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Mac saves teen from D&D


Xombie Master said:
EDIT - deleted because Xombie retracted. --Henry

Ahem. Comments like that will get this thread closed down quickly. It's also just being obnoxious when the lady in question plays D&D and thus obviously doesn't hold those sorts of opinions.
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Xombie Master

First Post
Ok, I didn't mean it as an insult to the christian girl. The Cardinal asked
How can being a Christian (or not) be relevant to dating?
It's a fact that in (in the US at least) beliefs can come between two people who would otherwise be good for each other. Maybe I was a bit snarky, but considering the fact that a girl I truly cared about once broke up with me because I was, in her words "Going to hell, for not believing." Pardon me if I'm a bit bitter when it comes to the religeon and dating topic.

It wasn't an insult to Christians, it wasn't meant to be sarcastic. It's the sad truth.


First Post
Xombie Master said:
I never had a problem with the ladies, DnD had no effect on my sex life. That's not bragging hell sometimes I think they got in the way of my Dungeons and Dragons. ;)
It has had no effect on mine either, since I don't really have a sex life... :\

I'm A Banana

Hahaha, y'know, going down the path of religious rhetoric was NOT what I assumed would be the problem in this thread, when two girls confessed a love for D&D. I was thinking more "creepy stalkerish" and less "angry religionist" :heh:

First, addressing the thread topic, you don't need to give up D&D to be dead sexy. The membership of these boards is proof enough of that. I'm sexy, Teflon Billy is sexy, heck, even Eric Noah himself has been known to have The Pimp Juice. I also heard we had Derek Zoolander and Carrot Top and Vin Disel on these boards.... okay, maybe Carrot Top is not the best example, but... ;)

If your love of D&D is the kind of obsessive, all-consuming love that twists your reality, though, giving it up and persuing self-betterment is a GOOD idea. Balance, moderation, being a well-adjusted human being, is always very important, not just for scoring the ladies, but also for just being a healthy, confident person. And 90% of sexiness is being that healthy, confident person, anyway (the other 10% is mostly water). If it takes breaking down D&D to make you accept reality, well, it's a worthy sacrifice. ;)

(This is where I get screwed over because there aren't too many Christian gamer guys around here... blehhhh. No wonder I'm 19 and have never had a boyfriend. )

Wow, that describes me almost perfectly, except that I am 18

If it strikes your fancy, move out to someplace bigger or just different when you can. Christian gamer guys (or at least gamer guys who respect the Christian values for dating) aren't really that rare; most of my guy friends, like me, fit this mode okay. Go to a bigish-city college, or just find a job and move there if continuing education ain't your thing. I know nothing about where you gals are from, but I know of at least half a dozen nice, single Christian gamers ages 20-24, and that's without even *trying*, here.

Either way, the more people there are, the more likely you'll be able to find someone who meshes with what you're looking for, ya?

And if you ever find yourselves in Madison, maybe you can come to one of those sexy parties I throw. :cool:


Argh. I'm 26, christian, had two girlfriends (met one through gaming) and gamed regularly.

Lady Firehawk and ElvishBard, where were you when I as 18? ;)


First Post
Lady Firehawk said:
Well... I *AM* a girl, so there. :p The only girl in my gaming group, but ehhhh... also the only Christian, which sorta puts me out of any of their sights in terms of dateability. (This is where I get screwed over because there aren't too many Christian gamer guys around here... blehhhh. No wonder I'm 19 and have never had a boyfriend. ;) )

Yeah Christians do seem to be a rarity among D&D players. Ofcourse there is probably a very good reason why. Most Christian parents hear about the so called evils of D&D and scare their children away from it. My mom tried the same thing to me but I simply gave up on religion. While not Christian, I am conservative. Which I don't even think I took from my parents.

Lady Firehawk said:
I've always been kind of a nerd/geek, so nerd/geeks are what I feel comfortable with. In high school all the loud, giggly preppie chicks just annoyed the heck out of me, and even in middle school I got progressively more bummed out as all my friends grew out of playing pretend (and became preppies, lol) and I didn't. Even the ones who were younger than me, which most were.

Just put it this way. Playing D&D opens your mind up and helps prevent you from being sucked into the clone copy crowd of todays youth. :)

Lady Firehawk said:
So it's really no wonder I ended up getting into RPGs and D&D and such. :D And I suspect it's at least part of the reason I've been in absolutely no hurry to get a boyfriend or get into the sorts of trouble that other teens were. Much safer to be inside at all hours of the night playing D&D than going out and getting in trouble with the police. :D

My line of thought exactly.

My cousin has constantly tried to get me to go to clubs and everytime I refused. Not my thing and never will be.


First Post
Remathilis said:
Argh. I'm 26, christian, had two girlfriends (met one through gaming) and gamed regularly.

Lady Firehawk and ElvishBard, where were you when I as 18? ;)
10 and 11. Duh. :D

There's nothing wrong with giving up nerdery for a while to build a social life. What's wrong is trusting an MTV show to help. The best they can manage to do is change a quiet, geeky misanthrope into a loud, obnoxious misanthrope with a bad taste in music.


First Post
Yer gonna hate me....

But this is one of those things I can't empathize with. My regular gaming group of 7 has 3 women, one of whom is my wife. Been that way since before we were married. I've dated alot of beautiful ladies (well, not alot but...more then 10 :p ) and 80% were gamers.

D&D session. Date. Same thing - LOL



Xombie Master said:
Ok, I didn't mean it as an insult to the christian girl. The Cardinal asked It's a fact that in (in the US at least) beliefs can come between two people who would otherwise be good for each other. Maybe I was a bit snarky, but considering the fact that a girl I truly cared about once broke up with me because I was, in her words "Going to hell, for not believing." Pardon me if I'm a bit bitter when it comes to the religeon and dating topic.

It wasn't an insult to Christians, it wasn't meant to be sarcastic. It's the sad truth.

I'm well aware of the sad fact that some people do believe that things like playing D&D will send you to hell.

Obligatory link to "Spellcasting 101"

It's too bad you had to suffer as a result of this though. Intolerant beliefs are at the root of a lot of the suffering in the world.

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