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ML3's FREE Home Brew Monster Art


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Knightfall1972 said:
That's as good as some of the images I've seen in the Monster Manual. Better even!
HOOoooo.... High praise!

Thank you very much. I'm glad you like it. Rokonin, I'm especially glad you like it.
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These are great

These pics are amazing. My friends and I have recently combined our CS's to write one large one: Cellworld.

I have always felt that the shame of not using standard settings is the art. We would love some of our stuff illustrated. We are working towards having our CS hosted by emeraldnight.com.

Are we allowed to use any images you provide?

Anyway, here are some of our races that I would love to see illos for :)

Personality: Tigrans are very secretive and rarely discuss motivations/emotions with others.
Although strong and capable of overpowering most rivals, tigrans rely upon surprise and ambush tactics, rather than open battles where numbers are important. They always use the surrounding terrain to the best of their advantage. Once they become involved in combat of any kind, they can become very ferocious.
Physical Description: Therans are essentially tigermen. They have a powerfully built humanoid body covered in light fur of rusty orange with black stripes. Their features are those of tigers with long pale whiskers, round hairy ears and blue, green or golden eyes, which are forward facing. They have large canines too, and are quite willing to use them.
There are white tigers known in the lands of Kutan and Shavantri and as such guardian tigrans in these areas also come in this odd colouration. Such individuals are very rare (5% chance) and are usually good in alignment. There are rumours too of blue, black and even green tigers in many lands, but there are no known guardians of these beasts if they exist.
Base HT HT mod Base WT WT mod
Male 5’6” +2d6 150 lb x (2d6) lb
Female 5’6” +2d6 150 lb x (2d6) lb
Tigran’s hands and feet are similar to humans – except for the fur and the fact they have small retractable claws.
A tigran’s tail is not prehensile. Tails vary between two and three and a half feet long (20” + 3d6).
Tigrans reach the age of majority at 13 and live for just under a century. (Tigrans are oriental in culture and are known as great ninja)

Personality: Others may think of therans as aloof and lacking in social skills, but them this is just confidence in their own abilities. This comes from living a solitary life, and it doesn’t help that they see all other beings as potential game – including intelligent races.
Therans are very secretive and rarely discuss motivations/emotions with others, except in fits of aggression.
They rely upon surprise and ambush tactics, rather than open battles where numbers are important. They always use the surrounding terrain to the best of their advantage. Once they become involved in combat of any kind, they can become very ferocious.
Physical Description: Therans are essentially leopardmen. They have a stocky humanoid body covered in light fur of sandy yellow to rusty orange with black clustered rosette spots. Their features are those of leopards with long pale whiskers, round hairy ears and blue, green or golden round eyes which are set deep in their skulls and are forward facing. They have large canines too, and are quite willing to use them.
There is a 1% chance (5% in jungles) that an individual has a dark complexion and black fur, where the rosettes only become apparent in bright sunlight. Such individuals are usually even more aggressive and territorial.
Base HT HT mod Base WT WT mod
Male 5’4” +2d6 150 lb x (2d6) lb
Female 5’4” +2d6 150 lb x (2d6) lb
Theran’s hands and feet are similar to humans – except for the fur and the fact they have small retractable claws.
A theran’s tail is not prehensile. Tails vary between two and four feet long (20” + 4d6).
Therans reach the age of majority at 13 and live for about 70 years.
(Therans are simply wild feral hunters)

Personality: Above all else ibisils value knowledge. They are studious, devoted and patient, but eager to learn more. They disdain combat, viewing it as the function of other races to protect them. As such most are involved in magical, religious or bureaucratic pursuits.
Physical Description: Ibisils appear as short, slender, ibis-headed humanoids, with thin limbs ending in claw-like digits. Feathers cover most of their bodies, except towards the extremities of their limbs, and gathers in a thick ‘hood’ at the back of the head and neck. Feathers are usually white with colouring around the eyes. These feathers can be of any colour and are a way of telling which family an ibisil may belong too. Where skin shows it seems scaly and is white gold to pale grey in colour.
Base HT HT mod Base WT WT mod
Male 4’8” +1d12 70 lb x (1d4) lb
Female 4’8” +1d12 60 lb x (1d4) lb
Beaks are long, thin and sharp (used for spearing fish in more primitive times). Colour varies from bone white, through blue-grey and even black.
Of striking note, ibisils have no wings. Myths vary why this is so, many claiming that they were stolen by Set, or burnt off in ages past. Evidence of their existence remains in the form of small nodules protruding from the back of each shoulder. These bumps are very sensitive and are areas of great pain and pleasure to ibisils.
(These are in an Egyptian-like culture and are very bookish)

Personality: Delgonquins are generally interested in maintaining their traditions and way of life. The are very communal and the tribes interests usually come first – though someone who wishes to go out on their own is not necessarily looked down upon either. They also like to live a life in harmony with nature. More specifically with the spirits.
While children are granted a great deal of independence, they do respect their elders. Old age is treated with a great deal of reverence and respect amongst the delgonquins.
Physical Description: To humans canisarans are ‘wolfmen’ and look too much like the animal part to be considered ‘civilized’. In fact canisarans are the guardian race of the northern mottled wolf, and thus resemble it in appearance. Their fur is usually grey to yellowish brown, darker on their backs (those in the north tend towards grey, south – brown). Various patches and mottled markings are common. Eyes are usually yellow in color, though black or dark brown does occur. Delgonquins have a tall, strong wiry build, that includes a short furry tail and their feet have four clawed toes. Their manes grow quite long, often being worn in a large ponytail or platted. Feathers usually adorn the hair and sometimes beads, shells and colorful headbands are worn. Most dress in deerskin leathers, the chest being bare except in the coldest months.
Height; male 5’11” + 2d6 female 5’9” + 1d12
Weight; male 160 + (ht mod x 1d6) female 140 + (ht mod x 1d6).
(I picture these to have American Indian-like culture - NE woodlands for the ones described above).

Blood Orcs
These orcs are rare and are found in the southern parts of Cardan and Danatha. They are known for their aggressiveness, even when compared to other orcs. They can be found living amongst dark, forest, steppe, and rock orcs.
Physical Description: Blood orcs have blood red to rust red skin and are larger than other orcs. Add 2” and 10lb to final height and weight.
Cold Orcs
These orcs are found in the northern areas of both Cardan and Danatha along the Devil’s Arm (and are sometimes called north orcs as such). Cold orcs live mostly in hilly or mountainous terrain with lairs above or below ground, often carved out of ice. They can be found living amongst forest, black and rock orcs.
Physical Description: They are shorter and stockier than the rock orcs with pale grey skin. Subtract 3” off height. Cold orcs tend to favor hides as clothing, usually in the following colors; grey, black, white and blackish brown. Red is also worn to battle.

Dark Orcs
These orcs are said to be the most savage subrace and are also known as black and deep orcs. They are considered ‘normal’ underdark orcs. They are commonly found below most orc infested areas and are among the most widespread. They typically live under hilly or mountainous terrain and they rarely venture to the surface. However they trade often with their cousins and can therefore be found living amongst forest, rock, cold, and blood orcs.
Physical Description: Dark orcs vary in build more than any other subrace of orc. Most still have a slightly stooped posture, some are squat and solid whilst others are tall and lean. Some have long arms compared to their bodies, while others stand tall and are very muscular. Their coloration varies from very dark grey to black. Some even have a bluish tinge to their skin-tone. Use the following to determine height and weight:
Base HT HT mod Base WT WT mod
Male 5’ +2d10 130 lb x (1d12) lb
Female 4’ 8” +2d10 90 lb x (1d12) lb

Forest Orcs
These orcs, also known as brown orcs, are the closest relatives of the ‘normal’ rock orcs. They are commonly found in most orc–infested, forested areas and are widespread. Forest orcs live mostly in hilly or wooded terrain with lairs above or below ground. These lairs are normally caves, a series of wood or hide huts, or a lair that has been taken from another race or orc tribe. They rarely gather in enough numbers to build their own wooden forts. They are found living amongst rock, cold and blood orcs.
Physical Description: They appear as rock orcs except their skin is brown-grey in color and their arms tend to be longer in proportion to their bodies. Forest orcs tend to favor clothing in the following colors; grey, rust red, moss green, greenish purple, and blackish brown.

Steppe Orcs
These orcs are known by many names. Some refer to them as desert orcs, yellow orcs, plains rider orcs or nomadic orcs. Many believe them to be a breed of half-orc, magically bred with humans ages ago so that they could wander the surface uninhibited by the blinding rays of the sun. Quite possible, given that they are only found on Cardan.
As their name suggests, these orcs live mostly in steppe, open grassland or other wide-open areas such as desert and scrub-land. All steppe orcs live a nomadic lifestyle, carrying all possessions, including their stout leather tents on their backs (or mounts). Many of these orcs have tribal mounts and spend most of their time in the saddle. Common mounts include large boars and short solid horses, especially built for strength and endurance. They are rarely found living amongst other orcs, who shy away from such open areas, but they may frequently come in contact with other orcs, most commonly, blood, rock and forest.
Physical Description: They have yellow-grey skin and coarse sun bleached brown hair. Their harsh features are not as pronounced as other orcs. Steppe orcs tend to favor clothing in the following colors; light grey, rust red, yellow, tan, and mustard yellow or orange. Use half-orc height and weight modifiers PHB p93.

Personality: Trolls are concerned first and foremost with honor and fair combat; they find subterfuge and trickery distasteful. The greatest honor a troll can aspire to is a medal called the Black Hand. The bearer of a Black Hand is known to have proved his loyalty to his family and race above all else. Such a mighty warrior’s word is never questioned, and he/she commands respect from even the mightiest generals and venerated elders. Few rock trolls ever receive this honor; perhaps only two or three in an entire generation.
Trolls are skilled combatants, who use their intimidating demeanor to demorilise their opponents before wading in to crush them. They work together in seamless combat units and when in battle they work in twos, each pair attempting to flank an enemy. This tactic has proved devastating to the trolls’ enemies time and time again.
Whilst gruff and surly, they are said to have a fine sense of humor, especially if a joke involves someone being hurt.
Physical Description: Trolls are typically 8 feet tall and weigh around 450 pounds. They have gray skin and are considered to be rather ugly by the other races, with little or no hair, large mouths with short tusks, and a protruding brow with deep-set pupil-less eyes. Noses vary from pushed up like an orcs to prominent to broad and flat.
They wear colorful cloaks; each color representing a different town.
Their life-spans are shorter than humans and they age as orcs.
Base HT HT mod Base WT WT mod
Male 6’10” +2d12 360 lb x (2d6) lb
Female 6’ 8” +2d10 350 lb x (2d6) lb

That is just a few of our unique races. I would LOVE to see some illos for them of the quality I have seen so far on this thread. Amazing. Ohh and thanks heaps. If there is anything I can do as repayment just ask. I have MANY docs, inc several of my own DM tool docs that others have found quite useful.

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I don't mean to nag but, Ml3 is doing this out of his own free will (Aren't you? :] *Nudge* ) and this is not a place to dump creature's stats and expect a picture (and when it doesn't happen soon whine), that hasn't happened, I know, and I doubt any of you would be so impolite to whine (although some might want to, like I do sometimes), but I have a nagging feeling it could happen (especially after having seen a post that looks like they just C/P out of a word doc.).

Even if Ml3 prioritises and ignores some (for a while) thats still alot of info thats lying around that won't be any use until he has free time, then he has to go back and find it. Maybe it'd be a good idea to start a one creature per person pending list guidline, so you wait for one of your pictures to be drawn before asking for a second.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, if Ml3's waiting list is getting a bit to big and he doesn't want to sound rude then it might be helpful. If he's doing fine though it should matter.
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OK Ferret, I see where you are coming from.

If you are referring to my post, then yes they were cut and pasted from my CS files. These are the descriptions of the creatures...is that not what was asked to be posted?

Point taken about limiting to one per post. I didn't mean to hog the thread, nor do I EXPECT them to all be drawn, and certainly not to any timeline.

I just liked what had been done and put some up for consideration. ml3 can choose from them, may decide to never do them, may do them all...I am not prepared to whine. If they don't appear., they don't appear :)

They are just here b/c I love what I have seen, and the main thing about doing your own CS is the lack of art. I will be VERY thankful in all of the races I posted are illustrated, still thankful if any appear, and understanding if none of them are done..as ml3 has offered time for free and obviously has other things to do with their time too.

So, when i say 'looking forward to them' I am in the sense that I enjoy seeing them...not expecting them. Keep up the good work.



Connorsrpg said:
I just liked what had been done and put some up for consideration. ml3 can choose from them, may decide to never do them, may do them all...I am not prepared to whine. If they don't appear., they don't appear :)
Yup thats the sort of thing I was trying to encourage. I really didn't mean to rant or single anyone out, and say that it was bad.

Connorsrpg said:
Keep up the good work.
I will ;)

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