Maure Castle - The Adventure Begins!


Tanus' actions:

Pump 5 pts from BAB into AC (Combat Expertise).

On his action, Tanus tumbles past the Fighter to the square just "north" of the F on the map. He is going to hold his standard action until after Vandon acts. His held action will be to trip the Fighter.

If the Fighter moves out of his current square, action will be basically the same - get into an adjacent square where Tanus and Vandon can flank. Then trip. If successful, will use unarmed strike to pummel the downed Fighter.

OOC: AC is 27 until his action. FF does not change since Tanus has Uncanny Dodge. Adj. AC is 32 on his action (Combat Expertise). Current HP 64. Tumble +18 to get past threatened areas. Trip: Unarmed melee touch attack with +8 or +10 with flank. If successful, Tanus gets a Strength check (total of +8) opposed by the Fighter’s Dexterity or Strength check (whichever ability score has the higher modifier). If Tanus wins, he trips the Fighter. If Tanus loses, the Fighter may immediately react and make a Strength check opposed by Tanus' Dexterity or Strength check to try to trip Tanus. HAHA GOOD LUCK ON THAT ONE LOL! Assuming the Fighter gets tripped, Tanus makes an unarmed attack with +12 to hit or +14 if flanked, damage is 2d8+4 or 2d8+4 & 3d6 if flanked (sneak attack).

EDIT: One more thing. Tanus has Combat Reflexes, so he can make a total of 7 Attacks of Opportunity per round. He gets no more than one AoO per action that provokes, but multiple actions by the same opponent can draw multiple AoO. If there are any AoO before Tanus action (he can do it while FF), he will try to trip.

For future rounds, Tanus will keep trying to trip until the guy goes down. Once he's down, Tanus will maintain flank and keep sneak attacking until the Fighter is toast. Remember, attempting to stand provokes AoO assuming he's not a Thief-Acrobat or something LOL!
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Krauss von Espy

First Post
OOC: Sorry guys, I'm in a bit of a rush, so I can't do a very well-written summary of the combat round. Here are the results in a nutshell. I'll try to go back and write up some description when I have more time.

Round 1:
Martan takes 5' step, casts Lesser Electrical Orb. Ranged Touch Attack hits for 24 damage.

Fresco Fighter takes 5' step toward Martan and makes Full Attack w/Bastard Sword (3 Attacks). Miss, Critical Hit, Hit for 43 damage total. OUCH!

Silence successfully casts Silent Recitation.

Tanus moves, Tumbling to avoid AOO. Holds action.

Vandon moves to flank, hits with mindblade (Psychic Strike is not expended, as the fighter's not technically alive) for 23 damage total (including bonus damage from Greater Psionic Weapon].

Tanus makes trip attack (w/Flanking). Touch attack hits, Strength check fails. Fighter's strength check also fails. Both remain standing.

End Round 1.

I'll need round 2 actions for Martan and Silence.


  • Fighter Frescoes.JPG
    Fighter Frescoes.JPG
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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Silence takes out a sleder rod carved with mouthless faces and gestures at Tanus. He feels health and the favor of the gods settle upon him.*

OOC - Taking out lesser metamagic rod of silence to cast Silent aid on Tanus.


First Post
Martan roars in rage and shouts, "That's the way you want it, eh? Fine!" He backpedals a bit more and raises his hand above his head, power crackling around it and baleful blue light outshining the torch. "Try this!" he yells and throws the orb at his foe.

[OOC: Ouch! Another 5' step and this time I'll use a full orb. +10 ranged touch attack, does 13d6 electricity damage.]

HP 18 :(
AC 23
Touch: 16
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +10

Krauss von Espy

First Post
JimAde said:
Martan roars in rage and shouts, "That's the way you want it, eh? Fine!" He backpedals a bit more and raises his hand above his head, power crackling around it and baleful blue light outshining the torch. "Try this!" he yells and throws the orb at his foe.

The blue orb plows into the painted fighter with great effect, as arcs of electricity course through his body. The fighter drops like a stone, muscles twitching for a moment before he lies motionless. Faint wisps of smoke rise off the charred body.

[Ranged Touch Attack: 18+10+2(Recitation)-4(Attacking into Melee)=26, Hit for 39 Damage]

End Round 2, End Combat.

At that moment, as everyone pauses to catch their breath, two more of the candles go out with a poof (the ones by the north and south doors). Just as before, the fighters painted on the inside of the doors spring to life, and raise their blades to attack!


Fighter 1 (North): 17+5=22
Martan: 15+4=19
Tanus: 9+6=15
Silence: 13-1=12
Fighter 2 (South): 3+5=8
Sir Vandon: 6+1=7



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Tanus, realizing that his good friend and ally, Martan, is in grave danger, has to make a split decision. On the one hand, Tanus could easily gang up with Vandon and take out the Fighter on the other side of the room, but that would leave a badly injured Martan and Silence to deal with the Fighter alone.

What Tanus decides to do, which would have been sorely against his character prior to his "disappearance" is to try to distract the nearest Fighter enough for Martan to get away and for Silence to heal him. Hopefully, Vandon can handle the other Fighter on his own for now.

Something inside of Tanus begged him not to act so valiantly, but he did so anyway.

OOC: Tanus' actions are going to depend on what Fighter 1 does, since he goes before Tanus. Is everyone still considered FF until their actions? Did these guys pop up as soon as the other fight ended or was there time inbetween? Is my Combat Expertise still going? If not, that's the first thing Tanus is going to do: 5 pts from BAB to AC (adj. AC 32).
OK, if Fighter 1 moves to attack Martan (assume 5' step and full attack - poor Martan), Tanus will tumble behind (+18 to tumble) to get a flank and then smack Fighter 1 with unarmed strike. Based on Martan's move, if he's still up, Tanus might be able to 5' and get a flank. If this is the case, Tanus will make two unarmed attacks, getting sneak attack dmg on each.
If Fighter 1 moves to attack Tanus, the Tiefling will respond with full attack: 2 unarmed strikes. If Tanus has flank on the guy from Martan, add sneak attack dmg.
Mods should be the same as before. Attack bonuses will be +8 or +10 with flank on first attack and +3 or +5 with flank on second attack, damage is 2d8+4 +3d6 for sneak attack if applicable.
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First Post
[OOC: Assuming Martan lives to act...]

Martan leaps away from the new threat and makes a few quick passes through the air. "Let's not have any more of that," he says. Suddenly sticky, rope-like strands spring from ceiling and floor, filling half the room with near-impenatrable webs.

[OOC: 5' step away from any foes and Web spell anchored on ceiling and floor. If possible, I want to catch at least one of the current bad guys AND the area in front of the West door. My priority is making sure no allies are webbed, though. By the way, I have added info to my character sheet showing how many slots I have left of each level.]

HP 18
AC 23
Touch: 16
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +10
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"Tanus, the north one! I have the south! Come on you wizardly painted blaggard, have at thee!"

Vandon full attacks the southern fighter on his turn.

AC 27
hp 133
attack +21/+16 1d8+8 17-20x2
f +16, r +15, w+13

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Silence moves over to Martan and places a hand on his head, and healing energy flows into him.*

OOC - maximized Silent cure light wounds. 13 points of healing.
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Isida Kep'Tukari said:
*Silence moves over to Tanus and places a hand on his head, and healing energy flows into him.*

OOC - maximized Silent cure light wounds. 13 points of healing.

You mean Martan, right?

Tanus isn't injured.

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