Marvels Multiverse RPG: Have You GM/Played It and Your Opinions

Is the Marvel Multiverse RPG Worth Playing In Your Opinion, and Why?


There are a pretty fair number of supers games that have at least all of the powers in one place, and even licensed products with character writeups can keep it down to a dull roar; the last DC game (the one Green Ronin did) had all the characters within two books.
Those are effects based design though as opposed to powers based design. Effects based allows for that because it is picking and choose bonuses, dice levels etc with selected modifiers to emulate the desired power. That's a benefit of effects based systems. The drawback is more complex character creation.

Marvel is a power based system where it would be impossible to publish a core book with every power imaginable, that being a drawback of this type of design but it allows for specific flavors to be kept intact in the power instead of a generic list of modifiers to emulate it. Character creation requires refluffing as character modeling the powers and talking things out with the GM to get what you want which can be a lot easier. Character creation is easier but lacks the granularity of effects based creation.

DC, built on Mutants & Masterminds, used a system that originally, in 1e, was a mish mash of effect and power based design and had a lot of holes in it for powers through it's 1st and 2nd editions.

The Marvel game has a lot more characters in the core rules, for example, than in the DC core rules. IT has well over 100 characters. The Cataclysm of Kang adds 32 more which is not too dissimilar from a M&M adventure or sourcebook that isn't a setting expansion. That is about 150 characters across two books. The only core book that has more than that is the DC Heroes boxed set from Mayfair with 250. GR did a great job with their 2 books but that wasn't available at release. In fact they released a book a year with the DCA book in 2010, the first H&V book in 2011, the second in 2012 and the DCU book in 2013. There were big delays from licensing. SO in that regard you are unfairly comparing Marvel to a complete game that took 4 years to get all its releases out.

The expansions for M&M often have a TON of new power builds in them and they did a full book in 2e and 3e of "powers" to bridge the gap between effects based and powers based design because there is a demand for it, so much so that they released the M&M Basic Heroes Handbook.

Icons was designed by Steve Kenson, who did M&M, to do a simpler game that was more akin to the old FASERIP system and it has its limitations with powers similarly. If you're going to compare Marvel Mulitverse to any other system it should be FASERIP, MEGS and Icons or M&M first edition. These systems have similar design goals and intentions while something like M&M 2e and 3e or Champions is vastly different.

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I don't see why that changes anything. Any number of supers games have some pretty concentrated villain collections. Its fundamentally not a different approach than making fantasy bestiaries.
And you're talking about a NEW game vs games that were around for a while. Marvel hasn't even been out 6 months yet!


Correct, there are several superhero games that have a supplement devoted to expanding the list of powers (by adding new powers and/or showing how to build new powers with existing powers and modifiers) and having all of the powers in one place. Off the top of my head are the following:
  • Bash! Unlimited Edition has the Awesome Powers Omnibus
  • Champions 5e has the UNTIL Superpowers Database (ok, this two volumes)
  • Champions Complete has the Champions Powers Supplement
  • DC Universe (West End Games) had the Directive on Super Powers supplement
  • Icons: Assembled Edition has the Great Power supplement (which was an updated version of the power supplement of the same name for the prior version of Icons).
  • Marvel Super Heroes Advanced (TSR) had Ulitimate Powers
  • Mutants and Masterminds 2e had Ultimate Power suppliment
  • Mutants and Masterminds 3e has Power Profiles book which could also be used for DC Adventures
and all were released more than 4 months after the core game, and in some cases a few years later.


If this version of a Marvel Superheroes RPG gets legs and is around for a long time and they keep the format of introducing characters (heroes & villains) and new powers, gear, vehicles, etc throughout various supplements and adventures, I can see it becoming cumbersome for me as I get older and spend less time reading books and prepping/playing games. It's not a make or break for me but certainly affects what I may purchase.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a powers book sometime next year. The roster in the core book is basically all your big guys and the X-Men and Spider-verse books will cover a lot of the niche folks you don't really see a lot. I'm hoping for a cosmic book and Avengers book after Spider-verse comes out.


I wouldn't be surprised to see a powers book sometime next year. The roster in the core book is basically all your big guys and the X-Men and Spider-verse books will cover a lot of the niche folks you don't really see a lot. I'm hoping for a cosmic book and Avengers book after Spider-verse comes out.
Off the top of my head I think we'll also see a Fantastic Four book as well. An Avengers book is probably inevitable too and I'm surprised that it hasnt come out at least been announced yet. Seems they are taking a slow release on product as WotC D&D has, which Im not sure if that's good or bad for the game.

Thomas Shey

Those are effects based design though as opposed to powers based design. Effects based allows for that because it is picking and choose bonuses, dice levels etc with selected modifiers to emulate the desired power. That's a benefit of effects based systems. The drawback is more complex character creation.

Since I'm not a fan of exception-based design much of anywhere, let alone in supers, that doesn't seem a particularly telling response to me.

Marvel is a power based system where it would be impossible to publish a core book with every power imaginable, that being a drawback of this type of design but it allows for specific flavors to be kept intact in the power instead of a generic list of modifiers to emulate it. Character creation requires refluffing as character modeling the powers and talking things out with the GM to get what you want which can be a lot easier. Character creation is easier but lacks the granularity of effects based creation.

DC, built on Mutants & Masterminds, used a system that originally, in 1e, was a mish mash of effect and power based design and had a lot of holes in it for powers through it's 1st and 2nd editions.

Actually, by 2e it was pretty much already effect based; all 3e did was lump together some things from 2e (in a way that wasn't an unmixxed blessing).

Icons was designed by Steve Kenson, who did M&M, to do a simpler game that was more akin to the old FASERIP system and it has its limitations with powers similarly. If you're going to compare Marvel Mulitverse to any other system it should be FASERIP, MEGS and Icons or M&M first edition. These systems have similar design goals and intentions while something like M&M 2e and 3e or Champions is vastly different.

This requires me not to have the same issues with those games, too.

Thomas Shey

The core book has DOZENS of villains. It’s 130+ characters and the major villains. How many do you need??

That's a matter-of-degree argument. It may be legitimate in this particular case, but it doesn't change my general point that that sort of product is a good choice for an early one, and probably moreso with a licensed product.


That's a matter-of-degree argument. It may be legitimate in this particular case, but it doesn't change my general point that that sort of product is a good choice for an early one, and probably moreso with a licensed product.
Sure sure sure. You’re saying it’s a flaw of THIS game but turns out it isn’t. Better to bow out than back pedal don’t you think?

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