D&D 5E Mike Schley hints at something bigger than Phandelver, The Book of Many Things, and even Planescape!

I would say Radiant Citadel was, as it presents a brand new setting hub with about a dozen sub-settings. Witchlight, on the other hand, is just an adventure in the Feywild, with no real setting-type info.
So, in addition to the Adventure book covering one Donain of Delifht, and introducing Domains of Delight as parallels to Donains of Dread ruled by Archfey instead of Dreadlords, we got this:

Which still feels an awful lot like a Feywild version of Chaoter 2 of Van Richten's Guide. I can easily imagine a product similar to Can Richten's detailing a number of Domains of Delight, with Fey player options and Monsters along with Fey Adventure advice.

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I would say Radiant Citadel was, as it presents a brand new setting hub with about a dozen sub-settings. Witchlight, on the other hand, is just an adventure in the Feywild, with no real setting-type info.

Isnt it just part of the same FR-Jammer-Planescape setting but a different hub/corner of it?

Chatter I see here and on Twitter and other social media.

Most seem to enjoy homebrew. Not to mention the adventures are all fairly generic and "can be played anywhere".

Heck I see how chatter from Critters about Mercer's world than I do Faerun, and I don't really even follow Crit Role.

I am well aware Faerun is still a popular setting but it's mostly Drizzt and Baldurs Gate keeping that stuff alive. The "Yutes" mostly don't seem to care. I'm sure the Olds like me will keep the old settings alive for as long as possible.

Not to mention that WotC already does the bare minimum for any setting. And they've already had to bend over backwards to try to get rid of a lot of troublesome baggage in EVERY setting. Male Solomnic Knights in DL don't even have mustaches.

I'm honestly surprised WotC hasn't pulled a 4th ed and just kicked Faerun ahead another hundred years or more to get a more clean slate. I have some DC comics level "wiping the slate clean" start over event.

At some point the baggage and bending over backwards stuff will outweight the need to just start with something fresh. No bothersome lore. No bothersome baggage. No bothersome out dated fantasy tropes. Just a fresh canvas devoid of anything people might find "worrisome".

I think they really missed an opportunity to buy Mercer's world (with him lead designer etc) and run that as THE flagship setting. But that ship has long since sailed.

And they can fit their new amazing world "Generica" into the planerverse they are creating so hey Krynn and Faerun and Greyhawk etc are right over there one Starjammer away but they would no longer be the focus and at most get a footnote in the PHB.

Social media creates distorted views of reality, like Exandria being more popular then the Forgotten Realms, when it isn't, not even among "Yutes."

In the last few years FR had the most profitable MtG Summer set, a MtG Commander Legends: Battle For Baldur's Gate that made OVER $100,000,000, a movie that has a $208,000,000 box office (not including tie in merch and DVD/VoD sales), and a video game that likely made over a billion dollars. That not including 1.5 MMOs, smaller games like ideal champions, Warriors of Waterdeep, various novels, etc...

WotC straight up said FR is the most popular setting. It's not Exandria. They aren't even in the same league.

Social media creates distorted views of reality, like Exandria being more popular then the Forgotten Realms, when it isn't, not even among "Yutes."

In the last few years FR had the most profitable MtG Summer set, a MtG Commander Legends: Battle For Baldur's Gate that made OVER $100,000,000, a movie that has a $208,000,000 box office (not including tie in merch and DVD/VoD sales), and a video game that likely made over a billion dollars. That not including 1.5 MMOs, smaller games like ideal champions, Warriors of Waterdeep, various novels, etc...

WotC straight up said FR is the most popular setting. It's not Exandria. They aren't even in the same league.
I think a MtG set based on D&D and - (good) movie set in a generic world wouldn’t have done just as well. I think “D&D” is the bigger selling point not “Faerun”.

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