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mleibrock's in-game thread for Council of Thieves


First Post
"Let me think on this aloud a minute. If we rescue Arael while the Hellknights are transporting him on the road outside of Westcrown; there shouldn't be any witnesses to see us attacking the Hellknights, nor any civilians around to get hurt, and there will be fewer guards than at the prison or the citadel. Even more importantly, by rescuing him beyond Westcrown’s walls, we aren’t technically breaking city laws. Many in Westcrown (including a significant portion of the nobility) bristle at the Hellknights and see them as little more than mercenaries, and won’t take issue if they lose a prisoner on the way to the citadel. Best of all, since Arael is now in Hellknight custody, Westcrown is no longer interested in his supposed crimes, and if he escapes, the city won’t be bound to turn him back over to the Hellknights unless enough government officials want to do the Order of the Rack a favor. Such a favor is unlikely to be granted, especially since handing the prisoner over to the zealous Order of the Rack is already just such a favor—I'm fairly confident that if we can get Arael back to Westcrown alive (preferably without the death of any Hellknights), he’ll be safe. But own untrained group can not do this alone. It sounds like you are all in on this so I'll tell you about the area.

Citadel Rivad lies northwest of the city of Westcrown—a fortress and training ground for the Order of the Rack, the oldest (and most zealous) of the Hellknight orders. It is essentially impregnable. The road to the citadel is an offshoot from the main road that winds off to the southwest—the land along the route to the citadel is mostly open plain, with a few scattered groves of trees (some of which are cut back every few years to make it harder for bandits to hide) and one stone bridge crossing a stream. With rare exceptions, the only people who use the road are Hellknights or those providing services for them (food, messages, and so on), and on a typical day only three or four groups travel the road in either direction. Because of the low traffic and the proximity to the Hellknights, banditry is unheard of on this minor road, and while the forces of Citadel Rivad aren’t careless about the possibility of being attacked in this area, they certainly won’t expect it. This all makes the road the best point to attempt a rescue of the him.

Another factor that works to our advantage is the Order of the Rack’s arrogance. This Hellknight order is the oldest, and they’ve faced very few failures over their long history. As a result, the escort for Arael’s transport is relatively light. As the entire operation to capture Arael was, basically, a training exercise (Janiven bitterly comments on how the Children of Westcrown should receive a payment from the Order of the Rack in thanks for providing such a convenient opportunity), the honor of escorting Arael back to Citadel Rivad has been granted to the group of armigers most directly responsible for his capture. Word on the street is that the other armigers’ failure to catch any other supposed “rebels” has resulted in quite a bit of shame and mockery, and much of this current crop of trainees’ remaining pride rests solely on Arael’s imminent imprisonment in Citadel Rivad. According to various reports, Arael’s trip to the Citadel will be escorted by a total of 10 Hellknight armigers, led by their sponsor, a young and gifted (but low-ranking) Hellknight Signifier named Shanwen. Even given our successes in the sewers, this is probably too many foes to handle at once—particularly since we need to avoid any Hellknight fatalities if possible. The more Hellknight armigers who live, the less brutal the Children of Westcrown look and the more humiliation and shame they inflict on the Order of the Rack.

So we need some type of plan to even the odds even further...maybe we could pull off an ambush of sorts... what if while the you guys make the primary attack on the armored wagon transporting Arael and mount his rescue, I’ll lead several of the other Children of Westcrown in a feint-ambush against the Hellknights. Given the absence of bandit attacks on that road, the Hellknights are sure to interpret any attack as an attempt to rescue their prisoner, and the likely response to sighting a group of what appear to be bandits stepping into the road ahead will be to split their forces, sending their mounted troops forward to handle the supposed highwaymen while the prisoner and his guards hang back and perhaps begin to
turn around to make a retreat back to Westcrown so they don’t lose their prize. This would give the main force— meaning you five—fewer opponents to fight and making it much easier to free Arael—especially if the mounted Hellknights fall for the plan and ride their horses into a section of the road the secondary group prepares with caltrops. The real question is where to stage the ambush of the transport."

Janiven sketches a map of the road to the citadel, pointing out the small stone bridge that crosses the swift but relatively narrow stream called the Athua, which might make a good place for an ambush. She also indicates a few locations before and after the bridge where there’s much more tree cover to allow a hit-and-run attack and to complicate pursuit via horseback.

"What are your thoughts?"


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Suzume examines the map for a bit and says, "Just a few thoughts. What if we five get a wagon that appears to be laden with supplies for the citadel and make camp just before the bridge. We can cheer the Hellknights as they pass. Your group can attack beyond the bridge. With any luck they will retreat back to us thinking we'll be friendly. We can perhaps do something to block the bridge behind them and make our rescue?"


Drulox ("Dru") Xorik, Human, Order of the Dragon Cavalier L2

"We might also see if we can arrange for something to separate the two groups of Hellknights so that it will be more difficult for the advance group to return to the defense of the others where we are rescuing Arael. Perhaps by damaging the bridge, or even some sort of illusion?"

[sblock=Dru Xorik, Cav2, sheet]
Drulox ("Dru") Xorik, Human, Order of the Dragon Cavalier L2, age: 20
Align: C/G Deity: Sarenrae
S15 +2mod = [13(3pts) +2 racial adj. (human)]
D13 +1 mod = (3pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
I 11 +0 mod = (1pt)
W12 +1 mod = (2pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
Total = 15 pts

HP: 24 [10+1Con+1FC+10+1Con+1FC]
AC: 20 [10base+8Half Plate+2HvyShield+0dex(armor)] [in Hide+Shld: AC 17, FF 16, T 11]
FF: 20 T: 10
(W/O shield - AC: 18, FF: 18, T: 10)
BAB: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 15
Hero Points: 1

Fort: +5 = +3[class]+1[ability]+1[trait]
Ref: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]
Will: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]

Cavalier Class and Order of the Dragon Features:
*Challenge 1/day ) [allies gain +1 to att subject whenever Dru threatens subject]
*Perception and Survival added to class skills. [When use Survival to find food and water or protect from weather, gain bonus = 1/2 cav level, min +1]
*Tactician - Precise Strike Teamwork Feat -- By spending 1 standard action, Dru can grant his teamwork feat, Precise Strike, to all allies w/in 30 feet who can see and hear him. Feat grants to each flanking ally +1d6 damage against flanked opponent.
*Aid Allies - adjacent ally receives a +3 bonus to his Armor Class, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check

*Weapon Focus, Greatsword (+1 att) [Reg. feat]
*Weapon Focus, Flail (+1 att) [Human bonus feat]
*Precise Strike (Cavalier Bonus Teamwork feat) Req: must flank with ally Eff: all flanking allies who have this feat deal an extra 1d6 precision damage with each successful attack.

Skills [8 ranks at L2]:
Climb 1 ranks, (+2 str), (+3 class skill) = +6 [-1 in half plate, +3 in Hide]
Diplomacy 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Intimidate 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Perception 1 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill), (+1/2 cav level, min +1) = +6
Ride 2 ranks, (+1 dex), (+3 class skill) = +6 [no ACP on Blister, otherwise, -2 in 1/2 plate +2 inHide]
Survival 2 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill) (+1/2 cav level to find food/shelter, min+1) = +6 (+7)

Resilient [+1 Fort saves]
Rich Parents [starting money=900 gp]

[900 gp starting money due to trait]
*= Gear of Choice
*Half Plate (+8 AC) (-7 ACP) (600gp)
Back-up Armor: Hide Armor (+4 AC) (15gp)
*Heavy Wooden Shield (+2 AC) (7gp) (ordinarily used but not always- strapped on back if not)
Greatsword +5 att/2d6+3, 19-20/X2 (50gp) (strapped across his back when not in use, under the shield)
*Flail +5 att/1d8+2, X2, Disarm, Trip (8gp)
2 Handaxes, +4 att/1d6+2, X3 (6gp) (used as missiles mostly)
Short Sword +4 att/1d6+2, 19-20/X2 (10gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Hammer (the tool kind not the weapon kind) (5sp)
4 Days' Trail Rations (2gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Whetstone (2cp)
10gp 4 sp 8 cp remaining money

Mount - "Blister", Light Horse (Palomino)
*Fancy* Studded Leather Barding (130 gp, +3 AC)
*Ornate* Military Saddle (40 gp)
*Heavy Duty* Bit & Bridle (4gp)
*Tricked Out Fancy* Saddlebags (8gp)


First Post
Anundr frowns at Suzume's plan. "Your plan assumes that the Hellknights think us friendly. If for some reason that deception fails, our entire plan fails."


Drulox ("Dru") Xorik, Human, Order of the Dragon Cavalier L2

"We don't need to seem 'friendly' so much as scared out of our wits and submissive. I'm thinking that that's the way they are used to being treated by almost everyone, so they should be predisposed to look for that in commoners. They may very well not even notice us if we give a halfway convincing performance, because they are preoccupied with other matters -- more autograph seekers are hardly worthy of much attention."

[sblock=Dru Xorik, Cav2, sheet]
Drulox ("Dru") Xorik, Human, Order of the Dragon Cavalier L2, age: 20
Align: C/G Deity: Sarenrae
S15 +2mod = [13(3pts) +2 racial adj. (human)]
D13 +1 mod = (3pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
I 11 +0 mod = (1pt)
W12 +1 mod = (2pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
Total = 15 pts

HP: 24 [10+1Con+1FC+10+1Con+1FC]
AC: 20 [10base+8Half Plate+2HvyShield+0dex(armor)] [in Hide+Shld: AC 17, FF 16, T 11]
FF: 20 T: 10
(W/O shield - AC: 18, FF: 18, T: 10)
BAB: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 15
Hero Points: 1

Fort: +5 = +3[class]+1[ability]+1[trait]
Ref: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]
Will: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]

Cavalier Class and Order of the Dragon Features:
*Challenge 1/day ) [allies gain +1 to att subject whenever Dru threatens subject]
*Perception and Survival added to class skills. [When use Survival to find food and water or protect from weather, gain bonus = 1/2 cav level, min +1]
*Tactician - Precise Strike Teamwork Feat -- By spending 1 standard action, Dru can grant his teamwork feat, Precise Strike, to all allies w/in 30 feet who can see and hear him. Feat grants to each flanking ally +1d6 damage against flanked opponent.
*Aid Allies - adjacent ally receives a +3 bonus to his Armor Class, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check

*Weapon Focus, Greatsword (+1 att) [Reg. feat]
*Weapon Focus, Flail (+1 att) [Human bonus feat]
*Precise Strike (Cavalier Bonus Teamwork feat) Req: must flank with ally Eff: all flanking allies who have this feat deal an extra 1d6 precision damage with each successful attack.

Skills [8 ranks at L2]:
Climb 1 ranks, (+2 str), (+3 class skill) = +6 [-1 in half plate, +3 in Hide]
Diplomacy 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Intimidate 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Perception 1 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill), (+1/2 cav level, min +1) = +6
Ride 2 ranks, (+1 dex), (+3 class skill) = +6 [no ACP on Blister, otherwise, -2 in 1/2 plate +2 inHide]
Survival 2 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill) (+1/2 cav level to find food/shelter, min+1) = +6 (+7)

Resilient [+1 Fort saves]
Rich Parents [starting money=900 gp]

[900 gp starting money due to trait]
*= Gear of Choice
*Half Plate (+8 AC) (-7 ACP) (600gp)
Back-up Armor: Hide Armor (+4 AC) (15gp)
*Heavy Wooden Shield (+2 AC) (7gp) (ordinarily used but not always- strapped on back if not)
Greatsword +5 att/2d6+3, 19-20/X2 (50gp) (strapped across his back when not in use, under the shield)
*Flail +5 att/1d8+2, X2, Disarm, Trip (8gp)
2 Handaxes, +4 att/1d6+2, X3 (6gp) (used as missiles mostly)
Short Sword +4 att/1d6+2, 19-20/X2 (10gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Hammer (the tool kind not the weapon kind) (5sp)
4 Days' Trail Rations (2gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Whetstone (2cp)
10gp 4 sp 8 cp remaining money

Mount - "Blister", Light Horse (Palomino)
*Fancy* Studded Leather Barding (130 gp, +3 AC)
*Ornate* Military Saddle (40 gp)
*Heavy Duty* Bit & Bridle (4gp)
*Tricked Out Fancy* Saddlebags (8gp)


First Post
Suzume examines the map for a bit and says, "Just a few thoughts. What if we five get a wagon that appears to be laden with supplies for the citadel and make camp just before the bridge. We can cheer the Hellknights as they pass. Your group can attack beyond the bridge. With any luck they will retreat back to us thinking we'll be friendly. We can perhaps do something to block the bridge behind them and make our rescue?"

"I like your thought of trapping them, it has it's merits indeed Suzume. I wonder though if keeping them all together is wise. That being said, I think this could work especially if they stay on the bridge."

"We might also see if we can arrange for something to separate the two groups of Hellknights so that it will be more difficult for the advance group to return to the defense of the others where we are rescuing Arael. Perhaps by damaging the bridge, or even some sort of illusion?"

"That is even better in my opinion! We can separate them and still use the bridge to our advantage! How do you propose to damage the bridge? And what are your thoughts on how to separate them into two groups?"


Drulox ("Dru") Xorik, Human, Order of the Dragon Cavalier L2

"Sadly, I have not the skill to damage the bridge, however, if it is wooden construction, damaging it should be the work of a few short hours. Making it appear to still be passable presents a thornier problem. Also, if it is stone, then we will almost surely need wizardry to conceal the damage. As to separating the hellknights, tell me -- do these hellknights separate themselves into specific Orders, the way we Cavaliers do? If so, perhaps we could research a way to insult one or two specific orders of hellknights."

[sblock=Dru Xorik, Cav2, sheet]
Drulox ("Dru") Xorik, Human, Order of the Dragon Cavalier L2, age: 20
Align: C/G Deity: Sarenrae
S15 +2mod = [13(3pts) +2 racial adj. (human)]
D13 +1 mod = (3pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
I 11 +0 mod = (1pt)
W12 +1 mod = (2pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
Total = 15 pts

HP: 24 [10+1Con+1FC+10+1Con+1FC]
AC: 20 [10base+8Half Plate+2HvyShield+0dex(armor)] [in Hide+Shld: AC 17, FF 16, T 11]
FF: 20 T: 10
(W/O shield - AC: 18, FF: 18, T: 10)
BAB: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 15
Hero Points: 1

Fort: +5 = +3[class]+1[ability]+1[trait]
Ref: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]
Will: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]

Cavalier Class and Order of the Dragon Features:
*Challenge 1/day ) [allies gain +1 to att subject whenever Dru threatens subject]
*Perception and Survival added to class skills. [When use Survival to find food and water or protect from weather, gain bonus = 1/2 cav level, min +1]
*Tactician - Precise Strike Teamwork Feat -- By spending 1 standard action, Dru can grant his teamwork feat, Precise Strike, to all allies w/in 30 feet who can see and hear him. Feat grants to each flanking ally +1d6 damage against flanked opponent.
*Aid Allies - adjacent ally receives a +3 bonus to his Armor Class, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check

*Weapon Focus, Greatsword (+1 att) [Reg. feat]
*Weapon Focus, Flail (+1 att) [Human bonus feat]
*Precise Strike (Cavalier Bonus Teamwork feat) Req: must flank with ally Eff: all flanking allies who have this feat deal an extra 1d6 precision damage with each successful attack.

Skills [8 ranks at L2]:
Climb 1 ranks, (+2 str), (+3 class skill) = +6 [-1 in half plate, +3 in Hide]
Diplomacy 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Intimidate 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Perception 1 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill), (+1/2 cav level, min +1) = +6
Ride 2 ranks, (+1 dex), (+3 class skill) = +6 [no ACP on Blister, otherwise, -2 in 1/2 plate +2 inHide]
Survival 2 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill) (+1/2 cav level to find food/shelter, min+1) = +6 (+7)

Resilient [+1 Fort saves]
Rich Parents [starting money=900 gp]

[900 gp starting money due to trait]
*= Gear of Choice
*Half Plate (+8 AC) (-7 ACP) (600gp)
Back-up Armor: Hide Armor (+4 AC) (15gp)
*Heavy Wooden Shield (+2 AC) (7gp) (ordinarily used but not always- strapped on back if not)
Greatsword +5 att/2d6+3, 19-20/X2 (50gp) (strapped across his back when not in use, under the shield)
*Flail +5 att/1d8+2, X2, Disarm, Trip (8gp)
2 Handaxes, +4 att/1d6+2, X3 (6gp) (used as missiles mostly)
Short Sword +4 att/1d6+2, 19-20/X2 (10gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Hammer (the tool kind not the weapon kind) (5sp)
4 Days' Trail Rations (2gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Whetstone (2cp)
10gp 4 sp 8 cp remaining money

Mount - "Blister", Light Horse (Palomino)
*Fancy* Studded Leather Barding (130 gp, +3 AC)
*Ornate* Military Saddle (40 gp)
*Heavy Duty* Bit & Bridle (4gp)
*Tricked Out Fancy* Saddlebags (8gp)


First Post
OOC - The bridge is of stone construction.

IC - As the planning progresses, Tiko(highest intellect of the group) gets the idea that Janiven really has no clue when it comes to planning this rescue. She might be good at instinctual melee combat but when it comes to planning an operation, she's not at her best.

"Sadly, I have not the skill to damage the bridge, however, if it is wooden construction, damaging it should be the work of a few short hours. Making it appear to still be passable presents a thornier problem. Also, if it is stone, then we will almost surely need wizardry to conceal the damage. As to separating the hellknights, tell me -- do these hellknights separate themselves into specific Orders, the way we Cavaliers do? If so, perhaps we could research a way to insult one or two specific orders of hellknights."

[sblock=Dru Xorik, Cav2, sheet]
Drulox ("Dru") Xorik, Human, Order of the Dragon Cavalier L2, age: 20
Align: C/G Deity: Sarenrae
S15 +2mod = [13(3pts) +2 racial adj. (human)]
D13 +1 mod = (3pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
I 11 +0 mod = (1pt)
W12 +1 mod = (2pts)
C13 +1 mod = (3pts)
Total = 15 pts

HP: 24 [10+1Con+1FC+10+1Con+1FC]
AC: 20 [10base+8Half Plate+2HvyShield+0dex(armor)] [in Hide+Shld: AC 17, FF 16, T 11]
FF: 20 T: 10
(W/O shield - AC: 18, FF: 18, T: 10)
BAB: +2, CMB: +4, CMD: 15
Hero Points: 1

Fort: +5 = +3[class]+1[ability]+1[trait]
Ref: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]
Will: +1 = +0[class]+1[ability]

Cavalier Class and Order of the Dragon Features:
*Challenge 1/day ) [allies gain +1 to att subject whenever Dru threatens subject]
*Perception and Survival added to class skills. [When use Survival to find food and water or protect from weather, gain bonus = 1/2 cav level, min +1]
*Tactician - Precise Strike Teamwork Feat -- By spending 1 standard action, Dru can grant his teamwork feat, Precise Strike, to all allies w/in 30 feet who can see and hear him. Feat grants to each flanking ally +1d6 damage against flanked opponent.
*Aid Allies - adjacent ally receives a +3 bonus to his Armor Class, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check

*Weapon Focus, Greatsword (+1 att) [Reg. feat]
*Weapon Focus, Flail (+1 att) [Human bonus feat]
*Precise Strike (Cavalier Bonus Teamwork feat) Req: must flank with ally Eff: all flanking allies who have this feat deal an extra 1d6 precision damage with each successful attack.

Skills [8 ranks at L2]:
Climb 1 ranks, (+2 str), (+3 class skill) = +6 [-1 in half plate, +3 in Hide]
Diplomacy 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Intimidate 1 ranks, (+1 cha), (+3 class skill) = +5
Perception 1 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill), (+1/2 cav level, min +1) = +6
Ride 2 ranks, (+1 dex), (+3 class skill) = +6 [no ACP on Blister, otherwise, -2 in 1/2 plate +2 inHide]
Survival 2 ranks, (+1 wis), (+3 class skill) (+1/2 cav level to find food/shelter, min+1) = +6 (+7)

Resilient [+1 Fort saves]
Rich Parents [starting money=900 gp]

[900 gp starting money due to trait]
*= Gear of Choice
*Half Plate (+8 AC) (-7 ACP) (600gp)
Back-up Armor: Hide Armor (+4 AC) (15gp)
*Heavy Wooden Shield (+2 AC) (7gp) (ordinarily used but not always- strapped on back if not)
Greatsword +5 att/2d6+3, 19-20/X2 (50gp) (strapped across his back when not in use, under the shield)
*Flail +5 att/1d8+2, X2, Disarm, Trip (8gp)
2 Handaxes, +4 att/1d6+2, X3 (6gp) (used as missiles mostly)
Short Sword +4 att/1d6+2, 19-20/X2 (10gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Hammer (the tool kind not the weapon kind) (5sp)
4 Days' Trail Rations (2gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Whetstone (2cp)
10gp 4 sp 8 cp remaining money

Mount - "Blister", Light Horse (Palomino)
*Fancy* Studded Leather Barding (130 gp, +3 AC)
*Ornate* Military Saddle (40 gp)
*Heavy Duty* Bit & Bridle (4gp)
*Tricked Out Fancy* Saddlebags (8gp)


Suzume stares at the map and listens to the comments with interest. "Maybe we think too hard. We should keep this simple. Once the swords start swings the plans will matter little. Let's just go out and find a good place to hide and let them ride past. This brave folk with attack and if they fall back with the prisoner we'll attack and free him best we can." He looks some more. "Can we get some axes? A felled tree or two will help us block the road and we might need them to get the prisoner out of his cage."

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