Level Up (A5E) Martial Artistry (3pp book in the works) Ideas and Concepts


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Since @Selganor suggested splitting it off into a separate thread, I'll go ahead and do that. And, first post, I'm posting some combat synergy ideas. Most of these rely on characters using an action to attack or cast a spell, or spending a reaction to initiate the synergy. Whether this is resolved by sharing initiative counts, reserve actions, readying actions, or otherwise. "Uses" refers to how many times you can use it in a given fight before the enemy gets wise to your tricks and won't let you pull it off, again.

Cross the Streams
Requirements: Four characters capable of making a line which requires a dexterity saving throw. Each character must be adjacent to at least one other person performing the synergy.
Action: Each character must use their action to create a line effect, however all four line effects start at the same point, and follow the same line.
Risk: The combat synergy’s line length and width are determined by the line with the shortest length and the line with the shortest width.
Benefit: All four characters roll damage for their line effect individually. But the highest damage roll of the group is applied to all four line effects.

Fastball Special
Requirements: Two characters of different size categories must be adjacent to each other.
Action: The larger character uses their bonus action to throw the leaping smaller ally toward a distant target.
Risk: The smaller character must make an athletics check to jump as part of their movement. The DC is 10 plus the Strength modifier of the throwing ally. On a failure they fall prone at the end of their movement.
Benefit: The smaller character gets a bonus to their jump distance of 5ft per point of the larger character’s Strength modifier, and treats it as a running jump. Their movement speed for the turn is increased by the same value, but this benefit doesn’t extend to the dash action or similar effects.

Get Down!
Requirements: Two characters adjacent to one another in an area of effect with a duration of instantaneous.
Action: One character must spend their reaction to use the knockdown basic maneuver on the other.
Risk: If the second character chooses to roll and succeeds on the saving throw, the first character still becomes prone, and neither character benefits from this combat synergy.
Benefit: If the second character fails, or chooses to fail, their saving throw against being knocked down, both characters become prone and the second character gains advantage on their saving throw against the area of effect.

Hammer the Gap
Requirements: Two characters must make an attack on the same creature which possesses resistance to a damage type. If one or both attacks are ranged, the attackers must be in a direct line to the target.
Action: Each attacker attacks the same location on the target.
Risk: If either attacker misses, neither attack overcomes the damage reduction, but the missed attack deals half damage, one quarter if the damage type is resisted.
Benefit: If both attacks are successful, both attacks overcome the damage resistance.

Hefty Boost
Requirements: Two characters of different size categories must be adjacent to each other and an obstacle that must be climbed.
Action: The larger character uses their action to heave the smaller ally up the obstacle.
Risk: The smaller character must make an athletics (climbing) check against the obstacle’s DC. On a failure, they fall the full boosted distance.
Benefit: The smaller creature is able to get a boost of 5ft, +5ft per point of the larger character’s Strength modifier to their distance climbed within a single move action.

Push Offguard
Requirements: One character must create an area of effect that requires a strength or dexterity saving throw. One or more other characters must be adjacent to a creature that is within 5ft of the area of effect, but not inside it.
Action: The characters near the area of effect may use their reaction to use the shove basic maneuver to push enemies into the area of effect.
Risk: If a creature resists the shove basic maneuver, they gain advantage on their next attack against the person that failed to push them into the area of effect.
Benefit: Creatures successfully shoved into the area of effect have disadvantage on their strength or dexterity saving throw against the area of effect.

Shield Redirect
Requirements: One character must direct a line effect toward another player who must possess a shield.
Action: The shieldbearer must use their reaction to make a dexterity saving throw against the line effect.
Risk: On a failed saving throw, the shieldbearer takes damage as if the line effect had rolled the minimum amount of damage.
Benefit: The line effect stops when it reaches the shieldbearer and goes no further. The shieldbearer creates a 30ft line effect with the same properties in a new direction of the shieldbearer’s choosing.
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I feel like these combat synergies will require a lot of practice between members of the same party until they become rote behavior. ;) It might be a good idea to provide a role-playing example so that we can get a better idea on how they work.

Just reminds me of old combination attacks of ps iv ^^

In a much more evolved way of course but I always dreamed of these kind of synergies!

i don't understand why hefty boost has limited uses. it doesn't seem like it needs it from a balancing perspective, and i don't understand what there is for the enemy to "get wise" to from a verisimilitude perspective.

I wonder if Bugbears would have advantage with Hefty Boost given the length of their arms. ;) They could probably reach a second floor window with ease if they wanted to.

i don't understand why hefty boost has limited uses. it doesn't seem like it needs it from a balancing perspective, and i don't understand what there is for the enemy to "get wise" to from a verisimilitude perspective.
Two reasons:
1) They've all got limited uses 'cause otherwise they might get overused and become more boring than interesting.
2) The DM had to make interesting high ground combat stuff happen, so better to split the party and make it more thrilling than just let the barbarian yeet everyone up the cliff.

I still kind of like these as treasure...ooh, or maybe as a training option you could spend downtime cycles on, like retraining? I like the idea of players doing something to opt in/activate some of these, maybe with a limit on what the party can have active.

2) The DM had to make interesting high ground combat stuff happen, so better to split the party and make it more thrilling than just let the barbarian yeet everyone up the cliff.
i mean, for one, that assumes the barbarian is medium and everyone else is small, and for another, i think the action cost already solves that for you. assuming you're not running in o5e where you can go fighter 2 for action surge, it'd take a minimum of 3 turns to boost up the rest of the party (assuming a 4 man party of 1 medium creature and 3 small), and the booster can't follow. that's 3 turns doing nothing but throwing people up a wall.

i get the limit for the others, but for hefty boost it just seems kind of...silly and redundant.

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