Maure Castle - The Adventure Begins!

Krauss von Espy

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Round 1:

The northern-most fighter steps towards Martan with unnatural speed, and and flails away with his bastard sword. Only one of his three blows connects, but the blade stabs directly through Martan's chest, leaving the sorcerer tottering on his feet, bleeding massively.

JimAde said:
Martan leaps away from the new threat...

Martan stumbles backwards, out of range of the fighter's sword. He considers briefly using the last of his strength to cast a web spell, but decides against it, as Silence would certainly be entangled in it as well.

Insight said:
Tanus, realizing that his good friend and ally, Martan, is in grave danger, has to make a split decision. On the one hand, Tanus could easily gang up with Vandon and take out the Fighter on the other side of the room, but that would leave a badly injured Martan and Silence to deal with the Fighter alone.

What Tanus decides to do, which would have been sorely against his character prior to his "disappearance" is to try to distract the nearest Fighter enough for Martan to get away and for Silence to heal him. Hopefully, Vandon can handle the other Fighter on his own for now.

Something inside of Tanus begged him not to act so valiantly, but he did so anyway.

Tanus springs into action, somersaulting underneath the fighter's outstretched blade, and lashing out with his fist as he comes to his feet behind his enemy. Unfortunately, the blow fails to connect.

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
*Silence moves over to Martan and places a hand on his head, and healing energy flows into him.*

Silence's devotion to Pelor flows into her badly injured cousin, causing his bleeding to lessen. Martan stands up straighter, still in pain, but no longer on the verge of collapse.

The second fighter slashes swiftly at Sir Vandon with his sword, but his efforts are futile. None of his blows are able to harm the noble warrior.

Voadam said:
"Tanus, the north one! I have the south! Come on you wizardly painted blaggard, have at thee!"

Sir Vandon's mindblade strikes true, with two powerful slashes leaving the fighter bloodied.

End Round 1.


[Fighter 1 takes 5' step toward Martan, makes Full Attack with bastard sword. Attack Roll 1 (auto miss, no fumble), Roll 20 (Auto hit, crit confirmed, 18 damage), Roll 12 (miss). Martan reduced to 0 hp, is disabled.

Martan makes a 5' step away from the fighter. [JimAde, based on your stated priority that you didn't want the web to catch any allies, I had Martan forego the spell. There would be nowhere to target it that wouldn't catch Silence in its 20' radius, as far as I can see. Plus, in his disabled state, he would lose one more hp, and go down for the count.]

Tanus moves to the north side of fighter 1, tumbling to avoid an AOO. Attack roll: 4+8+2(Recitation)=14 (miss).

Silence casts maximized silent cure light wounds on Martan, for 13 hp of healing.

Fighter 2 makes full attack on Sir Vandon. Roll 1 (auto miss, no fumble), 2 (miss), 4 (miss).

Sir Vandon makes full attack on Fighter 2. Roll 3+21=24 (Hit), Roll 12+16=28 (Hit). Damage: Roll 3+8=11, 7+8=15, Total Damage = 26.


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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Silence weaves her slender scepter of silence over Martan, invoking the spirits to aid him.*

OOC - Using lesser rod of Silence to cast Silent aid on Martan.


First Post
"Thank you cousin," Martan says with difficulty. Gritting his teeth in pain and rage, he lifts his hands to cast again. He makes especially sweeping gestures and shouts out the words of power, then extends one arm toward each of the foes. Blue fire arcs and crackles across the room, ringing with thunder.

[OOC: Empowered Scorching Ray (4th level slot). Due to Martan's Elemental Savant class ability this does electrical rather than fire damage. I'll fire two bolts at the fighter who hit me and one at the other (they are within 30' of each other so this is legal by RAW. If you would rather that I not be able to split the attack in separate directions like that, it's OK with me and I'll throw all three bolts at the one that attacked me). Each ray needs a ranged touch attack to hit (+10 attack) and does base 4d6. I don't know if you want to roll and multiply by 1.5 or just roll 6 dice per ray. Either way is fine with me.]

Krauss von Espy

First Post
Presumably, Tanus and Vandon will continue making full attacks against their respective foes. Unless I hear otherwise, I'll use those actions for round 2. I'll be posting it later today.

Krauss von Espy

First Post
Round 2:

The northern-most of the fighters whirls round upon his newest assailant, Tanus. He hacks away with his sword, but is unable to connect with the nimble Tiefling. [Attack rolls: 13,6,18. All misses.]

JimAde said:
"Thank you cousin," Martan says with difficulty. Gritting his teeth in pain and rage, he lifts his hands to cast again. He makes especially sweeping gestures and shouts out the words of power, then extends one arm toward each of the foes. Blue fire arcs and crackles across the room, ringing with thunder.

Martan's electrical rays fly across the room, with unerring precision. Two strike the fighter to the north, causing his face to contort with pain. The third ray strikes the fighter to the south. The powerful electrical jolt sends that fighter crashing to the ground where he lies motionless. [I allowed the two separate targets, obviously. Ranged Touch Attack rolls: 13+10+2-4=21, 16+10+2-4=24, 4+10+2-4=12, All Hits. Damage Rolls: 9 (empowered to 13), 15 (empowered to 22), 20 (empowered to 30). Fighter 2 goes down, dying.]

Tanus lashes out with his fists once more, but his blows are not able to penetrate the fighter's chainmail. [Attack Rolls 5+8=13 (miss), 1 (auto miss, no fumble).

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
*Silence weaves her slender scepter of silence over Martan, invoking the spirits to aid him.*

Martan feels renewed strength flow into him as Silence casts her spell. [Silence casts Aid. Martan gains 11 temporary hit points, +1 Attack roll bonus, +1 Save vs. Fear effects, for 12 minutes].

Sir Vandon, his own opponent out of the fight, moves past Martan and attacks the first fighter from directly opposite Tanus. His mindblade cuts powerfully into the fighter, leaving him now badly wounded. [Voadam, I NPC'd this attack actions as it seemed the most likely. Attack roll 9+19+2+2(Flanking)=32, Hit! Damage Roll 3+8=11.]

At that moment, the fourth and final candle, by the western door, blows out as well. True to form, that fighter springs to life and jumps into the melee! [Initiative Roll 4+5=9]

Updated Initiative Order:

Fighter 1
Fighter 3

Round 3 Actions?


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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Silence grabs her crossbow at fires at the fighter in front of her, hoping to help put the creature down.*

OOC - Attacking fighter 3, with a +7 ranged attack for a non-magical light crossbow.


First Post
Feeling the renewed vigor of Pelor's blessing, Martan laughs a bit maniacally.

He moves up next to Silence, his upraised hand trailing sparks. He extends his hand and more crackling blasts erupt from it toward the newly-arrived warrior.

5' step to Silence's south, then a "scorching ray" at warrior #3. Not empowered or anything.

So with buffs on me, the attack is +13 ranged touch, 3 rays at 4d6 each.

HP 13 (+11 Temp HP)
AC 23
Touch: 16
Flat Footed: 15
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +10
Character sheet updated with spell slots used.


Sir Vandon finishes off the northern warrior with a full attack then makes a five foot step to engage the Eastern painting and vocally challenging it to try to draw its attacks to himself. "Foul thing of sorcery! You shall fall!"

AC 27
hp 133
attack +23/+18 1d8+8 17-20x2
f +16, r +15, w+13

If Tanus finishes off the northern warrior first Vandon will move to engage the Eastern one, either with a five foot step and full attack or with a standard move and one attack, these would presumably be without +2 flanking bonuses though. If his full attack does not finish the northern one he will stay where he is engaged in melee.


Krauss von Espy said:
At that moment, the fourth and final candle, by the western door, blows out as well. True to form, that fighter springs to life and jumps into the melee! [Initiative Roll 4+5=9]

Updated Initiative Order:

Fighter 1
Fighter 3

Round 3 Actions?

Whether Martan takes out the northernmost Fighter is going to change Tanus' actions for the round. In either event, Tanus believes that he is safe for the most part, so he turns off the Combat Expertise on his action, AC to 27. (Note that it is still in effect for Fighter 1's action since he goes before Tanus).

Fighter 1 still up: Tanus is going to focus on he prior target unless the Fighter goes down. With Vandan flanking, Tanus will flurry (+13/+13/+7 - adding flank and spell bonuses). I believe he gets to add sneak attack dmg for the first of these attacks that hits.

EDIT: If Tanus ends up taking out Fighter 1 with the first attack, Tanus will instead tumble behind Fighter 3 as his move action. This will only happen if Tanus doesn't need to make a full attack.

Fighter 1 is already down on Tanus' action: Tanus will tumble behind Fighter 3(?) to give Vandon a flank and hold his own standard action to make an unarmed strike when Vandan gets into flank position (+14 to hit - added flank and spell bonuses). This adds sneak attack damage as well.
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Insight said:
Fighter 1 still up: Tanus is going to focus on he prior target unless the Fighter goes down. With Vandan flanking, Tanus will flurry (+13/+13/+7 - adding flank and spell bonuses). I believe he gets to add sneak attack dmg for the first of these attacks that hits.


He should get sneak attack damage on every melee attack that hits while flanking with Vandon. Together the tielfling and soulblade are a potent melee combo team.

Voidrunner's Codex

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