D&D (2024) Lycanthropes in the MM

I dunno. I kinda do. I mean, that was one of the best parts of 4e. All the monsters had interesting things they could do.
People say that a lot, but forget how little they (4e stat blocks) actually had a lot of times.

I definitely want some monsters with lots of bells and whistles, but I don't need that for every goblin, orc, or ogre. Some things I want to be simple. To be clear, I don't mind having variants with more bells and whistles, but I like some simple ones to. So a plain goblin that is simple, and then a goblin warrior or hexer with more toys.

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Here is the WERETIGER:


Art by Zuzanna Wuzyk

Flavor text: "Weretigers shape-shift from humanoid forms into tigers or tiger-humanoid hybrids. Although they can transform at will or when their magical nature demands, many weretigers are nocturnal and transform into their bestial shapes at night. Some weretigers’ transformations might also be tied to the crescent moon, seasons, or momentous events. Weretigers often view their abilities as a blessing or a family honor, and they use their shape-shifting abilities to defend something with historic importance. Roll on or choose a result from the Weretiger Wards table to inspire what a weretiger defends."

AC, HP, speeds, ability scores, and skill proficiencies are unchanged.
Damage immunities are gone.
Darkvision remains.
Still CR 4.
Shapechanger = Shape-Shift.
Keen Hearing and Smell is gone.
Pounce is gone.
Two attacks - any combination of scratch or longbow. Can replace one with a bite. Bite imposes the curse (still DC 13).
Bite now does 12 damage instead of 8. Scratch does 10 damage instead of 7. Longbow does 11 damage instead of 6. Attack modifiers are the same.
New bonus action = Prowl (Tiger or Hybrid forms only). Can move its speed without provoking OAs and can then hide.
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Last but not least, here is the WEREWOLF:


Art by Cristi Balanescu

Flavor text: "Werewolves change from their humanoid forms into fierce wolves or wolf-humanoid hybrids. Werewolves can shape-shift voluntarily, but many can’t resist transforming during the nights of a full moon."

AC is a flat 15.
HP are 71 (11d8 + 22) instead of 58 (9d8 + 18).
Speeds are the same.
Str and Dex are higher by 1 each (16 and 14 instead of 15 and 13).
Skills are still Perception and Stealth, but the latter is +4 instead of +3.
No damage immunities.
Still CR 3.
Gains Pack Tactics trait. Loses Keen Hearing and Smell trait.
Shapechanger = Shape-Shift.
Two attacks - scratch or longbow in any combo. Can replace one with a bite attack. Bite imposes lycanthropy curse (still DC 12).
Bite does 12 damage instead of 6. Scratch does 10 dmg instead of 7. Longbow does 11 dmg. (Werewolves previously had a spear attack not a longbow attack.) Attack mods are 1 higher because of the increase to Dex.

I agree. I found it annoying with the 2014 versions that magic weapons could bypass the damage immunities just as effectively as silvered ones could. It meant that silvered weapons just weren't really a thing worth bothering with.
I looked up the AD&D 2e version and magic weapons also helped there.

I don't know what 5.5 is (;)), but 5e24 has on many accounts. People were always mistaken if they thought every stat block was getting a horde of changes (or that every stat block needed them). It was never going to be that, thankfully. I don't want every monster to have a handful of traits, bonus actions, reactions, and actions.
I on the other hand am perfectly fine with most statblocks having those things.

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