M4: Under the Volcano [Nimisgod judging] -CONCLUDED


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rln said:
[SBLOCK=Velmont]Just a minor nitpick: A round of combat is usually around 6 seconds... I think Rinaldo is a bit loquacious for that amount of time.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=OOC]And I am not half as convincing than Rinaldo either... Rinaldo have +17 diplomacy. He will surely find something shorter and more convincing than that, at least, it is how I see it. You speak through the mouth of your character, you tell the idea behind the words, but your character doesn't use the exact same words, as he might be more or less diplomat/intelligent/ect... it is at least how I see it. And if an idea in your text is a clumsy idea to introduce or a clever one, you can add a penalty/bonus to the roll. There is no diplomatie roll that will prevent a king to arrest you after you tell her daugther is a bitch ;)

Manz will have the last word on that...

But Rinaldo has always been the talkative type... He likes to talk, he his social, but he also knows when to shut his mouth too.[/SBLOCK]

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Round 14.
Rinaldo begins speaking eloquently. However, before he gets much more than a sentence out about surrendering, Kazikazi jerks and twists. He whirls and behind him a halfling form emerges from thin air, a bloody sword in his hands. Ogrin has managed to hit, despite Kazikazi's numerous defensive spells. (So you double your strength dmg for a critical, but not your sneak attack dmg? We used to double all of it.)

Tenebrynn adminsters another CLW potion, this time to Mordik, bringing him to consciousness. (cured 3 hps, so increasing his HPs from 5 to 8, and reducing his subdual dmg from 8 to 5. Right?)

Mordik may now act.

Razh (NPCed), lays Eanos down by the door, and pulls out his axes again.

Nurlan (NPCed) fires another arrow at the hobgoblin, missing. (Rare to have to NPC Nurlan. Perhaps Orsal became emeshed in the Riemann Hypothesis.)

Kazikazi knew Ogrin had turned invisible and is not caught completely unaware. He whirls, steps back 5 feet, and unleashes a swirling barrage of color at his would-be assasin. (Ogrin will save DC 14 vs. Color Spray, although don't bother determining duration if you fail; I'll do that privately)

The gnoll and hobgoblin continue to hide behind the pillars, though they are partially visible.


Manzanita said:
(So you double your strength dmg for a critical, but not your sneak attack dmg? We used to double all of it.)(cured 3 hps, so increasing his HPs from 5 to 8, and reducing his subdual dmg from 8 to 5. Right?)
Yup and yup.[/sblock]

Tenebrynn will administer another potion to Eanos, retreating all the way back to the door.


"...pretty...colours..." *clatter* *cling* goes Ogrins blades as he succumbs, once more, to the 'gods' will-draining magic.

[SBLOCK]OOC: Ogrin fails his will save

Crits: See "All about Sneak Attacks pt III for this quote:

"The bonus damage from a sneak attack is expressed as extra dice and it is not multiplied with a successful critical hit, or when an attack otherwise gets a damage multiplier. For example, a rogue charging with a mounted lance can make a sneak attack, but the damage multiplier for the mounted charge doesn't apply to the sneak attack."

You never multiply bonus dice (ie sneak attack, flaming modifier etc)[/SBLOCK]
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LEW Judge
Sorry -- I didn't realize I hadn't yet posted for the round. But you did exactly what I would have. Not this round, though...

Seeing Kazikazi's henchmen cowering harmlessly, but also seeing that Ogrin has managed to injure the no-longer-apparently-invulnerable leader, Nurlan shifts his attention. He begins to move at full speed toward Kazikazi, drawing his scimitar as he goes.
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"Fool!" whispers Rinaldo as he sees Ogrin appearing. Rinaldo, seeing Nurlan starting to run toward Kazikazi and Ogrin falling unconscious on the ground, choose to do the same and moves toward the false god, switching weapon and taking his rapier.


First Post
We're at what could be another crucial point in this battle, and I don't want to control any of the characters. Could the first player to read this post take over Mordik and post an action for him? Could the second player to read this take over Raseriet and post an action for him? Please continue controling these PCs until their players make a post themselves.


LEW Judge
Manzanita said:
We're at what could be another crucial point in this battle, and I don't want to control any of the characters. Could the first player to read this post take over Mordik and post an action for him? Could the second player to read this take over Raseriet and post an action for him? Please continue controling these PCs until their players make a post themselves.

Mordik, regaining consciousness, quickly sizes up the situation and joins the march on the faux goblin god. He will try to take a position opposite Rinaldo, so that they both can flank.


First Post
"Ogrin!" shouts Razh as he sees his hafling companion falling unconscious next to Kazikazi, who has already killed on of his companion. He rush foward as fast as his short legs can.

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