Mark of Ambition


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Silvanon, Rogue 2, Hp: 12/12

The elf growls slightly from behind the cowls of his cloak.

"This better not be some wild goose chase, Mowbray." Silvanon says as he pulls back the sleeve on his cloak, exposing his dragonmark.

"I am of House Thuranni."

He looks to Mowbray, judging his reaction.

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Mowbray's face flickers with envy for a moment, then smooths itself into pleasure.
"Very good." he says gracefully.

"Please wait here, sir, until we can greet you properly. If the rest of you are able to act in the character of retainers to Master d' Thuranni, you should wait here with him."
He pauses for a moment.
"You will find it more comfortable."

He looks at all three of you for a moment. "From a strictly business perspective, Master d'Thurranni and his retainers will be welcomed more profitably than three...people."

His face carefully expressionless, he waits for the group to render a decision.


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From the dark recesses of Silvanon's cloak, a smile appears upon his lips.

"At last, someone who appreciates what I have to offer..."

To himself,"Perhaps I misjudged him at the tavern."

OOC: Is it just the 3 of us? Didn't we also have a dwarf sorcerer who was interested?


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Reveka nodded in acknowledgment. She moved to stand just in front of the elf, so that she and Weapon were positioned more like bodyguards. Something about her stance seemed to broadcast confidence, in an almost infectious manner...

OOC: Presence aura up and running- allies get +1 bonus to Bluff, diplomacy and Intimidate


Mowbray nods and leads you all back around to the front door.
"This is the Dragonmark Hall. Since one of you is Dragonmarked and the others are retainers, you can enter this way: just ring the bell. Someone will answer it and let you in."
Mowbray thinks for a moment.
"Silvannon d'Thuranni, your proper title is actually 'Endarkened of House Thuranni' since you don't hold landed property."
He pauses for a moment, half expecting Silvannon to produce a stack of deeds from inside his coat.
(But assuming he doesn't.)

"Lord Kerron is best addressed as 'Lord Shaper d'Cannith'."

Finally Mowbray turns. "I have to go in through the back. Good luck!!"
He dashes for a gate discreetly marked 'Servants and Tradesmen' and disappears through it.

The heavy pull ring of the bell shines in polished brazen invitation...


First Post
Silvanon, Rogue 2, Hp: 12/12

As Mowbray departs around the back of the building, Silvanon feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up slightly.

The scene just didn't feel right.

"Well, lets pull on that knocker and see where it leads us. Be prepared for the worst."

Under his cloak, his left hand finds its familiar home on the hilt of his shortsword.

"He didn't say anything about the undead Cannith folks being in there..."


It's actually a bell, so when Silvanon pulls it, it tolls


The door opens two minutes later. An elderly man in an immaculate morning suit looks out at you.

"Good morning, sirs. Madam."

There is something of a pause as he looks at all three of the party quizzically, trying to decide whom is in charge and if you are collecting for charity.
Finally he asks.
"May I help you?"


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"Ah, yes." starts Silvanon.

"My retainers and I were brought here by a Mr. Mowbray to be of assistance to your house about your problem."

"I am, of course, Silvanon. Some have called me Silvanon, Endarkened of Thuranni."

He watches the mans reaction to see if any of what he said made sense.

Voidrunner's Codex

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