Maure Castle - The Adventure Begins!

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Krauss von Espy

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Insight said:
OOC: I'd like to take a closer look at that pock marked wall. It's probably too large to be trap, but you never know. Once that area has been searched (not the whole area, just the closest section), Tanus will check out that L-shaped corner to the west.

The wall is covered in small niches that now contain only a lot of dust and a few tiny shards of pottery. Whatever their purpose may have been at one time is unclear. [Search Check 13+10=23] Tanus finds nothing else of note in any of the niches he examines.

Exploring the room further, Tanus sees a series of closed doors in what appears to be the southern wall of the chamber, and a corridor that extends back to the west for 30', then ends in another door.

(OOC: Insight, I'm not 100% clear on where Tanus wanted to explore next, but I'm assuming this is what you meant by the L-shaped corner. I've expanded the map to offer a larger picture of what you've explored so far.)


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"What do you think the niches were for? They seem about the size to hold trophy skulls." Vandon whispers to the cousins.


Krauss von Espy said:
(OOC: Insight, I'm not 100% clear on where Tanus wanted to explore next, but I'm assuming this is what you meant by the L-shaped corner. I've expanded the map to offer a larger picture of what you've explored so far.)

Tanus More closely examines the door at the end of the passage, cheking it tgo see if it's locked, and also to make sure it isn't trapped in case he's asked to open it.

OOC: Search check on the door. Checking for traps and also to see if it's locked, or to detect anything else unurual about it.

Krauss von Espy

First Post
[Search Check: 20+10=30] Tanus is quite confident that there are no traps or other unusual features of this door. A quick test of the knob reveals that the door is unlocked.


Krauss von Espy said:
[Search Check: 20+10=30] Tanus is quite confident that there are no traps or other unusual features of this door. A quick test of the knob reveals that the door is unlocked.

Tanus listens at the door to see if there is anything making noise in the vicinity. Meanwhile, the Tiefling waves his allies closer.

OOC: Listen check +12. If he doesn't hear anything, assuming everyone comes forward, Tanus will open the door and check out the next room.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Silence takes a look at the niches, and pulls out her slate while Tanus searches the door.*

No bone fragments, only pottery. Ashes of the dead? she writes, then shrugs. Placing her slate away when Tanus waves them over, she grips her mace and prepares herself.


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Martan accompanies his cousin and also readies himself for whatever might be behind the door. The torch glides into position a few feet behind him and he slides an inch or two to his left as it does so. Dramatic backlighting never hurt anybody, he thinks.

Krauss von Espy

First Post
Tanus puts his ear to the door, but hears no sounds from within.[Listen Check: 5+13=18] Satisfied, he reaches out and turns the knob.

The door swings open and the party steps forward into a round room, lit by four small candles placed just inside each of four doors. The inside of each door is painted in reds, purples, and yellows, and depicts a fighter in full chainmail. Each fighter seems to be awaiting an onrushing enemy, although no enemies of any type are shown.


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