M4: Under the Volcano [Nimisgod judging] -CONCLUDED


OOC: Ogrin is not unconscious on the floor; he's dropped his weapons and moves sluggishly, like he's taken a blow to the head, or sampled a few too many of Joe's bottles.

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Round 15
Tenebrynn feeds Eanos another potion of CLW. This brings the Monk spluttering back to consciousness, feeling much the worse for wear. (1 hp)

The rest of the group rushes forward, Nurlan and Rinaldo outpacing Mordik and Rasereit. As he runs, Mordik retrives his light mace, having lost his rapier to rust. Since no one defined a different path, I'm sending everyone double move straight up the middle.

Ogrin is blinded and stunned, but (importantly) not helpless for round 15 & 16.

Kazikazi steps 5 feet towards his throne and pauses. The hobgoblin and gnoll stay largely concealed behind their pillars.

Nakurusai and Rae, feel free to step in any time and seize control of your PC!


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Rasereit charges Kazikazi, hoping to cut the monstrosity down, before it kills his friend. "Have nae fear, Ogrin! Ah'm comin for ye, lad!"

[SBLOCK=Rolls]Attack: 24
Damage: 13

OOC: It should be noted that Ogrin and Razh have Wisdom 18... if you add them. Which might explain their sometimes not so brilliant (but often ruthless effective) tactics!

Rae Ardgoth: You need to reapply changes since the crash to your char sheet (notably XP). See my sheet for links to the XP calculations.
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Eanos, human monk

Eanos looks around, quickly realizing his fall in battle wasn't his final one.

"All my thanks to you, Tenebrynn," he says, eyes bleary as he reaches into his Haversack for his own remaining potion and drinks it down.


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"Nurlan, take him by the back." suggests Rinaldo. Once the bard will have taken the lead, Rinaldo will charge the false god.

[SBLOCK=OOC]If Nurlan go to H4, Rinaldo can charge Kazikazi by J6 and get a bracket (and thus, a sneak attack).[/SBLOCK]


LEW Judge
Velmont said:
"Nurlan, take him by the back." suggests Rinaldo. Once the bard will have taken the lead, Rinaldo will charge the false god.

Hearing this from Rinaldo, Nurlan will swing around behind Kazikazi. (If I count correctly, he can just swing a wide enough berth with a double move not to have to move through a threatened square.)


First Post
Round 16

Rinaldo and Nurlan charge ahead into the lead. Rinaldo slows slightly, to allow Nurlan to pass him on his left and allow them to attack at the same time, Nurlan from the back, and Rinaldo from the front. (Nurlan was last seen weilding a longbow. He could have dropped this at any point and pulled out a different weapon w/o slowing down.) The slower dwarves hustle up behind them.

Is is then that the unexpected happens again. Nurlan seems to run straight into an invisible wall. Rinaldo, not realizing quite what is happening, also runs into it an instant later. (Nurlan takes 1 pt dmg; Rinaldo 7. Each loses the rest of his action.) The dwarves don't reach this invisible wall yet.)

Ogrin will recover his vision next round (17), and orient himself again. In round 18, he will be able to act normally.

Kazikazi leaps into action the instant the heros hit the wall. He darts West about 15 feet, one hand slightly extended, as though trailing along a wall, taking about the same position he did earlier when he fired his crossbow at Rinaldo. From there he moves his clawed, furry hand forward abruptly. Rinaldo, Nurlan and Mordik see this action as some divine fury. Kazikazi seems to grow in stature. His face assumes a terrifying aspect, and their only thought is to flee for their lives from the god's wrath. The others only see a mysterious hand gesture from a creature who now leaves a trail of blood in his wake.

Mordik, Nurlan and Rinaldo make will save DC 17 vs. Fear

Eanos drinks another potion, curing 9 pts of dmg.
Tenebrynn can still act this round.

The hobgoblin and gnoll hold their ground, mostly still sheilded by the pillars.


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Seeing everyone that he could help back on their feat, Tenebrynn turns a mournful look towards Ashnar's fallen body before steeling himself for the charge ahead. He drinks one more potion (one more left) as he moves forward towards his friends.

Voidrunner's Codex

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