Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming


Just from reading it over once, why would anyone play a rogue? Fighters have more armor choices and get the bonus to attack and damage, wizards and clerics get their spells, but the rogue gets nothing but a +3 to one skill, which all the other classes get as well in addition to their other abilities.

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Technomancer said:

Just from reading it over once, why would anyone play a rogue? Fighters have more armor choices and get the bonus to attack and damage, wizards and clerics get their spells, but the rogue gets nothing but a +3 to one skill, which all the other classes get as well in addition to their other abilities.

because the DM lets the rogue get away with a lot of stuff using that skill that might not seem obvious?

Its one of the reasons I suggested adding class features to the fighter and especially the rogue.

Technomancer said:

Just from reading it over once, why would anyone play a rogue? Fighters have more armor choices and get the bonus to attack and damage, wizards and clerics get their spells, but the rogue gets nothing but a +3 to one skill, which all the other classes get as well in addition to their other abilities.

I've covered this already in this thread:

: Regards balance, Rogues do look to be short-changed, but in play, they're not. That +3 Subterfuge is just too darned useful, as it covers a huge gamut of "core" adventuring skills including Hide (Sub + DEX), Move Silently (Sub + DEX), Search/Spot (Sub + MIND), Disable Device & Open Locks (Sub + DEX), even knocking out a guard (Sub + STR) and others. In one version of the rules I put that Rogues also get +1 to Initiative too, to reflect their quick-thinking, work on your feet nature. I'm still tempted to include it. What you think?

greywulf said:
I've covered this already in this thread:

: Regards balance, Rogues do look to be short-changed, but in play, they're not. That +3 Subterfuge is just too darned useful, as it covers a huge gamut of "core" adventuring skills including Hide (Sub + DEX), Move Silently (Sub + DEX), Search/Spot (Sub + MIND), Disable Device & Open Locks (Sub + DEX), even knocking out a guard (Sub + STR) and others. In one version of the rules I put that Rogues also get +1 to Initiative too, to reflect their quick-thinking, work on your feet nature. I'm still tempted to include it. What you think?
Sorry, missed that. I guess they are the skill monkeys in this game too.

And I too love the simplified mix-and-match skill system.

Very nice! I'll probably run a few dungeon crawls or Dungeon Mag adventures off this ruleset. I love the fact that its compatible with existing d20 stuff.

I'm putting this in my Monster Binder, where I keep all my customized and converted monsters. At best, it may be usefull for generating quick and dirty NPC's.

Wow! I'm glad y'all like it.

As a GM, what I enjoyed was just how easy it is to create monsters on the fly. Want a 2 HD tough critter (a hobgoblin guard say) - that'll be HD2, +4 club d6+2, +5 physical and other skills @ +2. And all straight off the top of my head, no table lookysee stuff at all.

What the players liked was the fast pace of play. The advancement rules kept things flowing too; there was no stopping to calculate XP after combat to break the atmosphere. I just totted up the ELs for the adventure at the end, and that was that.

greywulf said:
Wow! I'm glad y'all like it.

As a GM, what I enjoyed was just how easy it is to create monsters on the fly. Want a 2 HD tough critter (a hobgoblin guard say) - that'll be HD2, +4 club d6+2, +5 physical and other skills @ +2. And all straight off the top of my head, no table lookysee stuff at all.

What the players liked was the fast pace of play. The advancement rules kept things flowing too; there was no stopping to calculate XP after combat to break the atmosphere. I just totted up the ELs for the adventure at the end, and that was that.

I like how compatible it is with existing D&D stuff. I tried a little playtesting tonight. I rolled up three characters in about five minutes. Fought a dire badger from the srd. Then I fought three orcs. It went great, no compatibilty problems at all. If anything, the party was a little "too" powerful.

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