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Mecha Crusade: Mars Attacks!



South Red City.

Solar Alliance Military Complex.

"The Hive".

23:20, Earth Time.

07:07, Mars Time.

Ambient External Temperature: -37 C

The holo-viewer in the corner of the Hive mess hall flickers into life, General Brooker's face coming into focus.

"Good morning. At ease, men." He says as you scramble to your feet from the breakfast table. "I've got a mission for you all."

"As you know, Red City is still under Earth control. We're intending to lead a strike on the Earth Forces located in and around the city, but we need to send you in first. The Earth Forces are being coordinated from the command and control facilities located outside the facilities. The surface to air defenses in the region prevent us from being able to strike at these structures from the air, and the presence of civilian homes in the region prevents us from using orbital plasma weapons against the facilities.

"We want you go in and accomplish one of two goals: Either eliminate the C&C facilities, or destroy the surface to air defenses. In either case, civilian casualties must be kept to a minimum."

The holo-viewer flickers again, and a map is displayed alongside the General's face. See attached image below. Map scale: 3200 meters per square.

"Each aqua colored dome represents the H2O processing facilities that supply water for the nearby facilities and cities. The four processors attached to the EDS central command are primary units. However, it is suspected that they have backup-units underground. The darker dome are the Life-Support systems for agriculture, oxygen, and necessary medicines used to treat Mars Sickness. While these facilities are important, it may be possible to win a siege against the enemy if we fail to defeat them here. If the battle goes badly, we may need to destroy these facilities in order to minimize the survival time of our enemies.

"Each red circle represents one of the general patrol zones that we have detected enemy heavy weapons activity within. We suspect both light and medium mechas are in operation in these areas.

"The blue halo around the map is the radar and air defense range of the enemies’ anti-aircraft weapons. The lighter halos are the "weak" radar range, useful only against air-borne targets. The blue crosses represent the location of a spectral imaging and radar station. If this facility, or the surrounding weapons can be destroyed, we will be able to strike against the enemy command bases with light aircraft sent from South Red City. Each of the surrounding red blips is a known anti-aircraft laser battery.

"Each dark red blip along the wall surrounding the enemies military command entrance is a 110mm turret. These have a range of over 1.5 km, so keep your distance. I needn't tell you that these cannons pack quite a punch.

"Finally, the two Stars mark the surface entrances to the enemies' C&C facilities. You could attempt to neutralize their forces by planting an M-2 MINE inside the facilities underground defenses, or by securing the locations. It also may be possible to completely destroy these bases through an air strike, but the laser batteries would have to be destroyed first.

You have 34 hours before the mission commences, and your mission will start at sunset. You will have 18 hours from that point to complete your mission. Any questions?"


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First Post
"All I can say, sir," replied Zhang, "is that those Earthling creeps will never know what hit 'em!!"

After finishing his exclamation, the fiery young mecha ace looked over at his squad commander. He was confident he could back up his claim, but he didn't want to get on the wrong side of his immediate superior.

OOC: NICE map!!
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"All right, crew, you heard the man!" Sgt. Grainger yells to the troops. "To your stations! All crew chiefs report to me as soon as the Mechs are ready!"

Lucas then turns to the Captain. "Sir, should I have the senior staff assemble in the briefing room?"


A technician sat on the table next to yours salutes smartly at Lucas' order. "Yes Sir!" he says as he dashes from the mess hall towards the hangers. Several other members of the technical crew follow after him.

General Brooker smiles at your responses. "I'm glad to see such enthusiasm. If you would be so good, Sergeant Grainger, we'll continue this in the briefing room."

The holo-viewer winks out, reverting to standby mode.

OOC: The map is rather good, isn't it? :) Thank creamsteak for it, it's his work.
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Once the main team is in the briefing room, Sgt. Grainger does a quick head count and brings the holo-viewer there out of standby mode.

"All senior personnel present and accounted for, General," Lucas says as the officer's face comes into sharp focus. "Shall we move ahead with a candid discussion of our strategy?"

Trip Jamison

When Grainger shoated Trip snapped awake and promptly fell out of the chair he was leaning in. "Damn Sgt. what'd i tell you about all that yelling crap?"

Seeing everyone heading for the briefing, trip gets up and composes himself. Then suffles down to the room in a bleary eyed haze.
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Sir Osis of Liver said:
When Grainger shoated Trip snapped awake and promptly fell out of the chair he was leaning in. "Damn Sgt. what'd i tell you about all that yelling crap?"

Seeing everyone heading for the briefing, trip gets up and composes himself. Then suffles down to the room in a bleary eyed haze.


"I'm not here to make sure you get your beauty sleep, Lew-Ten-Ant," Lucas chews on the last word as he takes a moment, on the way to the briefing room, to comment on Trip's reprimand. "My job ... sir ... is to make sure that you come back in one piece. If doing my job makes you upset, then that's just a bonus for me," the Sgt. says with a grin as he opens the door for the officer.


First Post
Ulric Fuchs stares long and hard at the map, until it seems the image has burned itself into his mind.

Lucas then turns to the Captain. "Sir, should I have the senior staff assemble in the briefing room?"

Ulric simply gives a nod to the sergeant; his thoughts are clearly set more upon the upcoming battle.

It would be best to approach the radar stations from the north and elimnate them first, allowing for airstrikes, but the range of those turrets makes that virtually impossible.

Ulric thinks on this as he moves from the messhall to the briefing room, his face set in a perpetual frown as he thinks of a possible strategy.

Perhaps it would be better to approach the first C&C facility from the south-west...the turrets wouldn't shoot 'that' close to their own C&C facility...would they? ...There are simply too many variables...but what's this about underground defenses?

Ulric takes a seat near the front of the briefing room. Once the holo-viewer comes out of standby mode, he poses his question to the general: "General Brooker, in the briefing you mentioned something about underground defenses. Do we know the entrances to these underground defenses?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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