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Malvoisin's War of the Burning Sky - IC Thread

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: I think he should easily be able to make the DC 5 Climb check when taking 10, actually)

"Admittedly, if you waited here and only entered from the bottom after we had a chance to spring an ambush from above--if we can even manage that--it couldn't hurt us, though it will be more dangerous to split us up."

*Cassandra smiles with compassion for Coldan's stance.*

"It is indeed brave to be willing to stand against an unknown danger on one's own, but you don't need to be afraid to trust us--you may be encased in metal, but you have strong arms. With our help, you can easily make it up that rope braced againsgt the wall, I know it."

"As to checking the door, well, it may be paranoid and I admit it, but there's an off-chance they trapped it with an Alarm spell if they know we're supposed to come that way. Just in case, let's not make to touch it until we are ready to announce our presence to them--what do you say?"

"As to comrades...welll...that will only come with time. And trust. But if my sources with the Resistance are correct, the lot of us will be spending a lot of time together for quite a while on this mission. In my mind, best to do it as friends and comrades...more likely we'll all come out of it alive that way."

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First Post
Aridha looks to see if there is an easy alternative entrance to the alley door, but the front door and windows of the abandoned Poison Apple have been boarded up. (Sorry, Shayuri, should have clarified that earlier).

(It's about twenty feet from street level to the top of the inn, so Xander's Up the Walls ability works fine.)

Xander launches himself straight up the side of the Pub, and gracefully steps onto the building's roof. He notes that the rooftop is fairly nondescript, but he does see a trap door leading down into the building. The trapdoor is securely locked with a strong-looking padlock.

Xander also spots a railing on one side of the roof which serves nicely as a secure place to tie the rope. He does so while trying futilely to shush the arguing Coldan and Cassandra below.

After Xander is satisfied that the rope will hold, Ari quickly joins him on the roof (an easy Climb check). The pair contemplate the locked trap door, and consider their next move. There is no one else to be seen.

Meanwhile, Coldan strides down the alley and up to the alley's side door of the Poison Apple. With a close look, the knight notices that a faint sliver of light spills out from beneath the door. With a sigh, Coldan reaches out and tests the door (despite Cassandra's protestations), only to find it securely locked. Taren crouches nearby, keeping a sharp eye out, but he sees no one else on the streets.

Okay, I've got Xander and Ari on the roof, Cassandra, Coldan, and Taren below in the alley. What now?


First Post
Jabber jabber, Aridha thinks as she gets to the top with a nod of recognition to the one holding the rope. Humans think so much of the gift of speech, but all they do with it is waste time.

She hunkers down by the bridge and starts examining it...making sure it's not designed to collapse when there's too much weight on it, and that the boards are solid.

If the bridge seems sound, she carefully crosses it (Move Silently +7) and gives the same search to the trap door at the far end.

(search checks for traps basically. :))

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Well, as you can see, the locked door is indication that this wasn't just planned by our superiors at the Resistance. Of course, it may also be locked upstairs, which would be a bit of trouble. Hmm..."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Coldan shakes his head. "I am trained to draw the enemy. To turn their confidence into their weakness. Second story work---that is not my way. I would only hinder such efforts. Let me do this. It has... been a while."

Coldan holds out his arm in a conciliatory manner. "A two part investigation. I will enter when you are all in place. If there is no ambush, nothing was wasted but our time and perhaps this Torrent's patience. If there is, 'a distracted enemy fights a losing battle.'"


Coldan checks the door, and finds it locked. He shrugs, and makes the universal locked gesture to the others. Now what?


Curious about what the exceedingly obvious group is up to with their antics, Taren quickly casts a spell from his hidden location across the street hunkered down in the alley. While he makes no obvious gestures, his shadow - hidden within the shadow of the building - moves subtly, drawing on the darkness around Taren. Closing his eyes Taren looks upon the scene from an alternate perspective, about 10 feet above and behind the two on the roof. He can't hear them, but he can see what they are up to from his altered perception.


First Post
Shayuri said:
Jabber jabber, Aridha thinks as she gets to the top with a nod of recognition to the one holding the rope. Humans think so much of the gift of speech, but all they do with it is waste time.

She hunkers down by the bridge and starts examining it...making sure it's not designed to collapse when there's too much weight on it, and that the boards are solid.

If the bridge seems sound, she carefully crosses it (Move Silently +7) and gives the same search to the trap door at the far end.

(search checks for traps basically. :))
OOC: Just to clarify, the trap door is on the roof of the current building, the Poison Apple. The bridge leads over to the adjoining building, whose features have not been examined to this point.


First Post
Ari looks carefully at the bridge, and there is no indication that it is structurally unsound. (Search Check) It seems to be solid and functional, spanning the alley and leading over to the next adjacent building.

(A Knowledge: Local check might reveal more about the bridge and adjacent building, if anyone has it.)

Turning her attention to the trap door in the roof of the Poison Apple, Ari doesn't see anything that looks dangerous or unusual about it (Search Check does not turn up any traps).

Taren's shadowy form looks on from above as Xander and Ari ponder what to do about the locked trapdoor.

Meanwhile, as Coldan and Cassandra consider the locked alley door, there is a sudden sound from within, like that of a bolt being thrown. The door opens just a crack, spilling a bit of light out into the alley. A woman's voice whispers, "Why in the hells are you arguing in the streets, do you want the whole city to know we're here?" A tall, well-tanned woman with unusual white hair pokes her head out and quickly surveys the alley. "What, just two of you? Get inside, quickly!" she hisses, gesturing for Coldan and Cassandra to follow her into the pub.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Coldan raises and eyebrow at Cassandra. "And you are, ma'am?" He directs at the insistent woman, hopefully long enough for his 'partner' to determine if she is good or ill.

OOC: I'll throw in a Sense Motive, not that he's any good at it. :)

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