Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming


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bytor4232 said:
What I would like is a more detailed description on skills. I'm still shakey on some of the standard skills, mostly the Charisma based ones. I guess that would be a judgement call on the part of the DM I suppose.

Yes, 100% judgement call - I'm a firm believer that There Is More Than One Way To Do It (TIMTOWTDI), though a little guideline or two wouldn't hurt, I guess.

Here are the skills from the d20 SRD and their Microlite20 equivalents:

The four skills in Microlite20 are Physical (phys), Subterfuge (sub), Knowledge (know) and Communication (com), so..........

Appraise - com+MIND
Balance - phys+DEX
Bluff - com+MIND
Climb - phys+DEX or STR, whichever is highest
Concentration - doesn't apply. GM's fiat applies
Craft - it's an out of game thing. No one /ever/ crafts things in-game, so it's a redundant skill. Alternatively, know+DEX
Decipher Script - know+MIND or com+MIND
Diplomacy - com+MIND
Disable Device - sub+MIND or sub+DEX
Disguise - sub+MIND
Escape Artist - sub+DEX or sub+STR, depending on what you're escaping out of
Forgery - com+DEX
Gather Information - com+MIND
Handle Animal - com+MIND or com+STR if the animal is bigger than you :)
Heal - know+MIND
Hide - sub+DEX
Intimidate - could be phys+STR, or sub+MIND or com+STR. You choose
Jump - phys+STR (long jump) or phys+DEX (high jump)
Knowledge - know+MIND
Listen - sub+MIND
Move Silently - sub+DEX
Open Lock - sub+DEX
Perform - com+MIND, though it could be DEX if you're juggling, or STR if you're a weightlifter
Profession - com+MIND, usually
Ride - com+DEX
Search - sub+MIND
Sense Motive - com+MIND
Sleight of Hand - sub+DEX
Speak Language - doesn't apply. You either know the language or you don't. Alternatively, com+MIND to understand subtle nuances, I guess
Spellcraft - MIND only
Spot - sub+MIND
Survival - phys+STR to suyrvive, or sub+DEX or STR to hunt stuff.
Swim - phys+STR
Tumble - phys+DEX
Use Magic Device - you can either use it, or you can't. GM fiat. Alternatively, MIND only
Use Rope - no, never ever. Use Rope is a DEAD SKILL. This skill is dead. It has passed the mortal coil (of rope). Use phys+DEX if you must, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Hope that helps. I'm sure there'll be some combinations up there you'd do differently. That's cool too.

What we did was just wing it, and decide skill rolls on the fly. That's how it's intended, anyhow. For example: A rogue knocks out a guard using sub+STR, and then convinces the chambermaid to let him pass with a sneaky bribe (com+DEX for it to change hands unseen). He makes it into the cellar disguised as a cook (sub+MIND), and the game continues. I'm sure you get the idea.

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What we did was just wing it, and decide skill rolls on the fly. That's how it's intended, anyhow. For example: A rogue knocks out a guard using sub+STR, and then convinces the chambermaid to let him pass with a sneaky bribe (com+DEX for it to change hands unseen). He makes it into the cellar disguised as a cook (sub+MIND), and the game continues. I'm sure you get the idea.

How DARE you boil things down into an easy format that allows people to actually have fun!?!

That's it...I'm tellin.


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kroh said:
How DARE you boil things down into an easy format that allows people to actually have fun!?!

That's it...I'm tellin.

Pleae don't! I promise to fix it with version 2. I'll have prestige classes 'n' feats 'n' swift AND immediate actions and everything.



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Ourstanding Greywulf. Now if you can create a giant table of monster stats corresponding with the SRD monsters, then I wouldn't have to think as a DM at all!

I'm going to be playtesting the system over at DNDOG in the OpenRoleplaying forum. The thread is named Microlite20, which should be public for anyone who wants to watch the game. I typically only post every other day, to every third or fourth day, but I never leave my games completely dead. I'll keep this thread updated to my research.


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Used this system last night for a little Halloweenie Fright and Screamy! It was very fun and we started playing right away (we all made up characters that day before the game). One of the best DND sessions I have ever played ( I didn't have to go digging in a rule book for thirty pages to find a rule or looking around the corner to find a lawyer for said rules). Characters were generated in no time flat.



P.S. If word of this gets out you might want to hire protection as I am sure some one will try and take you out!


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Ran a game as a one-shot last night using these rules, and now my group wants to use them again next week. Everything runs so quickly using Microlite20 that we actually have time to concentrate on the game, rather than the rules. Bravo!

BTW, I second (or third, fourth, or whatever) the call for a Microlite20 monster list, as well as a simplified spell list and a character sheet.

Great work!

Darrell King


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Here are my problems with the rules:

1) I think rogues should have an extra skill of their choice, to make them "equal" to other classes. So, they'd get subterfuge and Mind if they wanted it, ot subterfuge and physical. I think that'd be fair.

2) Spellcasting as you have it is, um, BRUTAL. Why not just have it set up so that characters have a "max spells per encounter" or something? As it stands.... I'm not a fan.

...and that's it. Not too many problems with your simplified rules, actually. I don't think I'd use them (I'm a fan of the skill rules in D&D), but I really do like 'em.


First Post
kroh said:
But won't that throw the rules way over two pages!?!


Call them Suppliments! Base them off the SRD only initially. Once thats covered then, who knows.

Here is the initial suppliments I would LOVE to see:

1. Skills
- Creator already covered this FYI, very very well
2. Monsters
3. Spells

And anything else located in the SRD. If possible, make each suppliment less than five pages.
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If Greywulf has no objections, we can all work together to convert all the monsters in the SRD to stat lines.

Here are my contributions so far:

Bugbear HD3, hp 16, AC 17, +5 Morningstar 1d8+2, +6 physical
Hobgoblin, HD1, hp 5, AC 15, +1 Longsword 1d8+1, +4 subterfuge

I'll post more later. I will keep a Master List in compact PDF and text files. We can come up with a better distribution system later, untill then, look at my signature for easy links.
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