D&D 5E Revised Mystara Player's Guide- Free setting guide written using the WOTC Fan Creation License

The Glen

About a year ago, I released a player's guide for the Mystara setting, which we all know is the best official D&D setting ever created. It had over 30 new subclasses, dozens of new spells, and over a dozen new feats. It showcased the immersive Known World featuring the background of over 16 nations and a flying city-state of gnomes. There were new ways to use magic with the Secret Crafts and the Radiance that gave you powerful new abilities with the minor chance of a gruesome death. All the art was commissioned from various artists to showcase the myriad of cultures and aspects of the setting. Even if you didn't play in existing settings, there was a lot of crib. I wanted to release it on the guild, but Mystara, after nearly 7 years, still isn't allowed. So I released it anyways because it needed to be played. It was downloaded tens of thousands of times. A POD friendly option was created for those that wanted to print their own copy and all was good.

But the book had problems, my editors weren't as thorough as I hoped, and many of my playtesters just told me what I wanted to hear. Others pointed out the flaws and the rules issues, and I decided I needed to fix those. Call it a symptom of my morbid obsession with absolute flawlessness. If you're going to make something, make it awesome. So I'm again presenting the revised Mystara Player's Guide for free download. It has fixed the typos, the subclasses are more balanced, the special magics are better explained and it's a lot prettier. There is still a POD version you can take to various sites, I'm not affiliated with any of them. There's an Italian language version also available. Some Mystara fans told me the book had one glaring error, and that it was in the wrong language. Then sent me the book entirely translated into Italian. And told me now it was perfect. So now I'm putting this out again for anyone looking for new options. While I continue work on the Mystara Dungeon Master's Guide.


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I had seen somewhere that there was an issue with the revised version not downloading correctly? Is that fixed and how can we tell which version we have? Thanks!!

The Glen

I had seen somewhere that there was an issue with the revised version not downloading correctly? Is that fixed and how can we tell which version we have? Thanks
The issue was fixed almost immediately. The Italian version had a problem that was fixed after about a day. The easiest way to tell the two apart is the fan content creation legal document that's required in the book is on the last page of the revised rather than the second page of the original.


Perfect! Thanks for the (very very fast) update! That means the one I grabbed is the new one! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!

Not really a D&D fan, but I have watched a lot of your Mystara videos and I thought I might give this a whirl and see what I think. It sounds just different enough to pique my interest, and if my group likes it, I may convert it to a different rules set altogether, but this is a good way to try it before I dig in that deep, lol.


As someone who has done creative endeavors before, trust me, I know how invaluable honest criticism can be. The hard part will be fair and honest criticism without the background in the original setting, but I will most definitely do what I can :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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