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Making a level 6 bard with each NPC Generator

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First Post
Thanks. It kills me that this thread showed up right away in the Google results for "NPC generators," but then I tried changing the name so people who googled "NPC generator" would find it, and now it doesn't show up on either one. So people will be stuck with the lame old Myth-Weavers generator and never hear about these new ones.


Extradimensional Explorer
Reading this thread again, I thought I'd see what _did_ come up from googling "npc generator." I got Birche's NPC Generator. Perhaps Noumenon wants to review it, too, but I'll do my best.

Here's the 6th level bard:
Orige, female human Brd6; CR 6; HD 6d6-6; hp 13; Init +1; Spd 20 ft; AC 19/17, touch 11, flat-footed 18/16 (+1 Dex,+5 armor,+1 armor enh.,+2 shield); BAB +4; Melee heavy mace +6 (1d8+2), or punching dagger +6 light (1d4+1/x3); Ranged composite shortbow +7 (1d6+1/x3); SQ bardic knowledge, bardic music; AL CN; SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 12(+1), Dex 12(+1), Con 9(-1), Int 15(+2), Wis 5(-3), Cha 17(+3).
Skills and Feats: HIDE-3(1), SPOT-1(2), LISTEN-3, MOVE SILENTLY-4, alchemy+7(5), balance-4, bluff+6(3), climb-4, concentration+0(1), craft(gemcutter)+3(1), decipher script+5(3), disguise+6(3), escape artist-4, gather info+8(5), handle animal+4(1), jump-4, knowledge(nature)+3(1), knowledge(religion)+11(9), perform+8(5), search+4(2), sense motive-1(2), spellcraft+5(3), tumble-2(2), use magic dev+6(3), wilderness lore-1(2); blind-fight, combat casting, great fortitude, martial weapon proficiency(composite shortbow).
Skill Extras: +4 concentration when casting in combat.
Brd Spells Known: (cast 3/4/3) (DC = 13 + spell level) 0--Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance; 1--Cause Fear, Charm Person, Identify, Ventriloquism; 2--Blur, Glitterdust, See Invisibility.
Equipment: MW mighty composite shortbow (+1 str), MW punching dagger, 12 MW arrow(s), +1 heavy mace, +1 chainmail, MW large steel shield, Potion of Water Breathing, Scroll of Unseen Servant (CL1), 52 gp.

Languages: common, terran, giant, undercommon, auran.
Mount: Viriet, male light warhorse; HD 3d8+9; hp 27; Init +1; Spd 60 ft; AC 14; Melee 2 hooves +4 (1d4+3) and bite -1 (1d3+1); SQ scent; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2.
Mount Equipment: bit and bridle, riding saddle, saddlebags.[/sblock]

It looks pretty good, and it picks spells and equipment, though I'm not sure quite how she got so many bonus languages. For me, it's not quite as useful since it's 3.0 instead of 3.5, but that's not hard to fix for most classes. Of course, it's still probably easier to use one of the newer generators.


First Post
I just passed over that one with a "The #2 generator listed is for 3.0 still", but when you look at it, it's still pretty good! Features I like:

  • It generates mounts for everybody, which is a fun option. Maybe my Goblin Wiz5 should show up on a riding dog.
  • It has a "magic damper" feature. If you want your wizard to come out like a PC with a scroll for every occasion, leave it at 1. If you want low magic, put it at 99 and he has a masterwork club.

The thing that looks the most 3.0-mangled is the skill list, but the skill list is useless to me anyway because it's yet another generator that puts 2, 3, 5 ranks into a bunch of random skills. There are three reasons it would be better to just pick certain skills and max them out:
  • It differentiates characters. This ranger has specialized in Jump, this ranger has Ride -- that makes me want to play them differently. That one guy has 3 points in Use Rope and 2 points in Appraise doesn't make him really any different than the other guy with 2 points in Balance and 2 in Spellcraft.
  • It meets game balance requirements. The DC of spellcraft assumes you'll have it near max and hence be able to identify a 3rd-level spell about 60% of the time at 5th level. At three ranks it's a crappy 30%. Might as well not even try.
  • Max ranks makes it look like your skills were chosen on purpose, not at random. You generated a Druid with 9 ranks in Use Magic Device? OK, I guess you had something in mind there, even if it's weird. You generated one with 3 ranks in Open Lock, 4 in Search, and 2 in Ride? You must be using monkeys with calculators.

Maybe I should do a whole 'nother thread, with a Wizard 5 instead. It will give the new guys another chance, give me another shot at Google, and show different parts of the generators. Like, I wonder how many of them actually generate a whole spellbook for the wizard like Birched's does?


Wanderer of the Underdark
Maybe I should do a whole 'nother thread, with a Wizard 5 instead. It will give the new guys another chance, give me another shot at Google, and show different parts of the generators. Like, I wonder how many of them actually generate a whole spellbook for the wizard like Birched's does?

NPC Designer does and gives options how you wish it displayed, either with the spells memorized with list or the spell book without memorized spells.
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