Midway Mining Expedition (PbP)

Taka amplifies his hearing as well, but for a different purpose. He wants to sleep, but with the Deviard so close, he wants to be extra wary as well. He figures that the improvement to his hearing will make him more in-tune with his surroundings, and help him wake quickly, should he hear the Deviard begin to approach.

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After the Deviard settle in their camp, Coldtree intends to return to his hiding place to rest. He will take the canine teeth from inventory to increase his strength for weaponless fighting.

Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 60 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 53
Taka: full wellness
Hauberk: 60 - 3 = 57
Boots: 20 - 7 = 14
Tehn: full wellness
Tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 501

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 5, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Duck Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Jawbone: 1, (Will +1)
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Peccary Tusks: 1 pair, (Confluence +1)
Viper Skull: 1, ?
Snakeskin: 20% coverage

Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Fire Weed: 5 measures, {heat x 2}
Mend Leaves: 1 measure, {+ Body x 2}
Soothe Leaves: 5 measures, {+ Mind x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, (Health +1)
Flint: 1, {Shock x2}
Heartstone: 1 (Confluence +1)
Slate: 8, {Sound x2}

nothing here
Taka amplifies his hearing...
... Coldtree... return to his hiding place to rest...
Essence + Confluence + Collegiate + Aberrative
Taka: 23%
Even with a marginal amplification, Chi no Taka quickly realizes the error of his thinking. Everything is too loud. He cannot even rest his eyes, much less sleep. He laughs at himself, thinking ~live and learn.~ Fortunately, the amplification only lasts 14 minutes; after which, Taka is able to sleep quite well.

By the predawn light of the morning, both Coldtree and Taka are no worse for wear. Tehn is still not quite there and hopes to be able to delay any strenuous activity for another few hours. Coldtree almost decides to approach the Deviard encampment several times before the sun fully rises. Apparently the Deviards naturally sleep later than any of the members of the DWAC. Once the enemy is obviously awake and moving, the three explorers have already eased their bladders and quietly consumed some rations.

The Deviard move back to where their comrades lie, searching in more earnest for the cause of their demise, looking up to scan the area, possibly hoping to see movement. If uninterrupted, the seven of them give up their investigation just after another hour. The idea of ambush tactics is tempting, but any assault is not likely to affect enough of the enemy. The seven move back westward, seeming to discuss further plans. It cannot be determined from anyone's current location, if the Deviard turn toward Midway or away.
OOC: Each character receives 4 DP.

Coldtree advises no fire for breakfast and is willing to settle for a cold meal. He says to T&T, "Should we follow this group and attack again, or wait and see. They might set a trap for us, so I am against following them. Once Tehn is healed, I think we should head quickly back to Midway and check in. If this group causes more trouble, we can deal with it then."

Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 60 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 53
Taka: full wellness
Hauberk: 60 - 3 = 57
Boots: 20 - 7 = 14
Tehn: full wellness
Tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 501

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 5, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Duck Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Jawbone: 1, (Will +1)
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Peccary Tusks: 1 pair, (Confluence +1)
Viper Skull: 1, ?
Snakeskin: 20% coverage

Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Fire Weed: 5 measures, {heat x 2}
Mend Leaves: 1 measure, {+ Body x 2}
Soothe Leaves: 5 measures, {+ Mind x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, (Health +1)
Flint: 1, {Shock x2}
Heartstone: 1 (Confluence +1)
Slate: 8, {Sound x2}

nothing here
Coldtree advises... says to T&T, "Should we follow... or wait and see... I am against following them..."
Taka nods, "I agree..."
Enough time had passed in simple observation of the remaining Deviard that upon decision, Tehn is as able bodied as the others.

"If they turn south, so be it. If they turn north, we will need to deal with it."

Perhaps it was the loss of some of their members, perhaps something else, but the motivation is irrelevant. The Deviard turn south, the way they had come, instead of north, toward the Midway Mining Encampment. The members of DWAC quickly return to town to report what they so desire of the encounter and low possibility of further involvement.
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP and improves in Deviard proficiency by 1%.

Back in Midway Coldtree reports and states, "I do not think that tribe will bother this community, but if they do let us know."
He will shop around to find if he can buy a better tunic than pigskin, or if he can have one made.

Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 60 - 2 - 2 - 3 = 53
Taka: full wellness
Hauberk: 60 - 3 = 57
Boots: 20 - 7 = 14
Tehn: full wellness
Tunic: 60 - 3 = 57
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 501

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 5, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Duck Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Jawbone: 1, (Will +1)
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Peccary Tusks: 1 pair, (Confluence +1)
Viper Skull: 1, ?
Snakeskin: 20% coverage

Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Fire Weed: 5 measures, {heat x 2}
Mend Leaves: 1 measure, {+ Body x 2}
Soothe Leaves: 5 measures, {+ Mind x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, (Health +1)
Flint: 1, {Shock x2}
Heartstone: 1 (Confluence +1)
Slate: 8, {Sound x2}

nothing here
... Coldtree reports... will shop... better tunic...
Tehn adds to the report, because he wants to not because he feel there is any need. "We were able to reduce their number. Like Coldtree said, if any Deviard do return, it should be some time. Let us know."

Even though the Midway Mining Camp is rather small for a community, really only having the purpose of procuring desirable ore from the mountains, its chief hunter not only provides meat but also competent leather goods. The pigskin or thin leather tunics worn by Coldtree and Lunnaya that are beginning to show significant wear could be replaced with either light leather or pliable leather, each of which is made from sheep or goats and is of a better durability than pigskin.

Items can be adjusted to size if a day is allowed for it. Vests, shirts, and tunics, in order of increasing coverage, are available for torso protection and kilts are available for lower body protection, as well as some leather accessories like belts.
StyleHinder / 10%DeflectSoakCost / 10%
Light Leather34220
Pliable Leather46340
Each character receives 4 DP.
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Taka likes the idea of an upgrade; but what he wants is kind of pricey. So he comes to the group in private, before the evening meal.

Taka says, "I'd like a new tunic, and new boots. And I'd like to add a belt as well, to cover my guts. I can trade my old tunic and boots, if necessary. And I plan to haggle, but here are the base costs."

Light Leather Boots = 40 Shillings
Light Leather Belt = 40 Shillings
Pliable Leather Tunic = 200 Shillings
TOTAL COST: 280 Shillings.

Taka says, "How much are they going to pay us for warding off the Deviard band? And how much is Coldtree's new tunic going to cost? I am not against going last, when it comes to the upgrades, since what I want costs so much."

Coldtree decides on the pliable leather. He says to T&T, "Maybe we can get a better price by asking any leather workers in town to do the work for free, since we are using these items in defense of Midway."
Manipulate leather workers: 27

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