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MnM Cyberpunk Game "Digital Seed" OOC Thread

Evil Ujio

First Post
you can get by with D20 Modern if you wish to play, I don't see anything wrong with idea, other then you need to explain how enhanced and how to blance that for a 1st level character, other then that I like it :)

D20 Future has some equipment you may want eventually and nice feats, so I reccomend it, but considering your concept, I can help you with that; and once you get your book you can go from there.

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Evil Ujio

First Post
Notable Corporate Entities

Vanguard Secure Computing (VSC): One of the most powerful entities on the globe, and perhaps the largest supplier of artificial intelligence systems, androids, and cybernetic implants have catapulted the megacorporation into a powerful world entity, with offices in every major city around the world. It supplies its own security force; employs millions of employees worldwide, and spent billions in worldwide reconstruction.

But VSC is also neck deep in military grade weapons development, full conversion cyborg research, and several other projects nestled deep within its organization. VSC is on the public face, a benefactor of the world, but at its core it is a powerful conglomerate that is focused on one thing, making money, gaining power, and outright control. Anyone that gets in their way is crushed, either figuratively or literally. VSC works closely with local governments and often grants them lucrative contracts in exchange for certain rights and favors.

Magog Genome Inc.: One of the leading genetics firms in the world, it was Magog that produced the first moreaus, followed quickly by franks. Magog Genome Inc. is primarily located in Europe, but recently started opening offices in the United States and in the Orient as well. Although moreaus were primarily a European occurrence they have become more common in the rest of the world thanks to the companies newfound successes in the new markets.

Te recent Sentient Freedom Act though has put a clinch on many of their operations, essentially stating that any sentient not of mechanical origin should be afforded certain rights, although actual enforcement of this world edict is spotty at best the United States along with allied nations make it a standpoint to uphold this edict within their national borders, though moreaus and franks are often considered second class citizens by the public at large.

Still Magog Genome Inc. produces the synthetics for a hungry public as entertainers, specialty workers, and soldiers. They have few scruples who they sell too, and a blossoming black market for synthetics is big business as well, one that Magog may or may not indulge depending on the source.

Centurion Robotics: One of the primary producers of mobilized hardware in the world, this Korean based firm took the world by storm with the introduction of their Mobile Mechanized Assault Frames, essentially powered suits of armor for use in military operations. Centurion Robotics also develops non-military grade frames as well; although they don’t limit themselves to just mobile frames. Centurion Robotics builds vehicles, construction equipment, and aircraft through various subsidiaries both at home and abroad. Nearly 70% of all motorized vehicles and aircraft built worldwide are via Centurion Robotics or its subsidiaries.
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Evil Ujio

First Post
Century City

Century City lies on the ruins of old San Francisco; towering glistening glass towers of the true powers of the city and the region reign over the city, at the heart of the city is the VSC tower; although it appears to be more like a man-made mountain then simply a tower, dominating the Century City skyline with its wealth and power.

The city was built incredibly fast thanks to tireless android workers donated by VSC, synthetic beings sold into civil service by Magog Genome Inc, and the United States Government as a monument to the American Spirit to never give up, even in the face of disaster.

Despite the altruistic beginnings of the city, Century City is a haven for corruption behind the clean façade. It is a true city of tomorrow, everything is computerized and integrated; despite the high volume of occupancy, most people live in relative comfort, or so the brochures would have you believe. The comfort comes at a price, that price some would say is your soul as you insinuate yourself into the system and become part of the soulless machine that runs Century City; the megacoporations, crime syndicates, and information brokers that cut deals in their high rise castles that play out in the streets in a day to day game of cat and mouse…

Century City is divided into districts, it is generally considered to be about four districts of any mention…

The Core

“The Core” is the most influential sector of the city, where all the power players maintain posh and lofty corporate structures to their wealth and prestige; it is clean and almost idyllic in its appearance. A constant security presence by the city police via remote security drones and airborne units keep the district a dangerous place for shadow operatives, and is often avoided. But it is well understood that the biggest jobs come from this district, and the most lucrative contracts often mean stabbing deep into The Core; wealth and prestige await any shadow operative that can pull the job off; but more often then not it is simply a gilded grave for those who couldn’t measure up.

The Core is actually a large sector of Century City, and is best described by glass and steel high rises ringing the VSC Tower that dominates the Century City skyline; The Core is more then just a commercial district, several affluent homes are located in the Core along with businesses that cater to the rich and powerful; or those who only wish they were such. It is no secret that the Brass Orchid Triad maintains a headquarters in the Core. The Core is the place to be for a mover and shaker, and most jobs for shadow operatives come from the Core…

Water Margin District

This colorfully named district is a hodgepodge of Asian motifs; many of them are refugees who fled the collapse of China, while others have come to the United States as employees of some of the larger corporations in Century City. The district is filled with Asian flavor, and it is also a haven for the criminal syndicate known as the Brass Orchid Triad; despite the distinctly Chinese origins of the name of the district there are large Japanese and Korean communities in this district that overlooks the bay of the city. As far as districts go, it is one of the smaller ones, but equally influential in that there is a booming business of black market operations. If you can buy anywhere on the open market anywhere in the world, it can be found in the Water Margin District.

This area is also popular with tourists, because of the distinctive style of the region, many of the inhabitants maintain their cultural ties even so far from their ancestral homes, and are proud of their heritages. The Brass Orchid is the main power in the Water Margin District but recent influx of Yakuza crime bosses have created a deadly turf war that could well turn the whole district if not the whole city into a bloody war zone. Thankfully both groups have not acted outside of propriety and rely on clandestine hits and assaults, but only time will tell if this self enforced cold war will stay civil or if things will escalate to outright warfare. This is often a favorite area for shadow operatives to congregate either for gathering much needed supplies for missions or perhaps to find employment for the numerous crime bosses or the Brass Orchid if they are so inclined.

The Gray City

The Gray City is aptly named because it houses the remnants of the older city that existed before the creation of Century City. The Gray City is perhaps the largest district in the city, and is only in name a district; because the Gray City is essentially any impoverished neighborhood that dots the beautiful City of Tomorrow. The Gray City is not a shanty town nightmare, but it is a gray zone of concrete and steel, where life continues on in a semblance of passion, where the only hope a resident has is perhaps surviving long enough to exploit his neighbors to make a better lot for himself in Century City.

Crime runs rampant in the Gray City; the police presence is prevalent via AI Security Enforcement Androids to provide 24 hour security. It is rare to see a flesh and blood police officer, and response to criminal activity is often lethal and final. But crime is still rampant because for many in the Gray City, it is only the avenue of upward mobility, either that or perhaps trying to crack the system and join a corporate entity, but that path is often barred to most residents of the Gray City, but not unheard of for the truly ambitious, vindictive, and opportunistic of its residents.

The Gray City has all the modern conveniences of the age, except hope. The residents look up from their concrete cells to the Core and its lofty high rises of grandeur and wealth, gleaming in the skyline as a beacon of everything they do not have. This is the primary stopping grounds of the shadow operatives, who can operate amidst the masses with virtual anonymity, few rules are enforced in the Gray City, and there is little love for the authority. These shadow operatives are like local heroes to many residents, despite the irony that many work for the very same corporate machine that grinds the residents through its teeth.

The Burbs

On the outskirts of Century City several idyllic communities have cropped up as many corporate suits seek sanctuary outside the city in man-made paradises of security and beauty that many city dwellers simply call the burbs. The burbs seem like the perfect community, green trees line the streets, families live in beautiful copy-cat houses with fences and a dog. But beneath the veneer are the constant corporate security presence, commercialization of education, and a loss of identity.

To live in the burbs is to be an asset to a corporate entity, to give up your freedom and become just another cog in the machine, and to know that your families are simply cogs as well waiting to be exploited for profit. But for this gilded cage of slavery comes comfort, safety, and the relative knowledge that there will be a better tomorrow for yourself and your children.

The burbs are the refuge for many of the elite, but even this refuge is but an illusion. Crime is almost unheard of in these areas because it never goes public. Often many youths from these affluent neighborhoods descend on the Gray City like a virus and wreak havoc on the lower classes, only to retreat to the safety of their burbs avoiding any censure or repercussions. These same youths commit vandalism in the burbs if caught are returned to their homes and their parents are censured, causing a downhill ripple of loyalty, discipline, and obedience. The worst thing that can happen to a corporate employee is expulsion from the burbs; from security, safety, and affluence into the soulless world that will eat them alive and never look back.

For shadow operatives the burbs can be a haven as well, a dangerous game but one with rich rewards. The burbs are often a meeting place as well between a prospective employer and shadow operative; though rare it has been known to happen. But the burbs are important because if a hit is put out on a corporate you can bet the path will lead back to a burb…
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Evil Ujio

First Post
As an aside any character interested in cybering up their character with implants or the like I highly Reccomend, OGL Cybernet; D20 Future falls flat in this regard with very choices... so if any character wishes to cyborg out, let me know and I will work with you to get what you want... within reason :)

Super Girl

First Post
Ky Prima

Evil Ujio, I have an idea for a character, but I am not sure if she fits into the setting well enough, if your willing to have me, tell me what you think of her.

Kylara Prima
Family, Order, Freedom 

Law Enforcement:(Officer Cadet)
Skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (Tactics)
Feat: Personal Fire Arms Proficiency

Fast Hero

Str:	10 +0      Level: 1		XP: 0
Dex:	16 +3      BAB: +0		HP: 9
Con:	12 +1      Grapple: +0     
Int:	12 +1      Speed: 30'      
Wis:	10 +0      Init: +3        
Cha:	14 +2      ACP: 5         

                   Total	Armor	Dex  Size	Nat.  Misc.  Base
Armor:          	16    	0    	+3    +0	+0   	+0     +3
Touch: 	16
Flatfooted: 	13

          Base	Mod	Total
Fort:       0	+1  	+1
Ref:        1	+3	+4
Will:       0	+0	+0

Armor		Bonus		Max Dex.	ACP	ASF   	Weight

Weapon   	Attack		Damage	Critical	Range		Weight	Ammo

Languages: English, Japanese

Talents: Evasion

Feats: Light Armor Proficiency, Personal Firearm Proficiency,
Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapon Proficiency

Skill Points: 24    Max Ranks: 4
Skills                  	Ability 	Ranks 	Modifier	Total
Computer Use (CC)	Int.		2(4)		+3		+3
Diplomacy		Cha.		4(4)		+6		+6
Hide			Dex.		4(4)		+7		+7
Knowledge (Tactics)	Int.		3(3)		+4		+4
Move Silently		Dex.		4(4)		+7		+7
Profession (Soldier)	Wis.		1(1)		+1		+1
Tumble		Dex.		4(4)		+7		+7

Equipment:                	Weight:

Total Weight:

           		Light		Medium	Heavy
Weight:	33 lbs		66 lbs		100 lbs   

Age: 19 years
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 103 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

Ky's mother is Japanese, and that is where she draws a lot of her appearance from. She has soft black hair that she keeps neat and tidy with a pony tail falling to the nape of her neck. She also has sparkling green eyes that almost seem to have a light of their own. Ky has always been very athletic, and her time at the academy has only made her more fit. While not terribly strong she is very agile.

Kylara Prima, Ky to her friends is the heir to the Prima shipping empire that contracts to move goods and cargo from one point on Earth to another. The company is pretty well known in the business world, and its reputation is for on time delivery regardless of the circumstances. It also holds another reputation, that of supporting the United States Government where other corporations do not, earning the friendship of the Government, friendship that has been put to use in securing a spot for Ky at a prestigious military academy. Ky could have gotten herself in, but family connections are always nice to have.

While attending her freshman year at the academy, disaster struck the family. A rival corporation, jealous of Prima Ltd. hired a mercenary group to ruin the influential business. The Talon’s as this group was called started hijacking Prima ships, kidnapping Prima management, and bombing Prima offices. All of this ruined the Prima family name, as no one would entrust their goods safety to the targets of such criminal acts. It bankrupted the family, and Ky was asked to resign before she became a target and the other Cadets were injured in a bombing. It was incredible, in the course of 6 months the family had gone from the height of power to struggling to survive the attacks. They lost their family lands, as well as a great deal besides. Now that Ky has been discharged, she is stuck in Century City trying to figure out what to do now that the path she wanted in life, the path of an Officer is blocked from her.


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Super Girl

First Post
I don't have Cybernet, but I was hoping to add a light dusting of Cyber to help her out, the type of stuff that would be used in the military for officers: sense-ware, or some headware programs/databases.

Evil Ujio

First Post
just give me some specifics and will come up with some prices for you... like do you want advanced vision and stuff? Onboard computer? Any frame reinforcement... just give me an idea and I will see if you can afford it :)
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