The skycab bobs gracefully into the air and spirals upwards towards the better parts of Sharn.
In the distance the party can see light flashing off the highest and most noble spires of the city. The skycab makes towards one of the highest and most noble, which belongs to House Cannith.
It doesn't get very far up the spire, unfortunately. You rise past a massive corbel of worn stone that supports a disused turret.
"The Folly." explains Mowbray. "That's the crypt you'll be going into once we speak with my master."
A moment later the cab rises into a more modern and well-used cantilever deck, bobs for a moment as the driver retrims for Weapon's weight, and then settles down.
Mowbray helps everyone out and leads you past the front door, around the side of the house.
"We'll need to go in this way, I suspect. Unless any of you are Dragonmarked?"