Maure Castle - The Adventure Begins!


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Martan approaches the nearest candle cautiously and holds out his hand, feeling for heat.

[OOC: I'm trying to see if it's a Continual Flame effect (no heat) or not. If not, that indicates either that somebody actually lit the candles recently or a spell did so at our entry. Either way...]

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Krauss von Espy

First Post
JimAde said:
Martan approaches the nearest candle cautiously and holds out his hand, feeling for heat.

[OOC: I'm trying to see if it's a Continual Flame effect (no heat) or not. If not, that indicates either that somebody actually lit the candles recently or a spell did so at our entry. Either way...]

The flame does indeed radiate heat; the candles appear to be normal in every regard.


Vandon walks over to the nearest image and readies an attack for if it comes to life while his companions check things out.

"Do we wish to continue fully exploring to the east then filling in to the center?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Silence nods absently to Vandon's question as she enters the room. Making a few gestures across her eyes, she examines the room for magical auras.*

OOC - Casting Silent detect magic.


First Post
Martan pulls his hand back and says, "Either someone lit these recently or there's a spell that did it. Either way we'd best stay awake." He moves closer to the painting adorning the door they entered through. "Hmm. Execution's not bad, but the composition is boring. Oh, well." He turns at Vandon's suggestion. "Sounds good to me," he offers.

Krauss von Espy

First Post
Voadam said:
Vandon walks over to the nearest image and readies an attack for if it comes to life while his companions check things out.

"Do we wish to continue fully exploring to the east then filling in to the center?"

[OOC: A roll of a d4 says that Sir Vandon is nearest the painting on the southern door.]

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
*Silence nods absently to Vandon's question as she enters the room. Making a few gestures across her eyes, she examines the room for magical auras.*

OOC - Casting Silent detect magic.

Silence communes with Pelor and realizes that the entire room has a magical radiance.

JimAde said:
Martan pulls his hand back and says, "Either someone lit these recently or there's a spell that did it. Either way we'd best stay awake." He moves closer to the painting adorning the door they entered through. "Hmm. Execution's not bad, but the composition is boring. Oh, well." He turns at Vandon's suggestion. "Sounds good to me," he offers.

Without warning, the flame of the candle inside the eastern door is silently extinguished, leaving a wisp of smoke trailing upward in its wake.

Immediately, the garishly painted fighter on the door's interior ripples and animates, leaping forth in full three-dimensional solidity. With unnatural speed, the fighter raises his bastard sword above his head, ready to strike!

(OOC: Sir Vandon's attention being focused on a different fighter painting, his readied attack is lost.)

Initiative Order:

1.Martan 20+4=24
2.Fighter Fresco 14+5=19
3.Silence 17-1=16
4.Tanus 6+6=12
5.Sir Vandon 3+1=4

I've included a combat map for your reference. The 'F' is the painting fighter, the rest should be pretty self-explanatory.

Please post your character's combat actions for at least one round. If you wish, you can offer some conditional actions so that I may be able to run more than one round at a time. I realize this is more difficult to do at higher levels of play, since there are so many more options available to you (and to your opponents). I'd be happy to take it one round at a time, whichever you prefer.

Also, if you would be so kind as to include a mini-stat block in small font at the bottom of your combat posts, that would be a huge help. Please include AC, attack mods, damage, saves, conditional/temorary bonuses etc. I'd like to be able to run the combat without referring too many times to your character just saves time for your harried DM. :)


  • Fighter Frescoes.JPG
    Fighter Frescoes.JPG
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First Post
Martan takes a step back in shock, but quickly recovers his wits. He intones a word of arcane might while his hand snakes out and flings a crackling ball of lightning at the apparition before him. A slightly mad grin splits his face and he laughs as the spell's blast blows his hair back.

[OOC: 5-foot step straight back. Cast Lesser Orb of Electricity (+10 Ranged Touch attack, 5d8 damage, no save or SR).]

HP 61
AC 23
Touch: 16
Flat Footed: 15
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +10


Sir Vandon will move to the south of the frescoe fighter, or wherever needed to flank with Tanus. One attack with the mindblade, psychic strike is charged and Vandon is expending his psionic focus for greater psionic weapon.

AC 27
hp 133
attack +19(+21 with flanking) 1d8+8 17-20x2 psychic strike does 2d8 but only goes off if the target hit is living and non mindless, greater psionic weapon adds 4d6 damage to the strike
1/day re-roll attack that misses.
f +14, r +13, w+11


Following rounds will be simple procedure, full attack until it dies. +19(21)/+14(16) psychic strike and psionic weapon will probably be discharged or inapplicable at that point though so save lucky re-roll for the big one shot charges.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Silence weaves gestures of the glory of Pelor, filling her friends and family with blessings, while calling confusion down upon her enemies.*

OOC - Casting Silent recitation, grants all allies a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls and saving throws (+3 if they worship Pelor), and enemies are at -2 to the same rolls. This applies to all within 60 ft. radius burst centered on Silence.

HP: 74
AC: 15 (-1 Dex, +5 armor, +1 ring) [touch 10, flat-footed 14]
Saves: Fortitude +15, Reflex +7, Will +23
Melee Atk: +8/+3 (1d8/x2/B, Headknocker, +1 radiant heavy mace)
Ranged Atk: +7/+2 (1d8/19-20/x2/80 ft./P, light crossbow)
Anyone within 10ft. of Silence gains +2 to Will saving throws.

Voidrunner's Codex

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