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M4: Under the Volcano [Nimisgod judging] -CONCLUDED


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Round 7 (con't)
Rinaldo, grieving over having struck down his friend, flees down the hallway.
Tenebrynn, displaying the skill which has brought him through many battles, trips his opponent, sending the gnoll crashing to the stone floor. He then dashes East.
Eanos strikes out at the gnoll, expertly guiding his fist into the creature's nose, and smashing bone into brain. The gnoll flops back lifeless in a spray of blood.

Razh attacks the nearest creature, the Leumure. He imbeds his bigger axe in the creature's gooy flesh. An instant later, Nurlan's arrow slams into the back of its head. It collapses in a pool of oozing red flesh.

The tripped gnoll gets up and pursues Tenebrynn. The archers fire at Nurlan and Eanos. They continue the poor tradition of gnoll archery, both missing.

Round 8
KaziKazi reaches down and pulls a large, ornate crossbow from a holster on his throne. He then moves to his right lowering the weapon to shoot.

At this point, Nurlan's inspire courage has expired. In case I forget to mention it next round, round 8 is the last round of the confusion spell.


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Eanos, human monk

Eanos speeds across the room, setting himself on the opposite side of Tenebrynn's gnoll foe, hoping to give the injured mage some level of distraction.

[sblock=OOC]Double move to flank g4 with Tenebrynn[/sblock]


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Round 8 (con't)
Rinaldo, suddenly filled with anger at Kazikazi for causing such confusion, turns and charges back into the room.

Ogrin has retreated four rounds at double moves by this point. He retreats at double move instead of a run as he's paranoid. He can reenter the room after two rounds of full run. Thus, he could rejoin the battle as a participant in round 11.

Tenebrynn turns to face his attacker again, and tries to trip the gnoll, but fails.

You can't make two trip attacks in one turn, can you? Or can you, if you have two weapon fighting?

Eanos charges to Tenebryn's rescue. He is within charging range, so I'll assume he tries to hit. He misses.

Razh attacks the nearest creature. This is actually Eanos. Fortunately, Eanos is slightly out of his charging range. By the time the steamed up dwarf actually reaches the monk, he can't remember why he was so pissed off at him.

Gnoll 1 & gnoll 5 drop their bows, and charge, pulling out their great axes while running. G5 is unable to reach Nurlan in time to attack, but G1 does reach Eanos, striking him with the axeblade. (9 pts dmg - bringing the monk to 12) The last gnoll swings his axe at the elf, missing.

Round 9
At this point, all conscious PCs can act normally. rln, feel free to NPC Raseriet if Rae hasn't posted by the time you read this.

Kazikazi fires his large ornate crossbow at Rinaldo, striking the merchant a glancing blow (3 pts)


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(ooc: I am pretty sure that as it just counts as a standard touch attack, you can do it any time you have the opportunity to attack. If not, no worries, I missed both times. Trip)

Tenebrynn tries to trip his opponent again the next round, but is not very successful. Trying again he fails? again... (provided he can continue to try twice a round)

ooc: i really need improved trip.


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Eanos, human monk

[sblock=Hit Points]I hate to admit it, but I think Eanos is lower than you think, Manz. It looks like you didn't update your list back when I corrected you (see the OOC block on the linked post). I have Eanos at 15/23 before this last hit, which puts him at 6/23 now. Ouch![/sblock]

Eanos swears to himself for getting cocky and opening himself up for attack. Seeing Razh appear to shake off his confusion, Eanos shifts northward to allow the dwarf a spot where he can take his pick of gnolls.

Hoping to save himself another axe blow, Eanos' fists and feet blur as he attempts to take his gnoll down.

[sblock=Crunch]5' step north.
Flurry attacks: 14, 4

Manzanita, I wasn't sure if your use of the word charge was for color, or the actual special attack. If the latter (+2 attack, -2 AC), then I think Eanos' first flurry roll is good enough to hit, for 7 damage[/sblock]


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The wounds seems to wake up Rinaldo from his torpor. He quickly recover and analyze the situation, and instead of being frustrated about his lack of usefullness for teh combat, he smiles. "Out of usefull spells?" he tells to himself. Rinaldo moves to take the gnoll on Nurlan into bracket. While moving, he sheet his sap and take back his rapier he was holding in his bad hand. Having the gnoll into bracket, he attack it, his rapier striking into a weak point of the armor.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Sheet sap while moving to get bracket on g5(Move action)
Switch back his rapier in his good hand (free action)
Attack g5: 21 (I forget to include the bracket bonus), it should hit for 11 damage.[/SBLOCK]


Ogrins head clears. He immediately runs to rejoin his friends.

Rasereit too feels the fog of confusion lift from his mind. He steps up to the closest Gnoll, letting him feel the full wwight of his two axes. His hand axe misses the intended target, but his Urgrosh strikes true, dealing some pain!

Voidrunner's Codex

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