriously lacking in the spell department, and it is starting to show. Can't really do that if Relic is still on the Island.
3: Can't really RP Aradra right now, cause he's so well hidden I can't RP where he's at...:.-(. Every time Aradra has gone to the DWI, he seems to turn right around and leave. I would love to be able to RP a little bit more before we get called into our next big game.

If we want to milk TBX/TBG for all it's worth, I'd be OK with it. Just gives me time to set up my next game.

Daylily takes on the job of climbing over the beast to see what was in the back of the chamber. Being all slimy, it takes a bit of work. On the way back into the chamber, he finds a rock is floating, bouncing along the ceiling in a lazy circle. Capturing the floating rock, he moves further back.

The room looks to have been originally a prison cell. But, sometime in the last year, the cell fortifications were broken down and this became a small shrine to the beast. There are piles of yellow metal and clear stones that appear to have been left there by worshipers of the the beast. Gathering these things up, Daylily returns and shows Relic what he had found.

Removing the ropes below Kalinn's knees, she is able to do the slow prisoner walk without having to be carried. The next room on the way out actually is empty except for a few weed mats that were probably used for sleep. Getting back to the treasure room, two heavy belts, a wispy cloak that is made of spider silk and a set of chainmail that appears to be of something even lighter than mithral are found to be enchanted. A wavy curved dagger, while not being enchanted, is made of the same black metal as Daylily's weapon and worthy of rescue too. The rest of weapons hanging on the wall are of good enough quality to sell off, but not to carry around on a daily basis.

Edit: Having looted everything down here, Relic stubbornly wants to keep Kalinn caged and this prison complex seems the best way. Backtracking to the only dry chamber, he orders her to sit down and wait it out. Pulling out his spell book and the various scrolls, he spends his time transferring several of the spells to the book. His new found ring lets him work on through the night. The next day, the domination spell wears off as it has no one to refresh it. Kalinn is untied and the party can now proceed.

Getting back around to the central chamber, you see a bit of movement in the water. But, the eel remembers how much devastation you caused just an hour ago, so it rushes off and hides in the the underwater rubble. Using a couple castings from Relic and one of the potions of levitation, you are able to leave, although it is rather unsettling for Shadow, moving in directions he is not supposed to be able to move.

Back out on the surface, the island is still. Nothing other than you seem to be left. The storm shrouding the island is still raging and shows no signs of letting up. So, what changes you made with the Great Machine apparently have nothing to do with the storm itself.

[sblock=ooc]Okay, we will wrap it up then in just a couple more rounds of posts. Raiding the wizard's tower again, you can find a lot of vender trash, which just becomes TGP at the end, so I am not going to write all that up. Things you did find here.
+3 Celestial Armor, 22,000 gp (intended for Aradra)
+4 Belt of Might Constitution, 16,000 gp (intended for Relic, yeah, you are low on HPs and this will help)
+6 Belt of Giant Strength, 36,000 gp (intended for Kalinn, as Daylily already has a cool belt)
Clear Spindle Ioun Stone (sustains a creature without food or water), 4,000 gp
Adamantine kris dagger, unenchanted, 3,002 gp
Cloak of Minor Displacement, 24,000 gp (intended for Daylily, 20% miss chance helps a lot when your AC is so low)
3rd level Pearl of Power, 9,000 gp (intended for Relic)

As for what I owe characters, here are the numbers that are above and beyond the items you already are carrying. It is accurate to about +/-5 days of TGP.
Relic 25,892
Daylily 26,041
Kalinn 40,280
Aradra 31,256

The grand totals for earnings on on the first page. Later tonight, I will re-sort and separate out which character is getting what treasure.

So, anything else before leaving the island? Getting off the island is one post, the village is a second, and then you will be off back to Venza.
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Relic stubbornly refused to move from the underground lair until he was sure that Kalinn was free from the aboleth's domination. Above ground no doubt she would be able to find a way to escape. Here below, the impossible ascent to the surface by non magical means meant that Aradra was safe, even if Kalinn did manage to escape. And in those long hours Relic determinedly a decent dose of study and scribing, but not before he drunk down the potion that would return him to his non-fish like state. He gave another potion to Daylily and helped Shadow drink down a third.

[sblock=OOC] Okay, so let's wrap it up.

Still though. Going to the surface with Kalinn while still dominated would be silly/risky/dangerous. The hopelessness of getting to the surface would add to her docility. So we would be stuck below for as many days as it took for her to make her save. All of us making the journey home with Kalinn still hell bent on killing Aradra would be daft.

I am going to use that fact to my advantage to study and scribe spells into my spellbook if given the OK by SK. It does seems to make logical sense to me.

We left to do the final part of the mission in the morning, so figuring that we have things wrapped up at midday. And Kalinn will have to wait 23 hours for her first save which Relic will assist with Guidance (assuming about an hour has passed since the fight when he settles in to his study seems reasonable.

Relic now only needs to sleep 2 hours (Ring of Sustenance), so he has at least 21 hours to study before they can even consider leaving the island.

1st hour: Read Magic on Tiny Hut and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 18 Success
2nd-4th hr: Scribe Tiny Hut (lvl 3=3 hrs) into Blessed Book (3/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)
5th hour: Read Magic on Fireball and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 18 Success
6th-8th hour: Scribe Fireball (lvl 3=3 hrs) into Blessed Book (6/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)
9th hour: Read Magic on Draconic Reservoir and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 18 Success
10th - 12th hour: Scribe Draconic Reservoir (lvl 3=3 hrs) into Blessed Book (9/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)
13th hour: Read Magic on Shield and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 16 Success
14th hour: Scribe Shield (lvl 1=1 hr) into Blessed Book (10/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)
15th hour: Read Magic on Ray of Enfeeblement and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 16 Success
16th hour: Scribe Ray of Enfeeblement (lvl 1=1 hr) into Blessed Book (11/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)
17th hour: Read Magic on Dimensional Anchor and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 19 Success
18th-21st hour: Scribe Dimensional Anchour (lvl 4=4 hr) into Blessed Book (15/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)

If Kalinn were to fail her next saving throw and they had to remain another day below, Relic would continue to devote his time to study:

[sblock=Now irrelevant plan for day 2 as Kalinn rolled a 20 on first save] Potential Day 2 study programme (2hrs sleep needed; 1 hr for eating and bodily functions = 21 hours of study):
1st Hour:Read Magic on Spontaneous Immolation and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 17 Success
2nd-3rd hour: Scribe Spontaneous Immolation (lvl 2=2 hrs) into Blessed Book (17/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)
4th hour: Read Magic on Loathsome Veil and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 18 Success
5th-7th hr: Scribe Loathsome Veil (lvl 3=3 hrs) into Blessed Book (20/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)
8th hr: Read Magic on Malicious Spite and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 19 Success
9th-12th hr: Scribe Malicious Spite (lvl 4=4 hrs) into Blessed Book (24/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)
13th hr: Read Magic on Fleshworm Infestation and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 19 Success
14-17th hr: Scribe Fleshworm Infestation (lvl 4=4 hrs) into Blessed Book (28/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)
18th hr: Read Magic on Howling Agony and 1hr of Study; Take 10 on spellcraft= 1d20+10+19+5= 34 vs DC 18 Success
19th-21st hr: Scribe Howling Agony (lvl 3=3 hrs) into Blessed Book (31/1000 pages); no magical ink needed (scroll consumed)

If Kalinn were to fail and we were forced to remain another day Relic would Read, study and scribe Hypnotism that day (2 hrs for 1st level spell) (32 pages of Blessed Book used).
So could we have Kalinn roll saves, or roll saves for Kalinn to see how long in game time we were actually stuck on the island until we could safely leave, so that we can see how long Relic can study? Of course if I am not allowed to do this for some reason I will abide by that decision, no worries.

When at last it was sure that Kalinn was herself once more Relic was quick to assist Daylily in unbinding her, and to administer her one of the levitation potions and the elixir that would restore her eyesight. Relic could levitate himself, and he still had a couple of spells memorised to levitate Shadow and Daylily when they reached the massive ascent.

When they reached the surface, haggard, hungry and pale, Relic called out to Aradra, letting the ranger know that the danger had passed. The wizard suggested that they leave immediately, using the magical swan boat token they had found in Gerlach's shop.

[sblock=OOC] We should only need to use 1 potion as Aradra flew out, Relic can levitate, and Relic memorised Levitate twice to get out of this place.

[sblock=Relic lvl 9]

Relic Nevyn
(Lvl 9) Human Wizard 8/Oracle 1
HP: 28
AC: 14 Touch 14 FlatFooted 11
Initiative: +8; Temporal Celerity: Rolls initiative twice and can use either result

Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +9
Wizards Spells: lvl 0: Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand
Lvl 1: Shocking Grasp; Magic Missile 2/3 Used; Feather Fall:USED
Lvl 2: Summon Monster II: USED, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility: USED; Levitate x2
Level 3: Haste 0/2 Used; Lightning Bolt; Fly: USED
Level 4: Black Tentacles, Summon Monster IV 2/2 USED
Bonded Ring:
Pearl of Power (lvl 1):
Pearl of Power (lvl 2):
Lightning Flash 8/8 uses left today
Cyclone: 8/8 uses left today
Oracles Orisons: Detect Poison, Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
Oracles Spells: lvl 1: 0/3 uses left today
Wand of Mage Armor: (45/50) charges
Wand of CLW: (47/50) charges
Rod of Lesser Extend: 1/3 uses left today
Quarterstaff of Spellstoring: +5 (+6); 1d6+1 dmg Charged: No Charge
Consumables: 4/4 CLW Potions; 6/8 trail rations
Scrolls prepared for Battle: Shield, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hypnotism, Moment of Greatness
Curse: Clouded Vision: Max Vision limit 60'; as Darkvision
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Will Saves (1d20+9=29, 1d20+9=14, 1d20+9=24, 1d20+9=29, 1d20+9=21) (Natural 20 on the first one, so if a 29 doesn't do it she won't be undominated until she levels or otherwise gets a bonus. Wouldn't that be a pip - she'd spend the first part of SK's next adventure trying to kill Aradra :devil: :lol:)

PS: Please don't forget to include Kalinn in your dosing with potions - she's bloody tired of feeling ill and not being able to see . . .
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[sblock=OOC] +1 from Relic's Guidance would make it a save of 30. That must be a success. So Relic would only get 21 hours to study before we high tailed it off the island. [/sblock]

Ooc: Given Aradra's stealth skill when fully buffed, good luck tracking him down lol. He'll just would have sat out of the game, due to no one finding him lol.

[sblock=Elixir for Kalinn] That is in the fluff above all ready :) I just withheld it until you were over your domination. If you somehow escaped Relic figured it was better that you be half blind whilst looking for Aradra! But he handed you the elixir along with the levitation potion as soon as he was sure you had overcome the effects of the spell. [/sblock]

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