D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded III HARDCOVER/PoD is FINALLY OUT! Get it now from the DM's Guild!

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DM's Guild Author
Monster Manual Expanded III Art Previews #37: As promised, sharing some beholders today. Two are beholderkins while's one a construct. The 2E classic Gorbel, the Eye of Gulguthra (a beholder-otyugh hybrid), and the Clockwork Beholder!

Beholder - Gorbel.png
Beholder - Eye of Gulguthra.png
Beholder - Clockwork.png


Monster Talents II is just around the corner so I'd like to share a preview of its interior art work. This is just Part 1 though. I'll share Part 2 tomorrow and Part 3 soon after. The reason I'm showing them here is because it also serves as a preview for Monster Manual Expanded III as they'll definitely be used again there (each will have their own stat block). Interestingly enough, what you see here and the ones in Part 2 and 3 are ones that missed the cut for MME 2. Credits to Bad Moon Art Studio for the artwork.

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whew the last one looks nasty, what is it?

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