[M&M 3E] October 1962

"You're asking us?" Jennifer says. "We don't know your capabilities. We don't know the capabilities of this base. We don't know what it looks like from the outside. You didn't say how many hostiles there are. What kind of actions are available to make? Is evasion possible? Or maybe out running them? Try that."

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Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
"Evasive maneuvers initiated."

The floor jerks, rocking the students on their feet, and they feel the effects of rapid acceleration. The view on the monitor shifts as the creatures merge into a flock and begin pursuit.

"Hostiles are gaining," the computer says. "Displaying schematics."

Another screen appears on a wall, showing a large cube divided into several interior levels.

"Exterior dimensions are 5 yards width, height, and depth. I have minimal offensive capabilities in the form of exterior laser turrets. These draw on system power, which will soon reach critical levels at this speed. Solar batteries can recharge given sufficient down-time."


New York
Friday, January 12, 1973/1135

“What the hell are those things?” Sofia exclaimed. “Those aren’t...normal… If we have...lasers…?” she queried, “then hell yes, let’s shoot at them!” She held onto the wall to avoid getting thrown to the floor as their...cube started moving rapidly. She looked at the schematics. “Are we like some UFO?”

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
"Hostiles incoming from other directions."

The display quarters itself, showing four different views of the exterior.

"Do we know if these bird creatures can harm the base?" Jennifer asks. "Anybody have any ideas?"

The students hear one dull thud! after another. The bird-things diving, strike, and then retreat, looping around for another attack.

“What the hell are those things?” Sofia exclaimed. “Those aren’t...normal… If we have...lasers…?” she queried, “then hell yes, let’s shoot at them!” She held onto the wall to avoid getting thrown to the floor as their...cube started moving rapidly. She looked at the schematics. “Are we like some UFO?”

"They are mutates," the computer says.

In two of the four exterior views, staccato bursts of light race toward the bird-things, one of which is hit. It flares and spirals, dropping out of view.

"This is a Mobile Operations Module," the computer says. "Main functions are life support and transportation." Thud! Thud! "Hull integrity is at 98%. Nanotech repair systems can compensate, but a more aggressive solution may be necessary. I can open egress so that you can engage the hostiles directly."


New York
Friday, January 12, 1973/1140

“Um...I fought off a goose once at the petting zoo,” Sofia said. “Do you have weapons? Like a shotgun or something? Hell, even a baseball bat? And maybe something so we don’t fall off. I can get us out there,” she told the others. “Wait, how did I know that…” She looked up at the ceiling.

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
"Opening egress point," the computer says.

Part of the ceiling disappears, turning into a square opening about six feet across. A ramp forms from the opening to the floor.

"Quickly," says the computer. "Before the creatures find their way inside."

OOC: Ye gods! It's been way too long since I posted. Mea culpa maxima.

Initiative along with actions please. If you move outside, you'll discover the top of the cube is a 15-foot square. The inside is much larger. There are many flying Bird Things at a variety of ranges from Really Close to Far Away.

Bird Thing Initiative = 14

Jennifer steps out the door and tries to imagine herself as the moving statue she was before. She manages to turn into a solid crystal statue, and once again cannot move.

OOC: She always loses the first round (or longer) of a combat just trying to figure out how to move as a crystalline creature.
Initiative: 1D20-3 = [6]-3 = 3 (And she's slow, too.)


New York
Friday, January 12, 1973/1140
Round 1

“How are we supposed to fight these things without weapons?” Sofia asked. She looked around the room for anything she could grab, and then headed up to the flat top of the ship. There wasn’t a lot of space. Hopefully they wouldn’t fall off!

Initiative: 1D20+1 = [18]+1 = 19

Voidrunner's Codex

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