Matching the Campaign to the Right Ruleset

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Hand of Evil

For me it is matching Players to rules and Campaigns. :(

Thomas Shey

Have you ever had an idea for a campaign and not been sure what game or ruleset to use? Moreover, you have a specific idea of what you want play to be like, not just what the campaign is about, and aren't sure what rules will get you there.

More the first than the second, but frequently. I often know what systems won't do what I want, but I'm often less sure which ones will.

Thomas Shey

Good Thread! As this issue happens a lot. I get an idea for a campaign and world to run it in and then what game system?
Or... you buy a RPG because of the exciting world setting or campaign and the rules are too complicated or too simple, or the rules system with it are too clunky and slow down the sessions.

I ran a game called Arrowflight (1e) many years ago and the system is clunky. My new players want me to run it again and continue the adventures, but I am trying to find the right system to play it in. The world has a "The Three Musketeers" type of atmosphere, with political intrigue, but its mixed with a bit of typical fantasy. Magic is not common like it is in D&D 5e, where every thing has magic.

When we played a session or two in 5e, and Castles and Crusades, it really took the "feel" of the world away.

I am looking into the WOIN system now for it.

This is the kind of thing that happens a lot.

I ran a campaign set in a fantasy version of the post Roman exodus Briton. I had some specific ideas of how I wanted it to work, and thought Mythras would be a good candidate.

It turned out to half be, but I'm still not sure to this day what would have worked better.


I feel like something with random starting backgrounds and items, like ItO or Electric Bastionland, might work better for the "Shipwrecked on the shores of the Styx" feel. It gives the characters something to grasp onto right away, but the players also feel a little adrift as try to identify with their characters.

Might take a look at the Mythic Bastionland playtest as well.

Cairn might also be a good fit, themewise.
Yeah, I originally planned Black Hack, but I think that the randomization and starting equipment of the ItO family of games (i.e., ItO, Electric Bastionland, Knave, Cairn) and quick character creation would work well for the theme.


This is the kind of thing that happens a lot.

I ran a campaign set in a fantasy version of the post Roman exodus Briton. I had some specific ideas of how I wanted it to work, and thought Mythras would be a good candidate.

It turned out to half be, but I'm still not sure to this day what would have worked better.
Yep. This is where I am at on this too.

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