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Mass Combat

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dream spawn

Though I haven't read it for myself, I have heard many people say there are rules for mass combat in the Quintessential Fighter by Mongoose Publishing.


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I used a very simple tactic in 2e that let me run a full pitched battle with under five minutes prep.

First, you take the number of combatants on each side. This is your Army's HP. Adjust this if you have any important people present, or really high level/cr critters.

Next, you take the average level for the army. Easy, assume half of the combatants are level one and break down the other 50% by assumed experience. Again, special critters will up this number. This is the Army level and will affect number of attacks and bonuses. Use the fighter table. It just makes sense.

Next, the hard one: AC. I found the best way is to not bother since people die all the time in combat. Otherwise, use an opposed die roll with whatever you are using for attack (likely a d20).

Okay, the fun one. Damage. I just used a good ol'percentile die. Why? Well, when your working with huge armies and stuff, it makes it easier. Your HP is huge, and this makes the numbers on par with a single character.

Finally, mitigating factors. A unit of mages can make a HUGE difference to pitched battle. Just like archers and artillery. So, you give them each their own attack phase, with only one attack. Mages just deal damage as armour doesn't really stop a fireball all that well.

Two other things to keep in mind. If one side has a defensive position, like your city, then they should get a Defence bonus, as well as fun stuff like burning pitch. Treat the pitch like a magical attack. Also, those pesky mages can be taken out with scout units (I treated them like mini-armies).

If you need stuff for a seige remember that food is important to. If steady supply lines are maintained (magically or some other way) then don't worry about it. If not, then treat it as an undefendable attack that hits once a day. This damage can be dealt to the army, or population in any way the DM chooses. (an army can confiscate all the food [meaning 0 damage until it runs
out], or maybe they suffer as much as the population and take 50% of the hit.)

It's an easy way to do it. It works to. Oh yeah, definitely let the PC's do some fighting against the other army as well. Nothing as boring as a DM rolling dice for five minutes while the PC's have d10 spinning contests. (We've all been there haven't we...)
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War from AEG has a method of dealing with mass combat. It looks like it is pretty good, though I have never actually used it.


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funny you should ask, I'm currently working on a set of 1:10 rules for the d20 system. If anyone is interested in playtesting them, when they're done, please drop me an email (tomener@ptd.net)


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Creative Mountain Games has some Group Combat Feats that you might find useful. They are tactics and such from organized army units down to mob tactics.


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AEG's Mercenaries also has a simple skirmish combat system, intended for battles with up to 100 troops on each side. I've never used the system, but Mercenaries is an excellent book overall.

On the horizon are a few others:

- Cry Havoc, from Malhavoc Press (link: http://www.montecook.com/mpress_Havoc.html)
- Fields of Blood, from Eden Odyssey (link: http://www.edenstudios.net/odyssey/7005.html)
- D&D Miniatures Handbook, from WotC (link: http://www.enworld.org/reviews/index.php?sub=yes&where=currentprod&which=DMH)

I can't think of any more at the moment -- but both CH and FoB look very promising. WotC's MH is too much of a wildcard to make any predicitions about it just yet.

Hope this helps. :)

the Jester

I think a book on running kingdoms, taxation and income, war and mass combat, and similar material would be an awesome thing (assuming it was done well). I'd buy a good one in a second. I've heard very mixed reviews of all the mass combat systems for d20 so far- at least one thing I want is a system that can handle battles of thousands or even millions, and a lot of the systems I've heard of are skirmish level.

Sigh... I may have to work up my own system for this kind of stuff; I like SylverFlame's basic idea of treating each army as a single combatant with its numbers being its hit points- I may try to tweak that for use in my game.

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