Mark of Ambition

The man bows low and holds the door open for you.
"Endarkened Silvanon, please come in. I will see if the master is at home."
You are looking into what was a grand and glorious entry it is a grand and glorious entry hall in need of a few paint touchups and some redone upholstery, plus a thorough polish.
There are many sconces on the walls which clearly once held everburning lights. Most of those lights are gone now -- everyone can see clearly, but it wouldn't be comfortable to read in here.
The dim light is kinder to a place that has seen better days.

The footman invites you to wait while he sees if the master is at home. Worn, but comfortable chairs are available to be sat upon. They should be safe for everyone but Weapon.

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Weapon stands at attention next to Silvanon once the elf chooses a seat. He'd done bodyguard work before, so knew the stance.

The cloaked elf selects the middle seat deftly seats himself. Resting his elbows on the armpads, he brings he hands together and taps his index fingers against each other.

A footman arrives carrying a decanter of wine, a sauceboat, and some crackers on a tray.
"The master will be with you shortly."

The sauceboat, upon examination, contains lubricating oil.


"Thank you very much," Silvanon says to the footman.

He gives a cursory glance to the offerings.

"Please make sure your master doesn't dally too long though."

As the footman departs, Silvanon decides not to partake in the offerings of food and wine.

Reveka had been prowling the hall, obviously ill at ease in such surroundings. When the footman appeared, she paused, allowing her 'patron' to handle the interaction.

There is a rustle from the hall beyond the foyer and some muffled cursing.
After a moment, the footman appears and announces:
"Lord Shaper Kerron d"Cannith!"

A moment later he jumps out of the way as the Lord Shaper wheels himself in on a wicker wheelchair.
He would probably be a handsome man in better days. Currently, however, his head is half-shaved and covered in a cap of bandages and his left leg is heavily bandaged and splinted past the knee so it sticks straight out on a little rest. He also sports an impressively blackened eye.
He's wearing a dressing gown and pajamas: when he shifts the party can see more bandages around his ribs.

Mowbray trails along behind him, eyes downcast.

"Endarkened Silvanon?" asks the Lord d'Cannith.
"You bring honor to my house. Please excuse me not standing. Won't you come into my study?"

Silvanon, Rogue 2, Hp: 12/12

Silvanon tries not to wince as he sees the Cannith elder.

"Man, someone or something did a number on ol' grandpa," he thinks to himself.

Steadying himself, he responds,"Why, I would be delighted to join you in your study."

He stands up, crosses the room, then pauses.

"Should my retainers stay here, or procede with us along to your study?"

Rather impatiently,"I said, should my retainers stay here, or procede with us along to your study?"

He furrows his brow as if unaccustomed to this type of treatment.

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