Maure Castle - The Adventure Begins!


Voadam said:
He should get sneak attack damage on every melee attack that hits while flanking with Vandon. Together the tielfling and soulblade are a potent melee combo team.

That's what I was originally going to post, but then I recalled in the D&D FAQ that only the first of a rogue's melee attacks in a round gets the bonus damage from sneak attack. I could be wrong. Whichever way our DM wants to rule is fine with me.

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Krauss von Espy

First Post
Insight said:
If Tanus ends up taking out Fighter 1 with the first attack, Tanus will instead tumble behind Fighter 3 as his move action. This will only happen if Tanus doesn't need to make a full attack.

Sorry guys, I'm not going to allow this type of conditional action. You have to declare a full attack or a standard attack from the get-go, you can't wait to see how successful your first roll is.

Note that the rest of Insight's post is acceptable...even preferable. The more options you give me, the easier time I'm going to have running these combats.



Krauss von Espy said:
Sorry guys, I'm not going to allow this type of conditional action. You have to declare a full attack or a standard attack from the get-go, you can't wait to see how successful your first roll is.

Note that the rest of Insight's post is acceptable...even preferable. The more options you give me, the easier time I'm going to have running these combats.


Very well. Tanus will full attack unless Fighter 1 is down for the count.

Krauss von Espy

First Post
Round 3:

The first fighter whirls on Sir Vandon, apparently frustrated by his inability to come close with his attacks on Tanus. His change in targets is rewarded as his blade strikes true with two swordstrokes. [Full Attack Roll 19,17,4. Hit (crit not confirmed), Hit, Miss. Damage total = 27].

JimAde said:
Feeling the renewed vigor of Pelor's blessing, Martan laughs a bit maniacally.
He moves up next to Silence, his upraised hand trailing sparks. He extends his hand and more crackling blasts erupt from it toward the newly-arrived warrior.

The rays strike true, one after another, injuring the fighter considerably. [Roll 8,5,14. All hits. Damage total is 39 to Fighter #3].

Tanus unleashes his flurry of blows, jabbing with quick open-handed strikes. He lands two blows to the first fighter's head, sending him toppling to the floor. [Attack rolls 12,10,13. Hit, Hit, Miss. Damage total (including sneak attack) is 41. Fighter 1 goes down, stone dead.]

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
*Silence grabs her crossbow at fires at the fighter in front of her, hoping to help put the creature down.*

The bolt hits home, punching through chain mail, and plunging deep into the fighter's chest. The fighter looks to be on his last legs now. [Attack roll 19 (hit, critical confirmed!), 12 damage]

The final fighter, wounded though he is, makes a step towards Silence, and attacks the cleric (Vandon's challenges notwithstanding]. He slashes away at will, wounding her significantly. [Full Attack Rolls 10,4,18. All three hit for total damage of 32.]

Voadam said:
Sir Vandon shouts "Foul thing of sorcery! You shall fall!"

Taking advantage of the fighter's close proximity, he counterstrikes with his mindblade. His blows connect, and prove too much for the fighter who collapses to the ground. [Roll 2,10, both hit. Damage total 23, Fighter 3 goes down, dead.]

End Combat.

In the combat's aftermath, a quick glance is all that is necessary to reveal that there will be no spoils of victory this time. The bodies of the previously felled warriors (including their weapons and armor) are already degrading into a puddle of wet paint.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

Silence's ragged breathing puntuates the still air as she stands slowly. She waves everyone to come a bit closer as she raises her hands. Her group knows what she's doing, one of her blessings from Pelor is to heal many at once. She mouths the word, "Ow" as she gets up.

OOC - Silent mass cure light wounds

Krauss von Espy

First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Silence's ragged breathing puntuates the still air as she stands slowly. She waves everyone to come a bit closer as she raises her hands. Her group knows what she's doing, one of her blessings from Pelor is to heal many at once. She mouths the word, "Ow" as she gets up.

OOC - Silent mass cure light wounds

The healing power of Pelor flows throughout the room. Martan, Vandon and Silence each regain 20 hp.


First Post
"Thanks again," Martan says to his cousin. Still breathing a bit heavily he rummages in his bag for a bit and withdraws a small flask. He pulls the stopper and drinks it down with a grimace. "Silence, what do they put in these things to make them taste so vile," he asks. "The least they could do is add a little whiskey to smooth it out." He looks around at the others. "Anyone else? I have a few more."

[OOC:potion of Cure Moderate Wounds. Figured I'd help conserve Silence's spells. :) Character sheet updated with current HP total (not including the potion).]


"Thank you Martan, but thanks to Silence it is now but a scratch for me. One moment and I will be ready to search the East once again." Vandon removes the candles from their holders just to be sure they do not magically reset when the door closes.

Krauss von Espy

First Post
JimAde said:
"Thanks again," Martan says to his cousin. Still breathing a bit heavily he rummages in his bag for a bit and withdraws a small flask. He pulls the stopper and drinks it down with a grimace. "Silence, what do they put in these things to make them taste so vile," he asks. "The least they could do is add a little whiskey to smooth it out." He looks around at the others. "Anyone else? I have a few more."

[OOC:potion of Cure Moderate Wounds. Figured I'd help conserve Silence's spells. :) Character sheet updated with current HP total (not including the potion).]

Martan regains 12 hit points from the use of his foul-tasting potion.

Krauss von Espy

First Post
[OOC: I'm going to push you guys ahead to the next room to the east, since that appears to be your plan for exploration. With Insight at a busy point, I'm going to NPC him as conducting Search and Listen checks at the doors, and if those are clean, I'll assume you guys open it up. Sound okay?]

With the threat of the fighter frescoes now ended, the party departs the round room and moves to the east (once Sir Vandon has cast the offending candles to the floor).
Tanus leads the way and stops at the first of the three doors along the southern wall. First, he examines the door carefully for traps [Search Check 17+10=27], but all looks well. Pressing his ear to the door reveals no noises from within[Listen Check 18+12=30]. Satisfied, Tanus reaches out and pulls the handle of the door.

Within, you see a 30x20 room with doors on the east and south walls. Two continual flame torches set in the northeast and southwest corners of this chamber cast flickering shadows upon a half-dozen dusty rugs spread throughout the room.



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