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Marooned!: On Hiatus until further notice


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So, I've got an idea for a D20 Modern game, and would like to either play or GM...just like the title says. Plain old earth, modern era (some time between 1995 and now), with no magic or super powers or anything...

Now, of course, I would say what the idea is, but it's sort of one of those things that works best if the players don't know what the game is going to be about...now, if you're starting to be interested as a player, you should wait until either I or somebody who'd like to GM has taken their place before you 'sign up'...if you'd like to hear the idea as a potential GM, PM me.

Now, it would be best if the PCs were civilians, and not exceptionally high level, but I'm sure exceptions could be made.

So, any interest? Anybody getting painfully curious? Anybody think that perhaps I should abandon the suspense, and just say what it is?
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I just realized that these forums don't seem to have a personal messaging system, so I'd like potential GMs to email me at...

my EN world posting name at hotmail (dot) com


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Ok, I changed my mind; I'll reveal the secret theme of the adventure, but only if somebody posts. Yes, I'm being impatient. No, it doesn't involve zombies...

One more hint; doesn't involve aliens.


I might be interested in playing in this game, as one of my online PBP games has evaporated, and the other two are seeing meager action at best. I can't GM though, as I am running two campaigns already!


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Ok, there's the key post that grants the <secret> plot twist...gonna put it in spoiler tags just in case anybody is interested but not wanting to have the surprise ruined...

Jurassic Park! The game would start with the PCs (and possibly NPCs) finding themselves washed ashore on an island after a plane crash, and the island is Site B, AKA Isla Sorna.

So, there wouldn't be much use for wealth, allegiances, contacts, and so forth, and pretty much all of the social interactions would be with other player characters. Oh, and there'd be lots of action, too. Which is sort of the point.


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I'm interested as a player if you don't mind a complete noob. I'm a long time D&D DM+player, but haven't tried d20 Modern yet.


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Noobs are fine by me...I guess I will be GMing this one, just for the fun of it. I still have yet to choose the starting level, however, and the stat generation method. Probably 25 point point-buy, and level 3, but don't quote me on that. Also, a good reason for being on a non-stop flight from south america to LAX would be good...I have a soft spot in my heart for research scientists working on the south pole, so keep that in mind. It doesn't have to be a good reason. In fact 'because I found a great deal on a website to get to Las Vegas from New York via Chile' would work, if that's all you could think of.

EDITED: Two more spots, #5 has been taken by somebody I know IRL who wanted to join in, but has yet to make his ENWorld account.

Here's the current list
1.) Insight
2.) nopantsyet (great name, by the way)
3.) Zaarin
4.) Free
5.)*My friend, who will probably go by Ooga-Booga
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I'm willing to play, I've been playing d20 Modern for a while, but I've not pbp'ed very long. So if its okay, I'd like to play.


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Yeah, that'd be fine. I'll add you to the list.

One spot left. I'll have the adventure ready to start playing by monday or tuesday, hopefully, and I'll be able to give better details about the character creation tomorrow morning. However, I have to get to bed now.

Voidrunner's Codex

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