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[LPF] The Forbidden Isle of Ancient Secrets


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The soilder relaxes a bit as the paladin goes to start working on the womans arm. With Shadow calming down, everything seemed to be ok. Calling the wolf back to walk with him, Aradra walks towards the man.

Getting close enough to talk (Bh 51), Aradra asks him "Who are you two?"

[sblock=Aradra Stats]
Aradra Longstrider
AC: 21 (15 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 87/87
CMB: +11 CMD: 27
Fort: +8 Reflex: +13 Will: +6
Perception: +14
Initiative: +8
Current Weapon in Hand: Bow +17/+12 1d8+3 or +12/+12/+7 1d8+9 1st hit deals double
Current Item in Right Hand Sheath: Wand of Abundent Ammo (46/50)
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim;Woodland Stride ; Evasion
Used Items: 4 charges of Abundent Ammo. 1 charge CLW, AntiVenom
Adaptation: 80/80 Minutes Remain (Darkvision, Iron Will, Skill Focus Stealth)
Level 1 Spells:Delay Poison, Gravity Bow,
Level 2 Spells: Perceive Clues, Barkskin (+3)
Extend Rod: 2/3 per Day
Pearl of Power lvl 1: AVAILABLE
[sblock=Shadow Stats]
AC: 26 (20 flat-footed, 11 touch) (-1 DEX from AC +1 NA bonus) + 4 Mage Armor
HP: 90/90
CMB: +14 CMD: 27 (31 vs Trip)
Fort: +11 Reflex: +8 Will: +5 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +14
Initiative: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+12/+5 1d8 + 16 + Trip) + d6 Shocking Amulet of Mighty Biting (activated)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent
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Whistling in what he believes is a nonchalant manner, Daylily moves ahead of Relic so he can charge the man if anything entertaining happens.


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Relic nods to Daylily. As he walks by he whispers "Yes, perhaps a trick thing. I doubt we will meet anyone normal in this place. Look a us after just one night ..."

​With that Relic rustles along behind Daylily, taking care to keep the elven barbarian between himself and the new comers. He remains silent, watching them with an intent stare of open distrust.

Satin Knights

First Post
The male thumps his chest with his arm, "Craktok" to answer the archer. Pointing to his mate, "Keeeenaar".

Iosef lays his hands upon the woman's arm, but something is not quite right. The arm feels like a crusty shell fish, not that of a woman. At the same time, a divine whisper in Relic's ear puts him on edge against this new danger.

[sblock=Iosef]You suddenly see through an illusion and are holding the claw of this 8' tall, large beast. You get a standard or move action in the surprise round. You can also talk, 5' step and use a swift action. Drawing your sword at this moment is a move action.
[/sblock][sblock=Relic]You can't see what is going on, but your temporal celerity ability kicked in. You get a surprise round action of move or std. (5' step, swift and talk are also available)[/sblock][sblock=Combat]
Iosef's will save (1d20+12=21) makes it
trigger's init
Surprise Inits: Iosef, Frost, Daylily, Aradra, Relic twice (1d20+0=19, 1d20+3=8, 1d20+2=13, 1d20+8=15, 1d20+8=25, 1d20+8=13)
Init male;female (1d20+7=22, 1d20+7=22)

Iosef and Relic get to act in a surprise round with a surprise action before the creatures.
(Relic can't see what is going on, but still rolls the best initiative. The wind is whispering to him. That's it! :heh:)

78/78 ~ AC 18 ~ Daylily ~
52/52 ~ AC 18 ~ Relic ~ mage armor 2 hrs, neutralize poison 10 hrs
87/87 ~ AC 21 ~ Aradra ~
90/90 ~ AC 26 ~ Shadow ~ amulet active, mage armor 1 hour
90/90 ~ AC 23 ~ Iosef ~
/92 ~ AC 25 ~ Frost ~

??/?? ~ AC 10? ~ Male
??/?? ~ AC 10? ~ Female


First Post
Relic was myopic of that there was no doubt. But as his physical sight dimmed Relic had begun to sense the world in new and unique ways. He had always been mistrustful of appearances, when he got up close enough to see them of course, and as Daylily could testify, more often than not his suspicions were largely misplaced. But that was not the case today. Strangers in need of help on this forsaken island ... his alarm bells were ringing. As he placed himself behind Daylily the wind seemed to still, as though holding its breath for a moment, which is when Relic heard the whisper clear as day. You are all in great danger. It was then that Relic had a flash forward of what was to come, as blind as he was, he saw it as clearly as he heard the wind's whisper.

His fingers found their way into his component pouch with deft decision as he sounded a warning to his companions. "Kill them now!" He popped the shaving of liquorice he had found into his mouth and let the spell tumble forth that would fuse him and those close enough with supernatural haste. "Velocitat!"

Caste Haste on self, Daylily, Shadow and Aradra. (Sorry guys, Kalinn and Iosef are out of Relic's range): +1 extra attack/round (main attack) when making a Full Attack; +1 atk bonus; +1 AC and REF saves dodge bonus; +30 ft movement
Duration: 7 Rounds

SK, I hope you don't mind that I have interpreted Relic's temporal celerity as him seeing a flash of the future, thus bypassing his myopia, not to any mechanical advantage though, just fluff-wise. I've been careful not to have Relic transmit any knowledge that he doesn't actually know, even though I intimate he does know what is going to happen.

Question regarding Spell Duration of spells cast from Wand:
I am guessing from the length of time you have listed for Mage Armour that there is a rule somewhere that says that when you use a wand, the spell functions by the caster level of the creator not the person using the spell, right? It must be hidden somewhere, but I can't find it, so I just wanted to check. Because it would normally last 7 hours for a 7th level wizard. If it was taken from the caster level of the creator, Craft Wand is a 5th level feat. Which would mean 5 hours. Or is there a rule that trumps this somewhere else that I have missed which makes it cast as though a 1st level wizard were using it? :) [/sblock]

[sblock=Relic lvl 7]
Relic Nevyn
(Lvl 7) Human Wizard 6/Oracle 1
HP: 52/52
AC: 14 (19) Touch 14 (19) FlatFooted 11 (15)
Initiative: +8; Temporal Celerity: Rolls initiative twice and can use either result
Status: Mage Armour (2 hrs?); Haste (7 rounds): +1 atk; +1 AC & REF; +30ft move; +1 atk/round w/ full atk
Fish Skin: -2 Cha; must get wet or staggered 1/day; +2 Escape Artist checks & CMD vs Grapple
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 (+5) Will: +8
Wizards Spells: lvl 0: Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1: Shocking Grasp; Identify; Comprehend Languages; Magic Missile x2; Silent image
Lvl 2: Summon Monster II, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility; Flaming Sphere; Web
Level 3: Haste 1/2 Used; Lightning Bolt; Gaseous Form: USED
Bonded Ring:
Pearl of Power (lvl 1):
Pearl of Power (lvl 2):
Lightning Flash 7/7 uses left today
Oracles Orisons: Detect Poison, Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
Oracles Spells: lvl 1: 3/3 uses left today
Wand of Mage Armor: (45/50) charges
Wand of CLW: (50/50) charges
Rod of Lesser Extend: 3/3 uses left today
Quarterstaff of Spellstoring: +4; 1d6+1 dmg Charged: Force Punch (5d4 force, 10ft knock back, DC 16).
Consumables: 4/4 CLW Potions; 7/8 trail rations
Scrolls prepared for Battle: Shield, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hypnotism, Moment of Greatness
Curse: Clouded Vision: Max Vision limit 30'; as Darkvision
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Satin Knights

First Post
[sblock=ooc]Flash of the future is fine. The ability does leave the description a bit open as to how to deal with it.

A magic item can be made at a lower caster level than the caster who is making it. CRB p.460. For wands, potions and scrolls, min = min to cast the spell, max=caster's level. Since the price of a wand is 750 * caster level * spell level, a first level spell at CL 1 = 750 gold. If done as a 5th level caster, it would have cost 3,750. CRB p.496. I think we also have a LPF ruling that all new items purchased at the Mystic Pearl are min level and fully charged unless they are commissioned.

Satin Knights

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"Hungry!" Lobster clawed arms and tentacles start to flail and strike out of the rather passive illusion that was a man and woman. The creatures themselves are quite a bit larger than humans, standing 8' tall, and are quite focused upon their prey. The female creature tries to grab the paladin, but the stalwart knight manages to raise his shield just in time to block the blow.

As the female has taken her first strike, the male shuffle steps and breaks his illusion with a massive claw of his own. Frost is not as lucky as the massive claw grabs her around the waist and starts squeezing and tearing at her flesh.

[sblock=Aradra]Kn Dungeoneering:29 gets you that the creatures are Chuul. They are known for having paralytics tentacles and having human-like intelligence.[/sblock]The party is up...[sblock=Combat]surprise round over, Full round #1.
The grey circle is just a busted lamp post. It will not impede Daylily. The vines to the north are difficult terrain.
78/78 ~ AC 18 ~ HASTE 6 Daylily ~
52/52 ~ AC 18 ~ HASTE 6 Relic ~ mage armor 2 hrs, neutralize poison 10 hrs
87/87 ~ AC 21 ~ HASTE 6 Aradra ~ Kn Dungeoneering (1d20+9=29)
90/90 ~ AC 26 ~ HASTE 6 Shadow ~ amulet active, mage armor 1 hour
90/90 ~ AC 23 ~ Iosef ~
80/92 ~ AC 25 ~ Frost ~ GRAPPLED

??/?? ~ AC 22 ~ Male Creature ~ 5' step, lobster claw attack on Frost (1d20+14=31) succeeds, damage (2d6+7=12), Grab (Grapple) attempt (1d20+19=25) succeeds
??/?? ~ AC 22 ~ Female Creature ~ lobster claw attack (1d20+14=20) on Iosef, misses


First Post
With a joyous cry, Daylily charges at the nearest creature. "Uyuh! Make happy noise! Fight!"

[sblock=OOC]Rage, Lunge, Charge to BI54. Daylily doesn't like getting grappled when he charges big things with reach.

Otherwise, I haven't been able to log onto Invisible Castle. SK, if you would do the honors, Daylily is attacking at +18/2d8+17[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]

Daylily Falshenaya

AC: 18 [15] (18 flat-footed, 13 touch) -2 Lunge -2 Charge +1 Haste
HP: 78/78
CMB: +12 CMD: 24
Fort: +9 Reflex: +4 Will: +4


AC: 16 [13] (16 flat-footed, 11 touch) -2 Lunge -2 Charge +1 Haste
HP: 92/92
CMB: +14 CMD: 26

Fort: +11 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Perception: +14 [includes +2 mutation bonus]
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Earthbreaker (+15/+8, 2d6+17, 20x3)
Current Conditions in Effect: Rage, Lingering rage, PA/FF, Charge, Lunge, Haste
Rage Remaining: 13/13

Used Items:

Rations, 1
CLW Wand, 14
Javelin, 2
Barbarian chew, 5
Sling bullet, 1

Voidrunner's Codex

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