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MD-DC-VA Gaming Day Game Signup! New Games Added


Welcome to the MD – VA – DC EN World (TerpCon) Sign-up Thread!

DATE: 4/2

TIME: 9:00 am - 12:00 midnight

COST: Free !

LOCATION: Jiminez and Bannaker Rooms, University of Maryland (College Park) Adele Stamp Student Center, 2nd Floor (Floor Plan Here)

DIRECTIONS: Driving directions to the University of Maryland (College Park) can be found Here.

PARKING: Free parking is available in Lot Z1 (a short walk from the Stamp Center) and pay parking is available immediately adjacent to the Stamp Center. An interactive campus map, which can be downloaded in .pdf format, is located Here.

Master Schedule

8:00 AM - Doors Open
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM - Set-up
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Slot 1 Games
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM - Lunch Break
3:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Slot 2 Games
8:00 PM to 12:00 Midnight - Open Gaming/Socializing
12:00 Midnight - Closing Time

Sign-up Procedure

(1) Check out the games

(2) Sign-up for a game using the appropriate color in your thread

(3) Please sign-up for only 1 game per time slot

Please check the thread from time to time…since more games may be added (and some may be cancelled). If your plans change, please post a cancellation notice in the proper color so we can adjust the schedule accordingly.

In addition to the planned games, there will be some other activities going on…including at least 3 tables of board games, open gaming and some “pick-up” games that might not make it onto the list.

The whole goal is to have fun and meet folks...so stay flexible...be ready for some last minute changes...have a back-up game in mind in case your first choice fills up or in case the GM has an emergency!

DMs…if your game is not listed here, email me at gertiebarden@gmail.com with your teaser.

MD – VA – DC EN World Game Day (TerpCon) Schedule

8:00 AM – Doors Open

8:00 AM to 9:00 AM – Set-up

9:00 AM to 2:00 PM – Game Slot 1

Table 1 - HARP

M is for Murder

DM: die_kluge (Curtis Bennett)


TEASER: Just after entering this cold, sleepy mountain village, the PCs learn that strange deaths have been occuring at random intervals over a period of more than a year. The authorities are stumped, and despite the fact that they have hanged one man, and have another imprisoned for the crime, the murders continue. Can the PCs find the real source of the murders before more bloodshed is spread?


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-generated level 5

• Action = 4
• Role-Playing = 8
• Puzzles/Mystery = 7


SPECIAL NOTES: game will be used to introduce players to the HARP
rules. No HARP experience is necessary.

DM: die_kluge
Player 1: Rasyr
Player 2: Xath
Player 3: Cthulu's Librarian
Player 4: Alex777
Player 5:
Player 6:

Sign Up Color is RoyalBlue

Table 2 - Mutants and Masterminds

The Good Fight or "Blitz this, Ratzi" Part 1

DM: Threshel (Jay Robinson)

GAME: Mutants and Masterminds

TEASER: Allied Mystery Men v. Nazi Ubermensch! Tank throwin' tough guys and gals duke it out amidst a hail of bullets and bombs! In Part 1, Allied leaders call together the world’s mightiest to help some of our boys out of a tough spot.


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-generated power level 7ish

• Action = 10
• Role-Playing = *
• Puzzles/Mystery = 5

MATURITY RATING: PG-13 (pre comics-code, but still the 40's)

SPECIAL NOTES: This is a homebrew world, based very heavily on the golden age of comics. Preference will be given to those that want to play both sessions. There will be 12 characters to choose from (6 male, 6 female), and beginners are very welcome. All you need is a creative mind and a d20! Historical accuracy not guaranteed! *Up to the players, but I like to get into character(s). I will provide more than stats for the PC’s.

DM: Threshel
Player 1: Nubis Ra
Player 2: Bretbo
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Sign Up Color is YellowGreen

Table 3 - Deadlands

Age of Revolution

DM: Jamie Reese

GAME: Deadlands

TEASER: It is the age of the Wild West, the days of yesterday. Though the times of yesterday are now different for what we know, the civil war still rages on quietly as the nation is now divided, Union and Confederate. Lincoln has already been assassinated; though rumor has it he still is alive. A shadow government plays its pieces, their game no one quiet knows their prize, only the worst things people can imagine. The undead walk the night and even the day either as friend or foe, hell has consumed lazy old towns, and it is up to the righteous from all walks of life to fend off the chaos, or usher it in. This is the world of Deadlands.

In the brink of this chaos an old empire reaches out once more to claim what she has lost. England has invaded from the south. Their treaty with the confederate states, only a ploy so they can reclaim their lost colonies and more. It is up to a special team set up by the Union government to go and find a way to help stop the invasion. But tragedy and horror wait at every turn. Will you be the hero or the traitor?


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-generated

• Action = 7
• Role-Playing = 8
• Puzzles/Mystery = 7


SPECIAL NOTES: Players should be ready for major roleplaying, hard dice roleing, and creepy story telling.

DM: Jamie Reese
Player 1: Rodrigo Istalindir
Player 2: docfool
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
Player 7:

Sign Up Color is Lime

Table 4 - Shadowrun 3E Update: FULL!!!


DM: AIM-54 (Jeremiah Cushman)

GAME: Shadowrun 3E

TEASER: Just another day in the shadows, chummer. If it's not the Man stompin' us down, just means Mother Nature picks up the slack. This one was supposed to be a standard extraction job. The Johnson said a willing target, which might be considered easier. I shoulda known better. It's not that we didn't prepare. We're professionals
after all. We did the legwork, scoped the extraction site, planned the run. Sometimes Lady Luck smiles on you and sometimes she spits in your face. This was one of those times. Somehow, they knew we were coming. We were fragged.


PC TYPES/LEVELS: 130 Build Points

• Action = 8
• Role-Playing = 5*
• Puzzles/Mystery = 5*


SPECIAL NOTES: * There will be opportunities for more RPing and puzzle/mystery elements depending on the players preferences.

Characters will be pregenerated according to the players' wishes. No deckers, please.
This run is designed for Runners of any experience level, so both experienced and neophyte players are welcome.

DM: AIM-54
Player 1: The Universe
Player 2: Shaman
Player 3: BobotheHobo
Player 4: Queen Dopplepoppolis
Player 5: Allandaros
Player 6:

Sign Up Color is LightBlue

Table 5 - Exalted

Age of Winter

DM: Archon (Mik Nichols)

GAME: Exalted

TEASER: Creation lies under siege by the vile Deathlord, Mask of Winter. Through his cunning and strength of arms, he has managed to bring all of creation, save the blessed isle, into his Icy Embrace. The world now exists somewhere between life and death, a vast shadowland where color is as alien as life. But in the black and white desolation of the conquered lands, a small band of powerful rebels fights. Blessed by a forgotten God, they fight to save who and what they can.

They are the "Unconquered."

But they are not alone. The Blessed Isle, which once stood as a center for corruption and tyranny now stands as a vision of a better tomorrow with its many First Age Artifacts. There the Solar Exalted rule as they once did, before the their corruption; before their "usurpation;" before...the Empire.


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-Generated (With player input)

• Action = 9
• Role-Playing = 6 (up to the gamers)
• Puzzles/Mystery = 3

MATURITY RATING: R (Graphic Violence)

SPECIAL NOTES: In my version of the world of Exalted, you will fight as a member of the "Unconquered," the heroes of the Age of Winter. The fate of a better tomorrow will lie in your hands. Ideally I'd like to have a "Perfect Circle," so if you decide to play, please list which caste you decide to play.

DM: Archon
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Sign Up Color is Plum

Table 6 - D20 Modern

Title TBA

DM: UMCPWintermute (Joe Barrett) and avatar527 (Steve DiCocco)

GAME: D20 Modern

TEASER: The players are employees at a black ops spy organization working for the United States government in the year 2020. They will battle rival spy organizations, international terrorist groups, and evil megacorporations in a quest to save the United States.


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-Generated Level 10 (or abouts)

• Action = 8
• Role-Playing = 4
• Puzzles/Mystery = 4

MATURITY RATING: PG-13 (language, violence)

DM: Joe and Steve
Player 1: Tamaroc
Player 2: ramoth4
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
Player 7:
Player 8:

Sign Up Color is SeaGreen

Table 7 - GURPS

Thanks for the Memories

DM: Jim Duncan

GAME: GURPS Autoduel/Cyberpunk (using GURPS 4th edition with some 3rd editon rules and variants).

TEASER: In this GURPS Autoduel adventure, your team has been hired to break into a Gold Cross medical facility and steal brain tape. You and your team have only your skill, gear, contacts and the net to help you get in and out with the goods. Team work and action will be featured. One member will be the team leader and the group will consist of mercs, at least one driver, a mobile net runner, and a medtech. Some members of the team will have cyberwear. Pre-generated characters will be provided.



• Action = 8
• Role-Playing = 5
• Puzzles/Mystery = 3


SPECIAL NOTES: A prize will be awarded for best roleplayer.

DM: Jim Duncan
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
Player 7:

Sign Up Color is Dark Green

2:00 PM to 3:00 PM – Lunch Break

3:00 PM to 8:00 PM – Game Slot 2

Table 1 - Spycraft CANCELLED!!!!!

Title TBD

DM: Psion (Alan Kohler)

GAME: Spycraft

TEASER: Secret agents get in trouble and have to solve mysteries and bluff or beat up bad guys. (This iscobviously also a placeholder, the real thing TBD).


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-generated level 6

• Action = 8
• Role-Playing = 6
• Puzzles/Mystery = 7


SPECIAL NOTES: Specifics TBD. Watch this space for updates.

DM: Psion

Sign Up Color is Red

Table 2 - D&D3.5

Round Robin DMing

DM: die_kluge (Curtis Bennett)

GAME: D&D3.5

TEASER: This game is adlib DM'ing at its finest. Each players takes turns running the game in 15-30 minute increments to create a cohesive =whole. It's challenging, and fun. Roll a d6 (or two, or three) to determine character level. Throw together a character of your
choosing. Next, everyone rolls an unmodified d10 for initiative. What's that, you just lost initiative? Ok, you GM first. Ready? Go!


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Rolled during the game

• Action = ?
• Role-Playing = ?
• Puzzles/Mystery = ?

MATURITY RATING: PG-13 (although can't be guarenteed as it is completely random)

SPECIAL NOTES: Specifics TBD. Watch this space for updates.

DM: die_kluge
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:

Sign Up Color is Orange

Table 3 - D&D3.5

When Harry Met Stabby

DM: Jacob Schwartz

GAME: D&D3.5

TEASER: An amusing twist on a classic theme. And by amusing, I still mean for me, and by classic theme, I mean there's a religious figure guarding an artifact of a racial enemy. Your job is to stop the religious guy from doing his thing and recover the artifact. Sound familiar? Too bad the story isn't quite that easy.


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-Generated Level 12

• Action = 7
• Role-Playing = 6
• Puzzles/Mystery = 7

MATURITY RATING: R, only because BoVD and BoED are both rated with mature content. Since this will be a VERY serious good vs evil, I'm rating it high to promote people capable of playing a very unique style.

SPECIAL NOTES: Special notes? Well, for one thing, it's based on my book. (See a preview here.) That means a few things, but specifically the party will be evil. At least 1 character will be designed completely from new material, and most characters will use concepts from the book. Copies will be available for browsing before the session. It should be a nice twist on an old concept.

DM: Jacob Schwartz
Player 1: avatar527
Player 2: UMCPwintermute
Player 3: Tamaroc
Player 4: VellaKelly
Player 5: ramoth4
Player 6: docfool
Player 7:
Player 8:

Sign Up Color is DeepSkyBlue

Table 4 - Mutants and Masterminds FULL!!!

The Good Fight or "Blitz this, Ratzi" Part 2

DM: Threshel (Jay Robinson)

GAME: Mutants and Masterminds

TEASER: Allied Mystery Men v. Nazi Ubermensch! Tank throwin' tough guys and gals duke it out amidst a hail of bullets and bombs! In Part 2, the Allies have Berlin surrounded, there’s just one problem: The Ubermensch have forced the Allied troops into a standstill. Once again, Earth’s mightiest have to band together. This time, however, their enemies are desperate, and willing to sacrifice almost anything to win.


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-generated power level 7ish

• Action = 10
• Role-Playing = *
• Puzzles/Mystery = 5


SPECIAL NOTES: This is the follow-on to the morning slot, although new players could join if there are empty slots. Preference will be given to those that want to play both sessions. *Up to the players, but I like to get into character(s). I will provide more than stats for the PC’s.

DM: Threshel
Player 1: The Universe
Player 2: Bretbo
Player 3: Nubis Ra
Player 4: Queen Dopplepoppolis
Player 5: Rodrigo Istalindir
Player 6:

Sign Up Color is PaleTurquoise

Table 5 - HARP

DM: Rasyr (Tim Dugger)


TEASER: The last several weeks have been a whirlwind of terror. First the mighty armies of Orsai have defeated those who would defend your city. Then comes the evacuation. Thousands fleeing north, into the mountains, fleeing for your very life. Among those thousands fleeing the city where the pitiful few hundred soldiers sent to protect everybody. Humans from Tarahir and the Treaty Kingdoms, and the Skaldi from the northwest. The Sithi Elves, archers from the far northern forests, and even the ever-wandering Gryx, those nomadic tribesmen from the far east, chased from their homelands centuries ago.

Hiding in that abandoned Dwarven outpost. That magical portal suddenly coming to life. Could that be one of the fabled Royal Roads of the ancient Cyrads?

Awakening in a strange city built on the side of a volcano. Surrounded by a blasted wasteland, devasted by magic centuries ago. A wasteland filled with creatures and abominations created by the very same magic which destroyed the plains all those long years ago.

Discovering that myths were indeed true. Intelligent, talking Gryphons who want to be friends. The mysterious Rhone, Gnomes with a deep and secret tie to the lands that they have been trying to heal for centuries. The very civiliized and cultured lizardmen known as the Nagazi. The Arali Elves, cousins of the Sithi among the refugees, as arrogant and worldly as the Sithi are rustic. Then there are the Mablung, the Dwarves who came through the portal about a week after your arrival, seeking to reclaim one of their abandoned cities.

Then came the night of the comets. Not only were all three harbingers in the sky, but all three were also at their closest to the world of Mithra. And there were the Rhona insisting that they had to perform something called the Ritual of Estrousal, and that it had to be done that night.

You sat and watched as members from each race climbed as high as they could up the side of the volcano. You waited, not knowing what was going to happen when suddenly there was that huge explosion of light from the peak. And that wave of energy that washed over you and your fellow refugees, knocking down even the sturdiest warrior. And nobody would answer any questions, always saying to wait until the morrow.

As you awoke the next morning, something was different. The air, it was cooler. There was a breeze. As you looked around you could see that the land around Belynar had come to life overnight! Then came the word, Grayson, the leader of the refugees, was looking for volunteers to scout out the land and to see how much had been restored. People who could fight and defend themselves against any of the Devastation monsters that still might be lurking nearby. Are you brave enough to volunteer?


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-generated level 5

• Action = 7
• Role-Playing = 5
• Puzzles/Mystery = 4


SPECIAL NOTES: Cyradon is to be the default setting for the HARP system. It has not yet been published yet.

DM: Rasyr
Player 1: AIM-54
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Sign Up Color is SlateGrey

Table 6 - Paranoia XP

DM: Fieari (Richard Winters)

GAME: Paranoia XP

TEASER: Greetings Citizen! It's another fine daycycle in Alpha Complex. You have been issued your first 6-pack of clones in your neverending battle against Mutants, Commies, and other assorted Traitors! Pity that you happen to be a mutant, and a commie, and you've lost count of the other assorted items of treason you've committed... how long can you survive? Will 6 clones be enough to last the day?

ParanoiaXP is...
--NEW! IMPROVED! If you've played previous versions of Paranoia, you are in for a REAL TREAT. The new version is better than ever! Now with REAL RULES that CAN ACTUALLY BE FOLLOWED, not that you, the player, will be allowed to look at them. It's Paranoia people! If you knew how it all worked, you wouldn't be paranoid!
--The Anti-D20. In D20, you determine the circumstances and add modifiers to your die roll. In PXP, you determine the modifiers to your die roll and the circumstances follow from there. No charts to consult, no scientific calculators required. No knowledge of anything at all, in fact, is required or even encouraged!
--Competetive. There will be a definitive WINNER and LOSER at the end of each round. Match wits against the other players AND the enviornment. EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is a potential enemy.
--Humorous. If you aren't laughing, you're taking this WAY too seriously. In game rewards are awarded to those who make the DM laugh, or cause everyone else to laugh.
--Challenging. Good sports are welcomed... if this is your first time playing ParanoiaXP, you will probably die a lot, but that's why you get 6 clones. You will probably also fail at everything you do, because you won't understand anything that's going on. This is normal, healthy, and fun. The Computer tells us so. Please don't get upset. Laugh, and learn. Each mission you fail at is another lesson learned. Leveling up involves you, the player not the character, learning how to survive in this messed up world.

If you think you can handle abject failure and repeated death at the hands of both the DM and the other players, this is the game for YOU!


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-generated

• Action = 6 +/- 4
• Role-Playing = Player Dependant
• Puzzles/Mystery = 11. Our scales go to 11. Only Mutant Commie Traitor scales stop at 10.

MATURITY RATING: (Humorously described violence, could be rated PG?)

SPECIAL NOTES: "High-Level" Paranoia campaigns are some of the most convoluted, twisted, and enjoyable experiences I have ever seen, but since "Leveling Up" only happens on a meta level, I am really hoping to attract one or two experienced Paranoia players. If not, I will compensate as best I can, but the best teachers of the system to players is not the GM, but rather other, more experienced players. This is not to discourage newcommers to the game, I'm just hoping to get one or two who know what they're doing.

DM: Fieari
Player 1: Chris Cowles
Player 2: Alex777
Player 3: Allandaros
Player 4: GregoryBard
Player 5:
Player 6:

Sign Up Color is Purple

Table 7 - Deadlands

Age of Revolution

DM: Jamie Reese

GAME: Deadlands

TEASER: It is the age of the Wild West, the days of yesterday. Though the times of yesterday are now different for what we know, the civil war still rages on quietly as the nation is now divided, Union and Confederate. Lincoln has already been assassinated; though rumor has it he still is alive. A shadow government plays its pieces, their game no one quiet knows their prize, only the worst things people can imagine. The undead walk the night and even the day either as friend or foe, hell has consumed lazy old towns, and it is up to the righteous from all walks of life to fend off the chaos, or usher it in. This is the world of Deadlands.

In the brink of this chaos an old empire reaches out once more to claim what she has lost. England has invaded from the south. Their treaty with the confederate states, only a ploy so they can reclaim their lost colonies and more. It is up to a special team set up by the Union government to go and find a way to help stop the invasion. But tragedy and horror wait at every turn. Will you be the hero or the traitor?


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-generated

• Action = 7
• Role-Playing = 8
• Puzzles/Mystery = 7


SPECIAL NOTES: Players should be ready for major roleplaying, hard dice roleing, and creepy story telling.

DM: Jamie Reese
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
Player 7:

Sign Up Color is Sienna

Table 8 - D20 Modern UPDATE: FULL

Assault on Precinct 23

DM: Tom Cashel

GAME: D20 Modern

TEASER: Tomorrow Precinct 23 closes its doors forever.

Tonight the worst blizzard of the past 25 years is pounding New York City. But the cops on duty and the perps in cells are about to have worse problems than weather. Soon they're going to be fighting for their lives.

...and when they find out why, things are bound to get a whole lot worse.


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-generated, lvl 8, selected cops and perps. (If you have a special request, I will try to create a character to your specs...e-mail me.)

• Action = 8
• Role-Playing = 8
• Puzzles/Mystery = 5

MATURITY RATING: PG-13 (language and violence)

SPECIAL NOTES: Although the title and plot of this session bear a distinct resemblance to the John Carpenter film of similar name, thats where the similarities end. You wont find any spoilers in the movie (or its remake).

DM: Tom Cashel
Player 1: Archon
Player 2: Xath
Player 3: Shaman
Player 4: Pnakotic Solomon
Player 5: BobotheHobo
Player 6: Cthulu's Librarian

Table 9 - Call of Cthulu

The Music of Farmer Ruth

DM: Lara Ann Paolini

GAME: Call of Cthulu

TEASER: News clipping from the Dunswith Examiner, October 15th 1920...

Investigation of Peculiar Events at Ruth Farm - The town sheriff, Zackary Edwin along with a small gathering of local volunteers are investigating the whereabouts of farmer John Ruth and his eight hired hands. Two of Mr. Ruth's hired help were last seen two weeks ago in the town's hardware store purchasing some brass piping. Since then, the neighbors have noted the unkempt nature of the grounds and have reported strange piano music seeming to come from the farmhouse. Numerous attempts to reach Mr. Ruth at his farmhouse have been unsuccessful. Mr. Edwin remains confident though that the investigation he is leading will result in a simple explanation for the odd occurrences at the Ruth residence. - Angela Seeley

What has happened to Farmer Ruth and his hired help? Be part of the investigation team that looks into the eerie piano music emanating from the farmhouse. .


PC TYPES/LEVELS: Pre-generated

• Action = unrated
• Role-Playing = unrated
• Puzzles/Mystery = unrated


DM: Lara Ann Paolini
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:

Sign up color is Pink

Table 10 - GURPS

Thanks for the Memories

DM: Jim Duncan

GAME: GURPS Autoduel/Cyberpunk (using GURPS 4th edition with some 3rd editon rules and variants).

TEASER: In this GURPS Autoduel adventure, your team has been hired to break into a Gold Cross medical facility and steal brain tape. You and your team have only your skill, gear, contacts and the net to help you get in and out with the goods. Team work and action will be featured. One member will be the team leader and the group will consist of mercs, at least one driver, a mobile net runner, and a medtech. Some members of the team will have cyberwear. Pre-generated characters will be provided.



• Action = 8
• Role-Playing = 5
• Puzzles/Mystery = 3


SPECIAL NOTES: A prize will be awarded for best roleplayer.

DM: Jim Duncan
Player 1:
Player 2:
Player 3:
Player 4:
Player 5:
Player 6:
Player 7:

Sign Up Color is Wheat

8:00 PM to 12:00 Midnight – Open Gaming

12:00 Midnight – Close Up Shop
Last edited:

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Xath, can you change the title/description of the "exterminate the Necromancer" HARP game in table 1/morning slot. I've changed the game.

Title: "M is for Murder"

Description: "Just after entering this cold, sleepy mountain village, the PCs learn that strange deaths have been occuring at random intervals over a period of more than a year. The authorities are stumped, and despite the fact that they have hanged one man, and have another imprisoned for the crime, the murders continue. Can the PCs find the real source of the murders before more bloodshed is spread?"

roleplay/action/puzzle: 8/4/7

Everything else is the same. Thanks!


Arrggh!!!! I am sooo torn!!!

HARP or Mutants and Masterminds?

HARP or M&M?

Gonna have to go with HARP in the morning for $500, Alex...



5ever, or until 2024
Xath said:
Welcome to the MD – VA – DC EN World (TerpCon) Sign-up Thread!

DATE: 4/2

TIME: 9:00 am - 12:00 midnight

COST: Free !

LOCATION: Jiminez and Bannaker Rooms, University of Maryland (College Park) Adele Stamp Student Center, 2nd Floor (Floor Plan Here)

DIRECTIONS: Driving directions to the University of Maryland (College Park) can be found Here.

PARKING: Free parking is available in Lot Z1 (a short walk from the Stamp Center) and pay parking is available immediately adjacent to the Stamp Center. An interactive campus map, which can be downloaded in .pdf format, is located Here.

How accessible by metro?


TerraDave said:
How accessible by metro?

There's a free shuttle bus starting at noon from the metro station directly to the union. Last time, certain people with cars volunteered to do a pick up. We'll see what we can do this time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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