D&D 5E Megadungeon delving as a campaign’s core; is it compatible with modern play?


Magic Wordsmith
I think once they get to 5th level, the finding a safe place to recover becomes a non-issue for the most part as the mage gets the ritual Leomund's tiny hut. Couple that with the rapidity of the return of hit points, it does make it a bit easier. That said, I do love my dungeons and my group likes them too.
It's hubris on the part of the players to believe that a Leomund's tiny hut in the middle of a populated dungeon is at all safe. Even if none of the monsters can dispel it, the morning when it drops can be quite rough!

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Victoria Rules
It's hubris on the part of the players to believe that a Leomund's tiny hut in the middle of a populated dungeon is at all safe. Even if none of the monsters can dispel it, the morning when it drops can be quite rough!
The occupants can see out from inside LTH, right? If yes, they'll know what's out there at least to some extent and can pick their departure time accordingly...or just cast another LTH and wait for a better opportunity.


Moderator Emeritus
The occupants can see out from inside LTH, right? If yes, they'll know what's out there at least to some extent and can pick their departure time accordingly...or just cast another LTH and wait for a better opportunity.

Now I want to make up an encounter with a multi-generational micro-society that has come up inside a Tiny Hut that has been cast via ritual in perpetuity - never able to leave because more and more monsters make their home in the area, who have developed a religious belief system that one day the opaque pimple shall burst and the gods will award them with the tasty treats within! :LOL:


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CR 1/8
Now I want to make up an encounter with a multi-generational micro-society that has come up inside a Tiny Hut that has been cast via ritual in perpetuity - never able to leave because more and more monsters make their home in the area, who have developed a religious belief system that one day the opaque pimple shall burst and the gods will award them with the tasty treats within! :LOL:


Magic Wordsmith
Now I want to make up an encounter with a multi-generational micro-society that has come up inside a Tiny Hut that has been cast via ritual in perpetuity - never able to leave because more and more monsters make their home in the area, who have developed a religious belief system that one day the opaque pimple shall burst and the gods will award them with the tasty treats within! :LOL:
This could actually happen in the game in which we're playing. It's a megadungeon and the running joke is that the kobolds we're allied with have such short lifespans that every time we leave and come back, there's been another generation and a new ruler. We're on like King Meepo IV now. If we went into a tiny hut for an extended period of time, we might watch the rise and fall of their civilization Time Machine style.


I think once they get to 5th level, the finding a safe place to recover becomes a non-issue for the most part as the mage gets the ritual Leomund's tiny hut. Couple that with the rapidity of the return of hit points, it does make it a bit easier. That said, I do love my dungeons and my group likes them too.
The hut doesn't stop anything from coming up from below and enemies don't suddenly forget you're there. There are many, many ways to make life difficult for people that use a hut to camp out in.

It's really just hit point recovery as I see it. And I don't want to downplay that - hit point recovery in 5e is a lot easier and really does avoid the need to hunker down for multiple days just healing up like you would see in 1e/2e days. That's a change that will probably be noticeable - to an extent.
Yes, but honestly I thought natural healing in 1E/2E just sucked. I much prefer 5E's approach, that when you get a chance to fully rest and recover (long rest, as defined with the DMG options you use), you are full up and ready to go (except for exhaustion).
I think once they get to 5th level, the finding a safe place to recover becomes a non-issue for the most part as the mage gets the ritual Leomund's tiny hut. Couple that with the rapidity of the return of hit points, it does make it a bit easier. That said, I do love my dungeons and my group likes them too.
Funny, out of all the mega dungeons I've run in 5E, not once, in 7 years, has any player taken or used LTH. Maybe rope trick once or twice. As far as I'm concerned, all these concerns about LTH etc are whiteroom theory problems that don't exist in my games. And if they ever do, I'm well aware of all the counter measures to them. (Maybe that's why my players don't use them, because they know I'm smart enough to counter tem as needed.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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