Mike Mearls tweet: Is the Known World of Mystara coming to 5e? (What's Cool About Mystara?)

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Would prefer Dark Sun, but would still be keen on Mystara. Only know it vaguely through the old Basic set, but it's better than Greyhawk (dull), Krynn (twee), Eberron (horribad) and FR (tired).


First Post
Seems to me that he is just tweeting something that a lot of DMs have run into when taking any setting and porting it to a different edition. You start with something that should be quick and simple, and then the pebbles become an avalanche.

Lucky we have you, huh?

Yes, you’re right, it’s much better to just rampantly speculate wildly based on random information like a conspiracy theorist connecting pins with rolls of red yard.
Oh look, Mearls also tweeted about his dog. Caninefolk confirmed for 5e! Perkins mentioned one of the AI generated monsters! They must be being added to game! I head an interview with Rodney Thompson talking D&D; he must be about to rejoin the WotC team!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yes, you’re right, it’s much better to just rampantly speculate wildly based on random information like a conspiracy theorist connecting pins with rolls of red yard.
Oh look, Mearls also tweeted about his dog. Caninefolk confirmed for 5e! Perkins mentioned one of the AI generated monsters! They must be being added to game! I head an interview with Rodney Thompson talking D&D; he must be about to rejoin the WotC team!

So? It’s just a conversation. It’s inconsequential. If you’re not interested, that’s fine. But sneering at us isn’t very nice.


My current campaign is in Mystara and I toyed with all sorts of ways with converting Mystara to 5e. Glenn Welch has a great and free 5e guide.

The Gazetteers are fantastic deals on DMs Guild for $5 or cheaper if you get a sale.

I had to ask myself what made The Known World The Known World in my mind. What could I justify as limits for my PCs?

I ended up keeping a distinction between Arcane and Divine magic. No wizard/sorcerer/warlock/bard for dwarves or halflings. All elves had to be spellcasters of some kind. Human subclasses depended largely on where the human was from. Or, at least, the commonality of a subclass. Human Warlock from Karameikos? Not likely. Human Warlock from Glantri? Sure! I mean, Glantri doesn't worship Immortals so making a pact with some other planar being is easy to justify!

I've had fun and the earth analogs of civilizations make it easy enough for players to get a handle on things even if they know nothing of the setting. There are sufficient supplements for a DM to understand without drowning in too much stuff like you can with Forgotten Realms.

I doubt we'll see a 5e supplement for The Known World but I don't think it's really necessary.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I dont really know this setting, I was 6 when they stopped publishing new stuff for it (1996?). Can someone give me a brief idea of why it is interesting? For what I could see it looks like a FR with old-school restrictions (which is cool, I like it), but its way more than that!

Voidrunner's Codex

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