Hmmm, BIGGER than those? We know the three revised core books will be out next year, but not too much call for Schley's maps in those (other than the possible sample setting in the DMG, but even then that's probably a just a few maps). And we know about the Vecna adventure, but unless that's a lot bigger than expected, I can't see it being BIGGER than than what he's listed. And this and the core books have already been announced, more or less.Mike Schley has illustrated some fantastic books and three new ones from WotC have his maps in them. But what could be bigger than the three listed here? Speculation thread I think is needed.
I can't help but think he's using a bit of word play too.Hmmm, BIGGER than those? We know the three revised core books will be out next year, but not too much call for Schley's maps in those (other than the possible sample setting in the DMG, but even then that's probably a just a few maps). And we know about the Vecna adventure, but unless that's a lot bigger than expected, I can't see it being BIGGER than those. And these have already been announced, more or less.
I'm going to say the rumored setting revisit we've known has been in the works for a bit. I would lean towards a full-fledged Forgotten Realms campaign setting book like the 3e FRCS or the 5e Eberron setting, filled with lots of Schley maps to illustrate the setting, its countries, and its cities...
He also hashtagged D&D.Are you sure he’s talking about another 5e product and not something of his own devising? He has hashtagged his Schleyscapes series in the post.
we just got the Giants bookI can't help but think he's using a bit of word play too.
Like maybe the page count won't be as anemic as recent books?I can't help but think he's using a bit of word play too.
Hmmm, BIGGER than those? We know the three revised core books will be out next year, but not too much call for Schley's maps in those (other than the possible sample setting in the DMG, but even then that's probably a just a few maps). And we know about the Vecna adventure, but unless that's a lot bigger than expected, I can't see it being BIGGER than than what he's listed. And this and the core books have already been announced, more or less.
I'm going to say the rumored setting revisit we've known has been in the works for a bit. I would lean towards a full-fledged Forgotten Realms campaign setting book like the 3e FRCS or the 5e Eberron setting, filled with lots of Schley maps to illustrate the setting, its countries, and its cities....
A mighty FR tome after all?