D&D 5E Monster Builder's Guide

Inspired by another month-old debate elsewhere:

If 5th edition had a robust, complex system for building and rebuilding monsters, and existing monsters clearly fit into the system - but the system was not in the Monster Manual:

a) would you be upset?

b) would you purchase a future volume containing the robust system?

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a. No. (as long as it is very well made)
b. I would buy that one in place of a monster manual. (as long as it is very well made)


First Post
If someone make reverse engineering on monsters to determine the "right" numbers, make me know. I have no time or patience for it, but I would love to have the rules :)


I really hope its in the MM for building monsters on the fly. Would I buy something specifically for the math? Doubt it. Too many smart people around here that will reverse engineer that puppy.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
a. No.
b. No.

Who'd get upset? You'd use it or you wouldn't. I probably wouldn't.
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I'd probably buy it. I love those types of books or options. Mix and match....build and add. One of my favorite games was Star Wars d6 (the old West End Games version). I loved the starship building stuff. I even made my own complete manual of ways to build or modify starships to expand the rules that they published.


I rarely make my own monsters. If I need something particular, I usually reskin something else and make a few modifications.

I would, however, love a savage species type book or like the pathfinder racial guide. For 5E, I want Rakasta, Giff, and Hengyokai for my home brew world (Warforged and Dragonborn are already in).


Super KY
I just can't imagine that fifth edition monsters will be very complex mathematically. So I don't think it will matter much one way or the other.


I just can't imagine that fifth edition monsters will be very complex mathematically. So I don't think it will matter much one way or the other.

That's true. As it is now, it is really easy to make monsters impromptu. Actually, because of bounded accuracy, monster design is actually more forgiving (as long as the custom monster stays within the bounds....lower AC and to hit than past editions).


First Post
A) Does "I wouldn't buy 5E period" count as upset? I simply don't have time in my RPG life for a system that forces me to make things up without any guidance. I'm not about to rely on a monster book and some designer's idea of appropriate monsters for my games. I wouldn't really be upset but if that item isn't available I won't buy the game.
B) Yes, if it exists somewhere then the game becomes a purchasable product.

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