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[LPF] The Forge of Fury, Pt1


Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric (NPC)


Ariel munches her cold rations and asks with some incredulity, "You want to carry me up the side of the mountain?"

While she doesn't weigh a whole lot, her armor and gear nearly double it.

"Do we even know for sure if there are orcs up there? The plume of smoke we saw to the south of the peak yesterday was off the trail. Does anyone have expertise in sneaking around and scouting?"

[sblock=Mini Stats] Ariel Esimae
Initiative: +2
AC: 26 (23 without shield, 24 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +5 CMD: 18 Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +8 (+10 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity
Conditions if Effect: None

Current Weapon in Hand: none
Javelins: 5/5 Remaining

Fire Bolt: 6/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining (3d6/DC14)
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 5/5* (Shield of Faith, Doom, Bless, Divine Favor, Burning Hands)
2nd Level 4/4 (Lessor Restoration, Hold Person, Sound Burst, Barkskin)
3rd Level 3/3 (Fireball, Searing Light, Dispel Magic)[/sblock]

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First Post
As the morning arrives Fae'shiel was to be found off sitting under a tree outside of their little nook reading a book. She had been like that for a while now, spending the time to memorize her spells for the day. When Iago and the others start speaking she looks up only casually and then goes back to reading, but as soon as Iago mentions carrying the group up the side of a cliff she looks up blushing horribly. At Ariel's comment she shuts her book with enough force to gain the attention of the others but not enough to draw unwanted attention from passing Orc patrols. She stands up, walks over to Iago and promptly Smacks him across the face, "You are with two women whom you are not familiar with, how dare you propose carrying us up a cliff like that."


Iago blinks, and then his jaw sets. He rises, staring up at the elf.

"I would never take your honor," he tells her. His voice is low, but the rage is clear. "But if you do that again I will take your hand."

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Marcus seems stunned by the approach of Fae'shiel and the slap to Iago's mug. The Ranger stands up quietly and, as he is able, interposes parts of himself between the half-orc and Elf.

"Before anyone loses any necessary organs...it was just a suggestion he was making. Offering an idea to get the discussion started. For himself it's a valid option. If he can also make himself invisible it might give us a little more idea of what we are dealing with up there. I would assume that, having had time to prepare, Lady Fae'shiel probably has her own means of getting up the side of the cliff. I could probably scale it myself. Our newest comrade, however, might have an issue. Her armor might be a bit heavy for a climb that extended. If we could, instead, find a way to lighten the weight of her armor, she might also be able to make her way up the cliff."

Marcus turns his head to one, another and another of his traveling companions...more like a traveling menagerie at the moment, before turning a questioning look at Fae'shiel with his eyebrows raised.


First Post
"Flight, is actually a spell I do not have access to. Nor is climbing at the moment. It may just be easier to find a path that is not patrolled by the Orcs. I can for example grant one of us invisibility that would make scouting far more effective. Though please note that the invisibility wouldn't last for very long in the grand scheme of things and so should only be used as a last resort." Fae'shiel explains to the others.


Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric (NPC)


Ariel's look of incredulity shifted immediately to the elven woman who took it upon herself to slap their male companion. She saw no reason to justify the violent reaction. While she was new to their company she found it quite strange and not of a friendly nature. She could not keep the frown of disapproval from her face. Her gaze stayed with Fae'shiel as Marcus explained what the Iago really meant.

Still keeping a wary eye on the elven female, she says carefully, "No, I am not very quiet nor do I climb very well. If necessary, I could wear my chain shirt armor instead, but if we end up fighting I will be sorely disadvantaged. That makes me uncomfortable with the prospects of fighting orcs so high."

"Now, Fae'shiel, I was not offended by Iago's idea. I would not look forward to being carried like a sack of potatoes and I wondered at the necessity of burdening our friend. Still, I saw no untoward intent of his suggestion at all. And in the past three days, I have not felt Iago has been anything other than a friend and trustworthy companion."

"Your behavior this morning was ill-mannered and... unkind. No, do not attempt to slap me as well for speaking my mind. I want to believe you are smart enough to understand there was nothing intended to hurt your sensibilities."

"As a peaceful gesture, I think you would want to apologize for your outburst and violence, yes?"

Ariel has a polite smile on her face waiting for Fae'shiel.

Diplomacy (1d20+8=18)

[sblock=Mini Stats] Ariel Esimae
Initiative: +2
AC: 26 (23 without shield, 24 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +5 CMD: 18 Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +8 (+10 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity
Conditions if Effect: None

Current Weapon in Hand: none
Javelins: 5/5 Remaining

Fire Bolt: 6/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining (3d6/DC14)
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 5/5* (Shield of Faith, Doom, Bless, Divine Favor, Burning Hands)
2nd Level 4/4 (Lessor Restoration, Hold Person, Sound Burst, Barkskin)
3rd Level 3/3 (Fireball, Searing Light, Dispel Magic)[/sblock]


In spite of himself, Iago finds himself touched by the Marcus' and Ariel's words. He chokes down his anger and looks to Fae'Shiel to see what she will do.


First Post
Fae'shiel sighs, saying in hushed tones "I apologize Iago for smacking you. However I still think it was rude of you for suggesting to carry the two of us up the cliff face." while looking from one of her companions to the next. After making her apologies she returns to her seat where she had been before and reopens her book and continues to read.


The half-orc fights for his composure. "It was not my intention to be rude," he says, apparently the best he can offer. He sits, and takes a pull from his waterskin.

"We still have the problem of our approach," he says. "Perhaps you are right, Mistress Ariel, that we should send a scout up the trail. I have no particular skill with stealth. What of you, Marcus? You have the look of a hunter."


Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric (NPC)


Ariel looks curiously at the elven woman, brow slightly furrowed, "I am curious. What was rude? The idea of being touched?"

"I am unclear on why his suggestion was rude at all and I would not like to be slapped if I were to examine your body if you become wounded."

[sblock=Mini Stats] Ariel Esimae
Initiative: +2
AC: 26 (23 without shield, 24 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +5 CMD: 18 Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +8 (+10 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity
Conditions if Effect: None

Current Weapon in Hand: none
Javelins: 5/5 Remaining

Fire Bolt: 6/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining (3d6/DC14)
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 5/5* (Shield of Faith, Doom, Bless, Divine Favor, Burning Hands)
2nd Level 4/4 (Lessor Restoration, Hold Person, Sound Burst, Barkskin)
3rd Level 3/3 (Fireball, Searing Light, Dispel Magic)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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